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Everything posted by Omnicron.2467

  1. There is no confusion. They just didn't add template, they unhid the previous pve/pvp/wvw template.Before you had 3 hidden templates, one for pve, one of pvp, one for wvw. When they switched, they revealed all 3, but pvp doesn't have an equipment template, because we have the pvp interface instead. This is why there are 3 build templates and 2 equipment templates. The "third" one is the PVP amulet/rune/sigil panel. Guys, the only thing we got from this was the 6 account-bound build storage slots. Everything else was already ingame. Yes, exactly what I am saying, and the new system of doing it is more clunky at times since it saves any changes you make as part of the template e.g I needed to equip a staff for pvp and now staff is part of my Dragonhunter pve template for raids. Why does it save it? I thought the whole point of having templates is so you can swap to that build when you need it, but now it is saved with a frikken staff because I needed to use a equipment build slot for one pvp weapon so I need to equip a GS again when I swap to this template anyway, which misses the points of having a template. If it did not auto save every item you equipped it would help a LOT! One thing we did get in this patch is the option to buy more than we already had before the patch, which is why this feels like a blatant money grab
  2. OK if this is true it is even worse than I thought :( So you cant even play around with your build unless you save it on the account wide slot if you want to play around. I did not make any comments when it was suggested in the announcements because I found some of it confusing and wanted to see what the actual templates ended up being like. My massive disappointment with the way it was implemented is that we have not gained anything if you have a character which plays all three game modes. Before:If I go to the PVP arena, or into WvW or back into PVE my build would automatically change based on the setting I had when I was in those game modes Now:My build no longer automatically changes for my game mode and I need to use one of my templates to store my build for that game mode. I went into PVP today and my firebrand was now my Dragonhunter build from PVE instead of the bunker I had before. So apart from the equipment templates we have not really gained anything UNLESS WE PAY a lot of money for the extra slots we would need to further diversify our build in a given game mode. It feel very much like a blatant need to pay a lot of money before you can get advantage out of this design. I would have preferred that we still had distinct build for the different game modes, maybe even 3 free templates per game mode, per character. As others have said, the limit to two equipment slots also feels strange give the three trait slots, and I need to change Runes a lot on my guardian depending on the build, so it will be even more confusing what runes are now saves and when I need to swap EDIT: yup, changed my gear for PVP bunker build and it saved it over my DPS Dragonhunter build. The fact that it automatically makes changes to the saved template when you temporarily need to swap to another weapon removes some of the convenience big time
  3. Druid is very boring at the moment, it used to be a bit more dynamic, but I prefer playing other roles rather than druid forthat reason. Personally I would invest in Guardian, it is the first character I got legendary armour for since it is so many viable builds for end game pve and even wvw and PvP. Very rewarding and versatile profession
  4. If it was out of sync, the platforms that move into place will appear to pause for a second before moving into place - it'll be very obvious right at the first waiting point (sample). Simply leave the instance if you notice the broken animations, or adapt by knowing that what you see is a second or two ahead of the server, so you want to jump into the wall after the strike. Thanks for this I had the same issue 3 times today and i could not figure out why it worked the 4th time I jumped becasue it was not laggy at all, but I did notice that with the starting platform spawns, will try look our for that
  5. Did it recently, I saw there are still groups farming leather. Joined one and kept farming till the boss spawned
  6. Berserker is also fire based with sword/torch and longbow :)
  7. Didn't most of them get nerfed recently? Druid, Chrono, Scrapper, Daredevil all got changes which were nerfs. Reaper and Berserker got buffs (I think it was a buff?) But neither feel out of balance, neither does Dragon Hunter, Herald, or Tempest. So I would not need any of them
  8. Number 4 helped me when I realised it, but it also makes me care a lot less which is not good for the game mode
  9. I just experienced the changes for the first time today and I really dislike it. It feel like I need to make a specific build and team comp to clear this fractal without frustration. It promotes a challenge for doing it as a pug group who do not have tailor made builds for the new mechanics. I feel like people will want to start with this frac now so they can kick people who do not perform
  10. I took a very long time with my outfit voucher to decide if I wanted Raiment of the Lich or the Winter Monarch. Went with winter Monarch and after playing with it a bit I regretted my choice. Please but Raiment of the Lich in the Gemstore sooner than Haloween, I have a very cool idea for a Soulbeast look for it :)https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Raiment_of_the_Lich
  11. I have been seeing a lot of threads on people botting and farming pvp with accounts, just wondering how you spot them? I often have pvp matches where I feel I am playing with bots because there is no communication at all, even at the start you ask about close and there is no reply an you have 2 people going close and you just facepalm. But that could just be bad playing. So how can I tell if there is no player there?
  12. I cant rememebr if he has a CC bar, but there are poison jars lying around which you need to throw at him, does huge cc damage or stuns him outright. Anyway, doing this makes the fight really easy
  13. Does mystic forge count? I throw all the rare weapons I loot in there. Got three precursors in the last six months (shield, short bow, longbow)
  14. OK so disclaimer that I have not read this thread in terms of everyone's replies, but really, how can this thread be opened on day one of the races? Maybe practice a bit? get the races into muscle memory? I cant understand why you expect to get gold on your first try, that completely devalues the rewards. I am VERY happy with the times, they are achieveable but challenging. I practiced quite a bit today to get my first gold reward, and will try do one a day. But really they are fine.
  15. Yup! These are the permanent ones :) There are others on the HOT and LS4 maps but they move between locations
  16. I offered to send these to GW2 Efficiency for their gathering section, but never got a reply on the e-mail
  17. Thought I would share the location of the permanent nodes, they are on the wiki, but the pictures make it easier :) Amnoon Waypoint — [&BLsKAAA=] Temple of Kormir Waypoint — [&BEAKAAA=]Springer can be used to jump to the top of the mountain where the node is. Jump on a building to jump on the cloth up top. Destiny's Gorge Waypoint — [&BJMKAAA=]Up the ramp next to the WP, to get to the upper level. Brightwater Waypoint — [&BJEKAAA=]There are two nodes here, use nearby sand portal, and then use springer to get to first node, fly down with Griffon for 2nd node Bonestrand Waypoint — [&BNwKAAA=]There is a snad portal you need to jump through by the waterfall to get to the hidden chamber with the node Sand Jackal Run Waypoint — [&BHcKAAA=] Lair of the Forgotten Waypoint — [&BMEKAAA=] Necropolis Waypoint — [&BEoKAAA=]Right at the bottom of the crypts This one is easiest to reach using Spearmarshal's Plea to teleport nearby, but you can also travel from Market Ruins Waypoint — [&BHQKAAA=] Augury's Shadow Waypoint — [&BFMKAAA=]I skip this onw because it is only available when The Path to Ascension meta event is done after Defeat Branded Josso Essher in the Ascension Chamber.
  18. FYI I was referring to this build in my OP https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Scourge_-_Power_Scourge
  19. It is actually, there are lots of skills with decent enough power scaling. Even on hybrid scourges, at least 60% damage is direct damage, unless fights last very long where condies would obviously prevail. Power scourge probably has the best aoe burst at the moment, besides maybe reaper, but that's hard to execute since it's melee. The problem with it is that it lacks sustained damage after that burst and it has less corrupts and less sustain compared to hybrid. I certainly won't argue, but it's a bit swimming against the stream -meaning a bit tougher to make a great power build than a condition build. Nice to know it's viable and that there's room for diversity - often hard to find in this game, tbh. cough grieving stats coughgrieving = 0 defence though Carrion maybe?
  20. Hi! I was looking at a new class to play for WvW, was either going to go for Scourge or Spellbreaker.The thing is my spellbreaker already has full ascended gear, and I enjoy her, but there are some limitations I am not fond of (in terms of ranged combat when attacking or defending keep)The thing with Scourge for me is that I play Reaper for open world fun, and I have half ascended gear there already, and I would hate to get another ascended set just for WvW, but if power scourge could work with the same impact then that would be really great! So can someone please just let me know about the different strengths and weaknesses of power vs condi scourge?Thanks :)
  21. I got that mini recently, think it was with the Chinese New Year Festival I used a mini claim ticket to get it
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