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Posts posted by Kozumi.5816

  1. On 7/4/2022 at 12:12 PM, Xenesis.6389 said:

    Council from wvw, lmao, that would end up being guild leaders of zerg guilds and balancing around boon spam, which they already do.

    pvpers is a big lmao too, everyone not vallun is very biased 

    top end pvers also all want 1 shot entire raid if you dont play perfectly for 60m straight design


    These are the people you DONT talk to when designing a MMO. Too bad all MMO devs don't understand this, and it's why the genre is in the sad state it's currently in.

    Enjoy designing your game for 50 people I guess.

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  2. On 6/30/2022 at 6:46 AM, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    It would help if water had a damage trait option in grandmaster and every weapon had some damage in water attunement instead of just CC, cleansing, and healing.

    Why shouldn't going into water be good for healing, though?

    The issue is autoattacks and healing power scaling.

  3. On 7/2/2022 at 5:50 AM, Daddy.8125 said:

    this game, has gone further then this. we have reached a point there are LI builds existing.. that are so short in gap from optimised rotations, this has moved into a More degenerative style of gameplay. where the skill ceiling is rapidly losing value which means its no longer a build created for players who dont want to.. or cannot do optimised builds, to a its Not worth my time to use a optimised build. this is a dangerous situation to realistically stick yourself in, because it simply looks really bad from a outside point of view looking in on the game, because anyone looking for raid content or high end gameplay is simply going to be met with AFK Builds conquering the highest difficulties and its simply just going to look like some sorta Easy mode cash grab.

    This is the intended vision. They moved their cancelled mobile game devs to GW2.

    action combat game btw

    • Confused 1
  4. 15 hours ago, Einsof.1457 said:

    I can't get over the discord leaks. The only thing I can think of that will maybe help me move on (and quite a few other players that I know) is if Karl McLain came out and took responsibility, assured the community that going forward they will not allow bias to get in the way and lay out a path moving forward. It's completely unacceptable for devs design priority to be based on their own personal preferences, rather than what is best for the game and the players. That's gross incompetence. 

    This is what happens when you hire young college grads that you can pay cheap.

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  5. 3 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    Sticking the word "literally" in front of it doesn't make it true.  You may not like their class design or their game (I don't), but they have a bunch of classes that all do different things, they have trinity gameplay, and they have balance.  Much of that is a consequence of their locked-in system, which comes with pros and cons just as GW2's free-form system does (most notably trash balance).

    They don't. Class homogenizaton is that player bases #1 complaint.

    • Confused 1
  6. 23 hours ago, Mil.3562 said:

    This will be my last post in this forum. Nothing good here but news of nerfs after nerfs followed by empty corporate promises. This week, I have already cut down my play time by like 80% and I have been browsing through Steam looking for a less disappointing  game. After PoF, every thing just go South. Don't ask for my stuff, I am not quitting, yet. Will be playing lesser and definitely not a cash customer anymore. BYEEEE

    Anet has very clearly given up and is now just trying to make money and not make a good unique game with their own vision.

    Fractals, dungeons, etc were all COMPLETELY unique to the genre.

    Now look at strikes. Four square rooms with 2 difficulties all about playing musical chairs and simon says. EXACTLY like FF14.

    Enjoy FF14-lite I guess. If I wanted to play that trash heap of a "game",  I'd go play it.

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