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Noah Salazar.5430

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Everything posted by Noah Salazar.5430

  1. You're missing the point. Obviously you take it for Aim-Assisted Rocket as toolbelt CD triggering it
  2. pls buff it by +1s, 3s is not inaf to hide/escape from enemy or to get close it destroing my whole gameplay, and fun coming from it or make it 5s with 120-150s cd if you need, but 3s feels crap as solo roamer
  3. i started after pof, but my most welcome memories was when i still got my quickness on pvp/wvw scrapper 😪 it's not even personal quickness now, thay replaced it for might and fury insted and now thay will joink take it from me as well by moving it to blasting finishers😓 at last thay not made gyros stationary, like omg
  4. i prefer target enemies/boss while staying behinde as qheal scrapper, targeting allies will mostly turn me off boss if ally decide to move left/right, making my blaster to cancel cast for rest of team, you can also disable target, and that way position your heling to allies
  5. do qheal scrapper on pve need range nerf?
  6. yep you not supoust to do both boons at same time aoe it's boonhealer+boondps+3dps until you mean class but per elit specs
  7. his actualy need a way to apply fury as No scope is dps traitline, and changing any utylity skill on qheal is too punishing, just to take rifle turret
  8. Hi becase scrapper quickness apply now on blasts insted of just using gyro skills ->as backup Plan B i sugest to decrest cd on thumper turret from 40s to 30s (in pve only) this skill have x2 blasts, and will help qdps a bit i wuld also sugest to add blast finisher to bypass coating as animation match to it
  9. @Lanfear De Noir.9127 np i will send you 100g, schould inaf for a while, if your f2p, you can claim them from mail once you buy game
  10. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Diminishing_returns the system is ther atm 🙄
  11. you should be able to date yourself or your evil clone 🤷‍♀️, how dare thay not puting that options ...
  12. thats what i said, it's not worth i get you want drop it by yourself, but by incresting drop rate, you will lower it's value for evryone else, making that meta even less profitable Keep also in mind, that to loot at first place you need buy keys or spend time by doing events, before that meta In short: This meta is popo, and bigger drop rate will make it even more popo At this point even leather farm at lake doric is more rewarding (12g per h)
  13. Thay schold add reward tracks like on drizwood, making it more interesing
  14. if your using 20-50lv scrols, thay only lv you up to 20-50lv, not "by" 20-50lv xD
  15. good said, your "simply" value your time, insted of "highly" your doing meta that is only 4-5g fishing is 5-6g (that takes up to 7min and you can do it by just parking alt) and box is 2-3g as bonus, (around 0-2 for whole meta) Why are you doing this meta in first place, insted of doing more valuable stuff to exchange gold for that boxes
  16. you can call hfb, or hqs to spam stability on you or aoe stun breaks, thers nothink that friendship can't defeat in group/squad content you usualy have 2 supports and 3dps per party, it's posible to organize thinks like in soo-won meta as commander/officer, if your not liking mixed squad
  17. @scout.9723 As chaotic good i judge you decision as right Remeber to using [Chill] [EXP] or caling for li, so lfg you puting will target ppl you want to come Otherwise it's like someone kick you from restaurant becasue no one said that you can't slurp a tea in that place
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