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Noah Salazar.5430

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Everything posted by Noah Salazar.5430

  1. The only thing i care is a way to provid fury to a team as qheal scraper by inventions/alchemy or scrapper itself
  2. at wvw you don't have smoke field from stealth gyro 🤓 = no blindness out of whirl/projectile
  3. i never had problem to fight against stealthy opponents tho your waiting till thay comite for kill, the more thay want kill you, the more open thay are
  4. i'm not talking about stealth tho, i want blind foes sneak gyro in wvw got 3 pulses, so you culd blind x3 times like smoke bomb
  5. How about making stealth gyro to blind foes x3 times on top of stealth? 3s of stealth at wvw is mehh, it's like hiding behinde your hends, while yeling "your not seeing me!"
  6. Gyros are Scrapper class mechanic Bulwar gyro+leap = daze Purge gyro F skill+leap/blast = aoe weakness Medic Gyro+leap/blast= aoe healing Shreder Gyro+F skill = aoe Vulnerability Blast Gyro+blas= aoe might you can blind mobs if you combine smoke field with whirl, but it's mehh
  7. then you wuld play with 5 dps, most classes can survive on thay own
  8. https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/2FF7-8298-9409-BC1D that may help also did you bought hot/pof/eod expansion before? how you was activating it before on steam? asuming you found code, you can also try put it here in game (as item): https://imgur.com/9liMO84 we normaly got option here: https://imgur.com/V7zcbNZ
  9. relic of pack no longer gives fury, so qheal scrapper is only healer in game, that can't provid fury to a team witchout huge sacrifice in pve to takes firearms for aoe fury, you need remove inventions (protection boon) or alchemy (might boon, 20% healing from med kit) rifle turret can give aoe fury, but to take rifle turret you need remove bulwark gyro (stab/projectile block), or blast gyro ( way to generate aoe might from blast/aoe stunbreak) or Elixir gun ( x3 hgh elixir skills), 5 condi cleanse, and 1 healing skill Please consider adding relic that gives aoe fury to make qheal scrapper viable in pve Other options are reworking Comback Cure to give fury insted of regen, some other way then condi cleanse or adding fury to Kinetic Accelerators like it is in pvp/wvw even addin fury just to blast gyro culd work
  10. use code you got after buying dlc, it schold be displayed on page you bought dlc if you missed it check your email
  11. what do you mean, you have 6 button no? it's count as heal skill
  12. Give qheal scrapper his fury back! 😪 Or at last give it to Kinetic Accelerators like it is in pvp/wvw changing comeback cure regen to fury also culd work
  13. qheal scrapper in need of way to apply it to team, as relic of pack gives only superspeed now taking riffle turret is too expensive as you need trade only way of stab or might generation as now qheal scrapper is only healer that can't provid fury
  14. For not inteligent ppl: it's like 7 runes now, but you can swap 7th rune("relict") like you want, that have old 6th rune effect
  15. cuz it's dlc, not expansion edit: what i mean, thers not alot to show
  16. use them to hire male sylvari stripter, good spended monay never brings regret but to be serios about your question, your gabling about 2 thinks 1. you will can get less mystic coins compare to before = price go up 2. you will can get similar amount, if not more mystic coins = price go down -> cons for sell you got information that you will can pick reward you want, so focusing only on mystic coins, propably will be secound option, wher you will can get more of them -> cons for keep but in same time thay reworkd login rewards to be more interactive insted of pasive, so even if you personaly will can get more of them, ppl that had 50-100 altaccounts, will get big L so overall ther can be less mystic coins on auction house compare to before, making that price up So my finansial advice is : Shorterm -> Sell now/1d before dlc, as ppl panic, making price up, asuming 2 option price will go down for a bit after confirming evrythink is ok after dlc Longterm -> keep it, cuz of chaning reward from pasive to interactive will make mc price up cuz of L all that ppl that had multiple accounts Whatever you do i take 5% profit share and foot picks, ty
  17. As Scrapper i need to say: First time?
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