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Everything posted by Alabastrum.9361

  1. Warrior is not always a sidenoder you can also teamfight depending on the build. I am aware that core warrior without elite spec weapons is not meta for either of those roles. The main problem you face as a core warrior is that it is hard or even impossible to find a build that would not be better if you go spellbreaker or berserker instead. On this note I want to mention that the power scaling for the core burst of axe and rifle are still a joke. Tier 3 axe burst still has a 2.0 power scaling because back in the nerf days the devs said this is the new highest power scaling we can give 4 years later and it is unchanged despite lots of power scalinga that exceed 2.0 onehanded and 1.89 2handed. Imagine tier 3 axe being 3.0 and tier 2 axe being 2.0 again. It would not even be overpowered in the game today. The axe burst is litteraly a slighty more dmging dagger burst with worse movement, blockable and not stealing boons... oh wait it does give you 1 stack of might so other players can corrupt it to put weakness on you. Imagine if they would buff core warrior burst.... but oh wait berserker has access to them too. Why did they need that again... was aegis and superspeed not enough? Btw decapitate also has 2.0 powerscaling and that is the prime burst of axe... uff. Sry for derailing the conversation but eviscerate and killshot definitely need buffs. I know wrong topic but I had to say it. Would also help in those matchups as you would threat to kill a willi with a full axe combo if itnhad 3.0. Evisceraten into cyclone axe axe throw would be enough to kill a willbender in 1.5 seconds or 1.25 seconds with quickness... yeah eviscerate is unaffected by quickness
  2. Thx for the heads up I was not aware of that. I have not been keeping up with all changes in the last half year or so. Wow introducing more dmg modifiers... welp
  3. As ppl have said already vs willbender you just kite and play it defensive till you see the opening for you to land a burst or a cc. As in every Aegis Blind matchup use your few multihit moves to get rid of either or both followed by your important skills to get openings. Keep in mind reckless doge, both hits of bladetrail and axe throw are great ways to get rid of blind or a block while you can already cast your next skill. Needless to say dagger and spellbreaker has a good matchup vs willbender. If you have secrets of obscure think about going dagger in games with lots of willys. Ranger can feel like an impossible matchup for your weapon combination as you need very strong plays to even get advantage which you need to even have a change for the win. [ deprecated thx Gotjjeken for pointing it out. Keep In mind that the HP lead in this matchup is more important than in any other matchup as ranger can run traits that benefit form being higher hp than their oponents like pet applies poison if it hits a target with lower relative hp than yours. ] Tbh if you wanna win vs ranger with core consider going hammer/greatsword or my personal favoueite core warrior build hammer axe/shield. With the latter you have plenty of burst dmg and more importantly plenty of cc to chew through all their stunbreaks. The good news is once you get the ranger bellow 50% while being above 50% health you are in command and as long as you dont mess up you can grind them down as Axe and GS get a lot more dmg now and you finally have kill pressure. To end things keep in mind that core warrior with axe/shield is not on the level of current meta builds not even the stronger hammer/ axe/shield build is quite there. Spellbreaker or berserker have more options and can push where you just hold on and hope for a mess up by the enemy. I love to see other play core power warrior, when it works its just the most fun to play in the entire game. PPS: If you are not already running stomp consider using it and learn to combo of it.
  4. The game is not about dmg nor about kills. Btw there is no kill stat its kill participation or assosts an kills combined (you can easily get top kills as support on occasion). I won plenty of games where my team did less dmg and had more deaths than the enemy team. Furthermore I saw plenty of "look at me I got top dmg and we still lost posers" who could not even be bothered to decap an enemy node that they passed by because they want to be in combat the entire game. They play selfish builds do not give a kitten about objectives or teamplay. They are that one teammate that you peel for that then abbondons you posthaste and flames you for dying (even though it would have been them dying if not for you and if they reengages we could have both lived...) The way you climb in ranked is playing at a consitent level that is better than the average level you ar up against. There are hours that are worse for playing games because you play against plat 2 even though you are only gold 3. These games you have a lot less of an Impact in. This can be a blessing or a curse, but ppl play to agressively and die a lot, in which case its bad and you will lose. If you want to lose less play later in the season where there is a bigger cap between the better and the worse players. The further in the season the better the rank in games will work as well. Wich brings us to the most unfair matches. Matches that contain 1 or more ppl that are just ranking in and are potentially masively under or overrated and will cause a game to be totaly onesided. These matches are almost as unfair as the matches where the "look at me I have top dmg" teamate afks because the first teamfight was lost. PS: Top stats are not useless but they also do not paint the whole picture. The guy with no top stars in your game could have been 2nd in dmg 2nd in def 2nd decap and 2nd in kill participation while the top dmg guy had no def points and no decap. So the no top stats player was more important to the game than the top dmg guy.
  5. There is actually another problem for the leaderboard. If person A was rank 250 with say 1500 then person B gets higher ranking than person A and takes their spot with say 1501. Should person B now drop bellow 1500 person A does not get back their spot. So if you are at the end of the list you have to play a game at the end of the season or you get scammed by the system. That is how you end up finishing a season with more points than top 250 enough games and no decay.
  6. Please stunned by, we will see what we can knock up to knock back daze pesky mood sinks. We will pull every register to lift up your mood. We assure you the float of CC will be over in a stunbreak.
  7. Like others have pointed out before you can swap or stow cancel burst that would miss to keep adrenaline. Sword is different as it imobilises kinda instant ofc. But I agree that you notice this especially in the team deathmatch or in duels. Warrior is kinda not even a proper class till you get at least one bar of adrenaline and even then you kinda need a burst hit to rly get you started. Sth that I rly dislike evet since thy made adrenaline drop so fast is how when you use a gain 30 adrenaline skill ooc you instantly have to use it or it will start depleting right away. At least let me have it for idk 5 sevonds before it drops or at least one full second. I mean I paied in utility cds for it kitten. This change would also help some PvE warriors so that might be a realisticone to hope for.
  8. You can look it up in the wiki. To reach rank 20 you need 54000 points. In unranked yiu gain 1500 per win and 500 per loss. With a winrate of 50% you gain an average of 1000 points per game. Therefore you need 54 games with a winrate of 50%. You can play 3-4 games an hour. So you need 13.5 to 18 hours of unranked to reach rank 20. Note that there are guild boost and other boosters to significantly speed up the process. PS: If you want to know what PvP is like unranked can give you a good hint at it already. If you find yourself not enjoying unranked it is unlikely (not impossible ofc) that you will like ranked.
  9. Try using stomp it is actually really good. Not brokenlevel good like shake it off but easily as good as bullscharge.
  10. I am only playing coee warrior and spb and the worst thing to fight is prop deadeye it forces me to go los imideately or risk it and all out engage. And when it comes to the problematic war specs the best way to get rid of one is to just fight them decap the node slowly then fight on white node till your team + you -> get kill or cap keep at least as spb you can last pretty long unless your timing happens to be off during a rotation. Scourge doea bad vs warrior in pvp dunno about wvw but in pvp any warrior even core warrior can win against scourge. Or I guess all the warrior with no passive stab generation and cleansing ire users. As with any neco you have to give up space at first to no stans in the AoE but eventually you grind them down and win. Condi builds that struggle to die are obv good vs almost anything thus also vs warrior. If at some point you cleanse at thr wrong time and now you lack one depth of cleanse and that torment/bleeding/burning is unlceanses you loose. All defense warriors with cleansing ire will rofl stomp any condi builds as long as they land bursts it is kinda free tbh. But when you fight vs condi and your burst are blinded blocked by aegis and evaded or outspaced then you will struggle against any build that has more than 2 cover condis. You still have mending disiclipne and the broken shake it off. Shake it off is a big problem here because it does too much of everything with too low of a cd but its the only instant condi remove that isnt weaponswap that you get on warrior as well. The signet is still not instant cast unless they unbeknownst to me fixed it. Lastly the current meta shows that aegis is just broken if there is too much of it. Maybe it is time for aegis to get the retaliation treatment?
  11. Wtf, 4 out of 6 physical skills are already super strong. Mending, rampage, bullscharge and stomp. To the ppl that say that stomp sends the ppl too far away. You can land stomp and just run after the target. The duration of the cc effect is 1.5 seconds. You can cast mending running after them and. Still get them with arcing slice before they can move. Do not forget that stomp is one of the few aoe cc options warrior has. Its pretty much stomp, earthshaker, rampage and technically mace 5. Therefore it is also a good option against inisible targets. Also with superspeed you are pretty much as fast as the ragdolls. Not to mention you get easy combos with axe burst, shield bash, bladetrail, axe throw, Hammer 3, linkt into hammer 4 or 5, Hammer 2 ofc, earthshaker, skullcrack ... etc. The list is pretty much every warrior skill ecept even GS5 and that says a lot. If stomp would send nowhere it would be a big nerf . No more moving downed bodies nomore sending ppl of elevations or towardas your teammates. Lastly if you want stomp to send nowhere then stomp ppl towards obstacles.
  12. Chain pulls like magebane or dh chain can pull regardless of evade. This has always been the case.
  13. There are different populations at different times and weekdays. Then population changes depending on holydays too. G3 level saturday evening vs tuesday evening is miles apart. Keep in mind that one can rank in at any point during a season. So you may face a veteran that lost jis first placement game and is currently silver. These factors should even out however and if you play enough games not matter at all. If you go on long loose streaks you might have to factor in that you get tired and tilted and you cant notice this in the moment necessarily. Next time record one of your games then quite and watch the replay another day. You might notice that you actualy played worse that you thought at the time. In the future coniser quiting the game and play on another day that way you might only have a 4 games lose streak.
  14. In my experience Banner of Tactics works well and has its own pros and cons over bullscharge. The 5 sec of Superspeed give you more mobility than bullscharge in a lot of situations and the pulsing resistance helps in a number of matchups. It is also a good tool to save teammates or counter shockauras from tempest in teamfights. Amazing for disengages and engages. Drawback cast time(1sec) and cd (30sec ) Also maybe consider playing berserker. For some reason they thought it was a good idea that berserker gets superspeed on entering and exiting berserker mode. On a sidenode. Stomp is one of the best utilities for warrior in the game. Before they buffed shake it off, for no reason whatsoever..., it was the single lowest cd stunbreak on warrior. (Shake it off should rly got the 30seccd baseline not 24 sec, anet is probably sponsored by taylor swift) Futhermore it has 1 stack of stab so you can escape or pass over any walls/rings. Any warrior skill combos off it. (1.5sec duration) Its one of the few AoE cc abilities that warrior has. On hit you get an extra stack of stab You can swap cancel it at any time It has a deceptively large range.
  15. Fair all I am saying is that you do have options aside from the heal buying you 4 seconds and normal endure pain. So time to kill on berserker is much longer than you would maybe expect. I had the marchup a lot when i was playing olfschool core warrior and having to close the distance and then quickly killing the berserker out of a teamight was pretty much impossible. For any single person it is extremely dangerous to engage and try to kill such a berserker on its own if you mess up you could easily find yourself at low hp behind enemy lines and berserker getting away with superspeed Like a lot of war build it is strong when it works out but sometimes you know its almost impossible to work based on the opponents comp alone. As for rifle berserker thief shuts it down like no other it badically can no longer participate when the enemy thief wont let it. Then again that is a problem a lot of power based warriors have and the reason a lot of us are playing spellbreaker instead. Spellbreaker always has some use even if you get outplayed. Oh I hate spellbreaker...
  16. Does berserker not offer a lot of defences after the lates buffa to it. You get superspeed on every primal burst you can saw out of berserker mode at will you get discount endure pain on entering and exiting and you can even have a discount heal skill too if you want. Ofc you lose abit of dmg but you dont give up a lot much like these other classes you think about.
  17. Here is the thing "Acid bomb" is a problem and needs to be fixed. Lets start at what acid bomb does. 1. There is no aoe indicator for opponents. 2. The tooltip doesn't reflect the dmg it does asnit uses an outdated notation describing its effect. 3. It can be canceld almost instantly reducing its cast time to something negligable and only losing the movement. 4. Its overloaded doing this much dmg being an explosion finisher and a fast movement skill and it is unblockable kinda like necro wells 5. Its cooldown is so low that when using the trait for extender duration you have an almost 100% uptime on the thing. Now here are some differences between 100 blades and acid bomb. 100 blades is a channel that means you can only do things at instant speed while casting it Acid bomb however is an aoe an you can cast anything you want during its effect. 100 blades has less of an aoe effect than acid bomb. Acid bomb is circular 100 blades is a cone. Although for both skills have its effect startet at your characters position warrior needs to stay place engineer does not. 100 blades does the dmg quicker but overall acid bomb and 100 blades have similar dmg. If 100 blades is canceled it does no longer do dmg. 100blades has its strongest tick be its very last one while acid bomb has linear dmg Now the only redeeming factor. 100 blade is a weapon skill on a good weapon while acid bomb is in a bundle on a utility slot. And utility slots are highly contested on any class. At the same time its annoying to swap to elixir gun and back to cast it as weapon swaps mess up the way skills are buffered/queued up in gw2 making it a pain when the game lags. Acid bomb is the kind of skill that could be a utility skill on its own. However there are some parts of it that desperatly need fixing. Like aoe indicator for oponents aside for 2 orr like swamp explosions at the start and somwhere near the end ther is no effect for it mind you. As well as reworking the tooltip for the skill so ppl realise that it does more dmg than necromancer wells is sth that need to happen. The funny thing its that your point is about single skills doing to much dmg in teamfight by randomly throwing them out when acis bomb could easily rack up 100k dmg in a rando teamfights and as you pointed out it exeptional for cleaving downstate and rezing players. It is unblockable.by default btw. Befor you point it out if you stand outside the teamfight an use it it will most likely do no dmg but if you 100 blades next to the teamfight for full duration you also do 0 dmg but this would be equivalent to self stunning yourself for 2.5 seconds.
  18. On the topic of cc. How do you guys feel about fear and taunt? As they are both hard cc and conditions they also get counterded by both. Say a necromancers fears me and I was not feared before. I can now use a conditioncleanse with depth1 imediately as in this moment fear is on top of the stack and i will be free. In PvP any class can escape fear like this by using the cleanse sigil. In addition to that resistance also disables them. taunt on the other hand still messes up a lot of stunbreaks as they refuse to work depending on some abscure timing. Should fear and taunt be turned into real hard cc effects? This would reduce the amount of individual conditions in the game and make them more predictable for the users.
  19. Idk about vindicator but reckless dodge does not prevent you from rolling while dazed. It should also still have its effect as the "skill" is an instant cast skill if you will and you can use those while hard cced. If you are dazed and imobilized you cant dodge because of immob. Spellbreaker has an adept trait "no escape" that imobilises opponents that are getting dazed by spb for 1 sec. The special dodges have a weird thing going on where you can start your dodge and get cced at the same time resulting in you dodging while cced. Although you still get launched knocked back/down you evade.
  20. On the other hand you could run mace shield and Hammer then use bullscharge stomp and rampage too you could link cc for crazy amount of times. It should be possible to chain cc for at least over 20 sec. Once you pass 24 sec utility, backbreaker shield etc comes off cd. it would be interesting to see if you could manage an infinite if you used that like kick or if you do not even need that. If you run berserker it is very likely that you can infinite. If we add back the old unnerfed dmg numbers to cc abilities and limit each weapon to 1 cc max warrior might come out stronger than before. Imagine bullscharge doing 5k dmg no cc that would be sick and more scarry than it is now. A 1 sec imunity is bs. You already lose your 4 sec knockdown because some random teammate decided to use a 1/4 sec daze on your target. I do not get a 1 sec dmg imunity after getting hit by 5k dmg I do not get a 1 sec condition imunity after getting hit by the 5th condition in a row. Aegis does not fail to work after blocking 2 hits for 1 sec on the same target. I do not become unnblindable after missing 3 hit in a row. Stealth doesnt reveal you when you try to extend its duration. Etc.
  21. A daze does still allow you to kite and dodge. Even while ccd you still have access to traits and instant cast options. And some allies can even stunbreak for you. In this game we have dodge rolls that evade for 3/4 sec. And if you do it right you can link these into other evades and or invulns or blocks. There are instant cast blinds and dazes or even weakness that work well even when your about to get hit or already are hit and ofc stunbreaks. Let us think of a situation where someone has 3 cc abilities. Warrior using shield, bullscharge and stomp (doubles as stunbreak but lets ignore that) that means we have roughly 3 ccs every 24 sec. Bullscharge has 900 range the others have 450 and arround 500. All of them have 3/4 sec cast time. The first struggle is now to land a cc in the first place. For that you need setup and "frame traps" in other words you use skills that your opponent wants to dodge(Iincluding other cc ofc) then you can try punishing the dodge by placing cc at the end witch almost guarantees for them to have to burn a resource (block ,extra evade, instant reaction) even if you land the hit there is no dmg on your opponent yet. The opponent has now a good 0.5 or 0.3 sec to decide if stunbreaking is worth it. After wich he can pop another resource or dodge even. Depending on the stunbreak this is not necessary and he could also daze you with a quicker skill on wakeup. So not only do you need to get that cc hit to land wich in todays meta is increasingly more difficult, lets not even think about all the field effects and dmg you could run into while trying. Example you will find it difficult to follow up in all kinds of wells chaos storms blind fields etc. But getting the cc hit is meaningless as long as your opponent has stunbreaks. So most ppl know that the first 3-4 cc they land in a duel are usually meaningless and you frontload your dmg cause you never ever will get the 2 sec or even 3 sec stun. Your lucky if they are too slow and you get that one free hit. So now that you landed your 5th promissing cc you now finally get a full duration. Now for the firs time you get to actually freecast you go for the max dmg combo hoping they have nothing left. Dmg is subpar so you sacrifice 3/4+ on every dodge to chain it in your others trying your best do get as much hits in so you can secure the kill. Then you get cc ed by the pet... Even if not its no guaranteed that you get a kill on say necro or ele or guardian or warrior or ranger or shroud thief. But if they were close to 50% hp you probably kill them. But if you had skills that did 4k dmg instead of ccs you would have won a long time ago by that point in terms of offense. 3x4k -> 12k dmg. I realise this might confuse ppl so i try to explain. 3 stuns every 24 sec that is 3 chances for a hit every 24 sec. Opponent runs 2 stunbreaks one every 24 sec one about 40-50 sec range. So in your first 55 sec you deal with up to 5 stunbreaks but I realise this is not that fair so we assume ca. 3 stunbreaks vs ca. 6 cc per minute. It doenst paint the enitre picture but as long as you get hit by only 1 cc per 24 sec cc rotation 1 short cc stunbreak is more than enough. I ran with 1 stunbreak only for a year so I can confirm this. The first minute is speciall as everything is off cd. But that is also true for the stunbreaks but it opens an opportunity at the end of the first minute as we have the next set of 3 comming off cd Assuming we are spamming all of them. If i would land 1 out of 3 cc it would take me almost a minute to get my first full value cc. I wouldnt even get.a single full value cc in the first minute of a duel. Till that point it doesnt even matter if the cc is 1 sec or 10 sec long. If you chain your cc it loses value cause you lose at least 3/4 sec per cc you add. We still do this because landing an other cc is potentially much harder and its not like we have that much burst on a core war anyways.
  22. What you are asking for alredy exists in the form of stunbreaks. For thief you just go to any utility slot and replace it with Blinding Powder. It is a stunbreak and you get 1 sec of stability. In Addition you also blind nearby foes and you get stealth if you can. Use your stunbreaks just after you got hit with a cc not right before you get hit with the next cc. Don't waste stunbreaks sometimes its fine to be in cc when your opponents have no follow up and/or the cc is short. Daze is rarely worth breaking. Maybe your imobilized and not in cc.
  23. You can use it on demand it doesnt require a stun to be broken just activate it right befor somone hits you with a cc.
  24. You could aways run the defense traitline to get stability. Or bring stability in one of the utility slots. Since you have nore sutstain now the latter should be easy enough. You can even use dolyak signet then you get a discount heal on top.
  25. I think it would go a long way if they just made a transparent end game Screen where all the data of all players can be seen and visualized graphically. I like the graph that exist already, the one that displays points over time. But even there it would be nice if you could see wich node awarded how many points for each team or the time it was neutral. Furthermore you could also display points gained by kills and map mechanic seperately too. And ofc just being able to access the post game screen or at least the statistics after you left or get thrown out of the game. Maybe even save it as file. Then only replays would be missing but you can make them yourselfs easy enough. This would help so much to see who actually had grear impact in the game. Because dmg, killparticipation revives heals and time spend on nodes while in combat (current top stats) especially only seeing the top scorer per team can be almost useless.
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