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Posts posted by Kozumi.5816

  1. 1 hour ago, DragonSlayer.1087 said:

    they just need somebody who could do an actual balance patch and not just nerfs that only caters to one specific type of gameplay (cough boonball gvg cough). 

    the june patch is looking less and less and exciting. 

    That's their vision for WvW. Boonballs runniing around and steamrolling anyone not an organized boonball, only losing to bigger boonballs.

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  2. On 1/1/2022 at 9:22 PM, Vilin.8056 said:

    Sadly, this is exactly what a casual MMO means.

    Locking certain rewards behind a certain skill level only draws more complaints for a crowd who would never intend for skill based progression.

    Therefore grind and money shop became the preferable route by the majority.

    This game is not a good casual game at all. A casual could pick the wrong weapon, gear and traits then end up doing 1/100th the damage of someone who is playing optimally. They then join your DE map and contribute 0, or scale up all your events all over the world while contributing zero and being frustrated from constantly dying and unable to solo. This doesn't even get into the fact there's dodging and the games UI is outdated and doesn't display information cleanly, or properly at all.

    That's the opposite of a casual MMO.

    A good casual MMO is FF14, where you literally can't make a wrong decision when it comes to your characters build/gear and only mistakes with rotations.

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  3. On 5/10/2022 at 7:39 PM, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

    Serious question.  Do the devs have an intended playstyle in mind for the zerg ele?  I don't know what that would be.  

    Swapping to another class.

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  4. 8 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

    There are no interesting tactical fights when you force everyone into playing one way, stack 12 boons, 50 players on meta classes, stealth ball into other group. There are no interesting counters, there's no other interesting way to approach a fight, everyone does it the same way. The only interesting part of the fights left is where they take place.

    This is Anets vision. The vast majority do not like it and yet Anet seems to not care that they're making an entire game mode for a population that never gains players to replace the ones they're constantly losing.

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  5. On 5/10/2022 at 10:27 PM, Dagger.2035 said:

    This is awful.  It is difficult enough to produce downs and secure kills when pugs try to defend objectives from attacking boon blobs.  Most downs will be mass resurrected immediately.  Damage and mobility are the main advantages a pug cloud has over a boon blob.  You just need skilled players which can anticipate the blob's movements, free cast damage, and kite when necessary.  Nerfing the damage further gives the advantage to the side with numbers.


    I haven't heard any damage complaints recently on the forums, discord, or in the game.  Where did these nerfs come from?

    The < 100 players they talk to in a private discord that they balance the game around.

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  6. 4 hours ago, Rosiep.9128 said:

    If you'd ever played the class you'd know that the robot is good at tanking random trash that you're not attacking but it's not going to hold aggro vs a champion or elite unless it's somehow doing more damage than everyone else attacking it, at which point  you should be worried about your own damage. 

    Tanks dungeon and strike bosses for me, as well as everything OW perfectly fine.

    Nice assuming I don't play it! Gotta defend your op god mode spec!

    • Confused 6
  7. On 5/2/2022 at 8:30 PM, subversiontwo.7501 said:

    I don't think you get it.

    The blogpost from december has not come yet.

    The betas from the roadmap have not come.

    The qoutes are promises of things to come, that have not come.

    No one is asking for weekly updates. Assurances of updates to come, are themselves not updates.

    Next expac selling feature for the 3rd time!

    • Haha 1
  8. On 5/5/2022 at 9:02 AM, Sahne.6950 said:



    Everything Celestial

    Pocketguard ; Pocketscrapper; basicly any pockethealer



    anything with enough stealth+mobility to run away from the Condibunkers

    "what are you doing with your life" -tier:

    The rest.

    It's accurate, and a joke, The developers seem to love it, though.

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  9. On 4/30/2022 at 3:11 AM, Knighthonor.4061 said:

    I would love it if WvW had more layers of gameplay to it that wasn't only centered around zerg fights and organized groups.      

    Anets vision for WvW is 50 man private tag boon squads running all over so this will never happen. They think SPvP is there for people who want a smaller numbers PvP experience. 

    However, there are players who want something in between, yet all we get is 5v5 tryhard esports pvp  OR 50 man zergs, no in between. Same bs extremist mindset infesting every games design for the past 2 decades.

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    2 hours ago, iKeostuKen.2738 said:

    Fix the game mode first for the love of God. WvW should just have its own separate balance.

    It does, that's why it's terrible.

    If WvW had the SPvP gear system + balance, WvW would be tolerable.

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