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Everything posted by Cobrakon.3108

  1. I thought the same thing, but we both forgetting something -- Improv has a 20s ICD. So even if you reduce the Steal CD to 1s, you won't get a reset. :/ Point taken. It was my impression that improv had the cooldown added to help address things like daggerstorm resetting too early. Given most of the utilities in the 3 slots have natural cooldowns not much higher then this 20 seconds, it my opinion that removing that cooldown is warranted.I believe they should move the icd down to nothing or at least to the same time as steal reduced with trickery gm trait. I never much liked icd's that didnt play well with a traited reduced cool down with steal.
  2. Im going to be sick.... barf What greater goal is there than 1v1 balance. its the holy grail. Its everything that's desired... unless....................... we are borg we are one..... no I N D I V I D U A L I T Y. Comrad, what country do you come from? let us drink together in unison. Let us wear the same rock t shirt yes ... who wants to be able to lift a boulder by themselves... come.. pick up the boulder with me.... lets get back in line comrad... march march 1 2 3 1 2 3 march.... This is the only place i get my feathers ruffled... i love the rest of the game... but man some reason this ticks me off... i wont give in either .... let us all hope someday 1v1 is as balanced as it is in most shooters.... which are team games too that require strategy.
  3. I wouldn't want quaggan meat to drop either. Anything that talks shouldn't drop meat as a general rule of thumb... without getting into the dolphin debate.
  4. The Skyscale is the most amazing mount thus far. Make sure to fully level it up though. Here is an example of vertical abilities. Here is more of an example of horizontal abilities with some climbing. As cool as infinite flight sounds, I still think in this game its much better interacting with the terrain as shown in these videos.
  5. Also don't forget the skyscale endgame: Climbing!
  6. Quaggans are not only amphibious, but are great in the air as well!
  7. If it doesn't change anything but the performance then I'd say its safe. However, If it should in the future do something unintended like let you see past walls or something. Then I would remove it.... I can't see them perma banning people if like a weird bug happened with it that let you see behind walls or something. Honestly I think they would issue a warning and that's when you better jump ship. If they did banpeople for it, then we will form..... a super group to fight anet. OR maybe we wouldn't need to because it would be terrible publicity if they did that. So imo I think its safe to use as long as it does what it says. Its stupid to walk on all these eggshells. ... People have been using graphic enhancing mods for years... all this is doing is giving your cpu a boost in performance with this game.
  8. TLDR, but have you considered if the condi from the one prep+the knock down prep might make up for it? Lets say that all the number crunching shows that the chnages equals less condi damage, but perhaps the knockdown, which will be an interrupt, will make your condi hit harder simply because that prep might be a great tool to interrupt condi clenses/heals. Thats why i'm gonna reserve judgement even if it is less condi damage on paper. It wont effect me really though since I only play physical damage specs.Here's hoping for the best.
  9. Can you imagine if the port ability is greater than 5000 units? (5k being the range for mesmer portal)
  10. Exactly lol. Remember all the beating a dead horse responses to adding mounts to the game?
  11. You don't have control with the four winds boat, dragonfall airship, and cinematic scenes from the Kralk fight which is pretty fast sometimes. The Kralk fight movement you have no choice but to look away, whereas being a passenger on a mount would totally be optional. Lets also consider that you could have the option to not look while being a passenger but that would be one of the coolest parts. If it was still a concern, limit the mount to slower turns, etc.
  12. So all they would have to do is have you become the mount like usuall but with the passenger's skyscale and character model. Simple as that.
  13. on a 1v1 basis... then yes if you mean based on a high level team play then absolutely not.The worst balance is when its optimally balanced around high level TEAM PLAY. .. that is the worst balance ever. However, if its based on a focus for 1v1 , then hot damn.... light of the world beacon of hope, prophecy of encouragement, greatness personified, all that is holy in games, self determination, greatest thing ever, the promise land, the holy grail of gaming.
  14. With such a large range of character sizes you might think it would be impossible. I don't think so. There are multiple ways you could make it work. Characters of similar size can only share a skyscale mount. So don't allow asura and norns to shareAllow a tonic to be used that makes two people similar height and also keeps the aesthetic. Those with the tonic activated can ride a two seater. Or, when a person mounts the two seater it transforms them into an aesthetically pleasing and proportionally acceptable form. Use a mount skin which has a compartment that hides the characters or second character and avoid the whole proportion thing entirely. It just occurred to me the easiest way most likely would be to have the two seater mount owner turn into the skyscale and the other person ride it!! THIS WOULD BE AWESOME!!!!!!!!I am willing to pay the price of a whole xpac just for this feature.
  15. Congrats!Don't forget... there is a ton of climbing and exploring to be had ^^
  16. I know for sure walls are activated during the end meta, so that might of been what you ran into. You can of course work your way from the outside of the city on top of the barriers and then climb.
  17. The Nostalgia will probably wear off eventually. People are also going to burn through the content quicker because they know exactly what to do, rather than waiting for top guilds to establish the meta and have it trickle down slowly over months.
  18. Minstrel is S Tier. What other Legendary gives you the ability to single-handedly stop a bloodthirsty pack of WvW roamers with your sweet sweet toons?
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