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Posts posted by Kozumi.5816

  1. 58 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    I am glad that others find it interesting a d hope that ANet can monetize the heck out of it so that it merits further development for you....

    That's not how it works.

    Worse fishing than Stardew Valley which has an exactly 1 person dev team. Unacceptably bad.


    17 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

    as far as the activity of fishing is concerned it's not actually relaxing.

    This is  my biggest problem with it. These devs  make everything "gogogogo"


    •  Unrewarding,
    • Lacks QoL intentionally to sell it to us later 
    • Extremely bad UI
    • Too simple, no difficulty
    • There might as well be a single fish. If I catch an ascended or legendary fish I don't even notice because they all "feel" the same.
    • Fishing with another person is stressful and not relaxing. The slowest person holds up everyone. I can't AFK without unsyncing my pools with everyone else.
    • Like 2
  2. 19 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

     heals and cleanses among squads are among THE reasons why zergs run roughshod over everything in wvw and driving people out of the game.

    Yeah, and Anet is designing WvW for them. They're leaving/growing bored and being replaced by no one because the only people who like this games WvW design are already playing it.

    The game mode is just going to continue down this slow downward spiral until Anet wakes up and starts making a game more than 0.01% of mmo pvp players want. It doesn't have to be catering to the masses, but how about the MAJORITY of MMO pvpers? The player base this mode is for(mmo pvpers) doesn't want to touch it - that's a massive problem.

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  3. 7 hours ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

    I'm just going to say this: BOON SHARING NEEDS TO DISAPPEAR. NOW.

    That practically rewards the simple low-bar act of sticking together. It needs to go.

    Boon sharing is fine and adds teamwork. Boons need to be greatly reduced in power or duration(I'm talking -75% to either).

    A "major" defensive CD in other MMO's are ~20-30s duration on a 5 minute cooldown for 20-30% DR. In this game you have perma 33% DR, wtf?

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  4. 7 hours ago, Dahkeus.8243 said:

    The May 10th patch notes for changes, particularly as they affect WvW show that.  You may disagree with whether they meet the goals they state or whether their goals are good in the first place, but they have a philosophy behind their changes.

    Yes, their design is to have boon blobs running around beating all non-boon blob groups with ease and only losing to bigger boon blobs.

    Their vision for roaming is celestial bunkers fighting eachother for 3 hours and only dying when a 1 shot soulbeast randomly comes out of nowhere.

    You might as well remove players from the equation and turn WvW into some mobile autobattler, tbh.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Threather.9354 said:

    Their biggest issue is the fact that they make massive changes without follow-up adjustments. It is like they can only bothered with grandiose plans and once it is done, it is supposedly perfect.

    Yeah like resolution(formerly known as retaliation) and resistance. Revamped what they did and touched zero(?) skills that had them as boons.

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  6. 3 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    The story should be available in its entirety, not with a vital part missing.



    3 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    P.S. You don't have numbers to prove your claim about the majority of players hating LWS1. Most people I play with love having it back. The only thing that was disliked at the time "by the majority" was the waiting around for an event to happen or personally not being available at the event times, thus missing out on chapters of the story.

    LS1 is regarded as one of the biggest mistakes in MMO history. Even the devs regret the blunder that was LS1. It nearly killed this game.


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  7. 11 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    None of this changes the fact that no one should assume that specific business models would dictate how revenues are divided up into budgets like development. That's the problem we are talking about when people justify subs ... because they assume it would be 'better' for getting content or fixing bugs or whatever else they imagine the need is. 

    FF14 and WoW both are monthly sub games and both have MUCH better track records for consistent updates and bug fixes.

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  8. On 5/28/2022 at 6:22 PM, Hesione.9412 said:

    We had the DE meta - casual players versus players who want organised runs with sub squads and don't want casual players


    We now have:

    OS for the 2nd episode of LS1 - casual and/or PvE players versus WvW or PvP players


    Why keep forcing two sets of players to combine in the same area? Is this the new path for GW2?

    They think forcing different play style of players to play together will be a good idea.

    Not everyone in the sandbox wants to play with each other, Anet.


    On 5/29/2022 at 4:21 AM, Cuks.8241 said:

    You do understand this is not new content? Its LS1. 

    People want LS1. Anet gives LS1. People complain. 

    An extreme minority  wanted LS1. Anyone who played LS1 knows how much it sucked and didn't want it.

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  9. On 5/29/2022 at 4:18 AM, hugeboss.5432 said:

    It's good to see people still care about WvW, we just need anet to climb aboard and start focus caring for the best interest of the actual gamemode health again (and not economy reports). Build a fantastic game, focus developing great stuffs & keep it healthy for the communities, and the economy has a tendency to follow (not vice versa).


    Easier to sit in your private Discord echochamber and design the game for your 5 gvg guilds.

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  10. 7 hours ago, Malthurius.6870 said:

    This game would have been leagues better if the gem store didn't actually exist and we just had to pay a monthly fee

    It'd still have a cash shop on top of a monthly sub.

    The gem store isn't even the that lucrative compared to monthly sub games like WoW and FF14. It gets very few new items besides low effort mount skins / backpiece / glider / chair #126232662262.  We get, what, ONE outfit every 2 months? Maybe every month? Games like PSO2 add 4+ full skin sets every 2 weeks. Anet just doesn't put time, money, or resources into meaningful and unique rewards - this includes the cash shop.

    Seems to be working for them, though. They got the IDC/IDK Marvel movie loving crowd who just play a MMO for (bad) story and are eating up GW2 making tons of revenue. No reason to design for actual MMO players, anymore.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Dante.1508 said:

    You do realize the swiping credit cards is what pays the Devs and adds more content right, if no one did there would be no game at all.. The shareholders lose money the whole thing disappears.. or goes into maintenance mode like Guildwars 1..

    No, giving a company more money does not mean they put more resources and funding back into the game.

    Very naive to think this in 2022.

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  12. 12 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    I disagree.  Anet has the metrics to know what their target audience is.  Time and again, we see pretty much the same style of content, so those numbers must be telling them where they will make their most revenue.

    HoT was the most MMO expac and had the highest revenue GW2 has ever made.

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