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Posts posted by Mell.4873

  1. 2 hours ago, Zoser.7245 said:

    And you are tied to a boring staff/staff build with a suboptimal rotation.  They killed any diversity when they nerfed the alacrity to 2.5s duration.  I prefer play something else more funny, flexible and without stupid trade-offs.

    Very true but it does amazing dps, they really should give chrono back its alacrity and then it would be fine. 

  2. On 10/27/2021 at 5:14 AM, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

    I think chrono wells need a very big rework because

    1) They are bad
    2) They have no identity and are not interactive

    If it was up to me, they'd get a "flip effect" to collapse them prematurely and do something else. Honestly nobody's excited for 1s chilled; these flip effects would play a lot on the theme of time (with past vs future and what not) and would thematically fit very well with the chrono design, I think. Designers talked about how they liked these kind of contrast when developing chrono, and I'd like to expand on that

    pulses condi cleanse, you know it.

    • If it ends correctly: same as now, you get a big healing
    • If you collapse it: smaller heal, but you get resolution and protection (maybe even stability or resistance? I don't know, just throwing ideas)

    The idea is that well of eternity should be used to either rewind back time (and bring you back when you were healthy) or preserve the stability of the current timeline (and prevent you\your allies from being wounded in the first place); I like this contrast of past vs present for such a skill.

    Casting this skill gives you (not your allies; just you) 0.5s evade, just because chrono gets no distortion and I got this thing rupted so much it's enraging.

    • If it ends correctly: people inside the well get endurance
    • If you collapse it: enemies inside the well are inflicted with vulnerability and blinded

    The idea for flip is that, instead of allowing your allies to predict the future and block, you prevent the opponents from foreseeing the future. So, they can't defend against opponent's hits (hence the vuln), nor can land their own hits (hence the blind).

    Those two skills become one because they really need to be imho. Pulsing slow and chilled on foes (think it's too strong? Well of darkness has much less cast time, much more chilled and blindness)

    • If it ends correctly: grant alac and quickness to allies
    • If you collapse it: you give switness and vigor to allies, while foes get cripple and weakness.

    The idea is that the well can manipulate the time of skills, but collapsing it manipulates the time of movement.

    Right now it can crit for 800, and last tick can crit for 4k. This one needs the biggest rework IMHO, it's very uninteresting. I think it should pulse cripple\weakness (like now) and 2k regular damage if critting with zerk amulet.

    • If it ends correctly: Enemies inside the well are knocked down, but no further damage is dealt; no last tick big hit.
    • If you collapse it: you teleport to the well's location and knock back (not launch: knock back) surrounding foes.

    The idea is to create a very debilitating skill to allow further attacks, like winter's bite does (differently) for rangers; however, if collapsed, it would give chrono some mobility, in a different way than blink.

    We unified two wells, so there's room for a new well, which would be a condi well. Every tick inflicts poison and vulnerability

    • If it ends correctly: enemies are immobilized and tormented.
    • If you collapse it: enemies are dazed and confused.

    The idea is to age your opponent's body (kinda like what Dr Strange does with the apple), decaying them alive by slowing your opponents healing and increasing the damage they take. On well end, your body is most definitely old, on its death bed and can't do all of these young things anymore, like running around and what not. However, you may decide to collapse the well earlier to age the mind instead; hence the confusion and the daze, for full dementia.

    We all love this skill. This doesn't need really any rework, it's perfect as it is. I'm just throwing ideas for the flip mechanic, but I really love this thing as it currently is.

    • If it ends correctly: enemies are pulled and damaged (0 damage in pvp but whatever)
    • If you collapse it: allies inside the well get stability.

    The idea is to totally disrupt your opponents via the gigantic pull or to preserve your allies from disruption with stability. It could be used as a weird contender for guardian's stab? Cooldown would be too high to do such a thing, but it's an idea you can toy with; guardian's monopoly over stability isn't really healthy IMHO.
    Will probably not be done because it's a massive effort, but I really like to imagine "how to make chrono interesting without making it brainless AoE spam"... and wells are at risk of becoming very boring, because they're just pulsing the same thing over the same area over and over and over.
    I think this rework would make wells more fun and interactive without bringing chronobunker back, since players would now have an active choice to make.

    Necro wells are core wells, so they're very plain (strong, but plain). Elite specs, however, are a different thing; scrapper wells move with the scrapper; the new thief wells all have a a shadowstep attached. They're exciting because they have some utility beside "pulsing a thing". Chrono wells are attached to an elite specialization... but nothing about them feels elite at all right now. This flipping mechanic would give chrono wells a separate identity from wells of necromancers -just like the moving wells of a scrapper and the porting wells of a spectre are still wells but feel vastly different.

    Honestly, "you spend 3/4s casting a skill, then you wait 3s, then you get a real skill" is not a very strong identity. Everybody hates it. It was done with CS in mind, but getting the privilege of playing like a chronomancer once every 105s is definitely not enough... and this can't be fixed by just buffing wells, because otherwise they'd become unreasonably strong with CS.
    Wells need some more use outside of CS without turning them into skills that do everything at once, and I feel like bringing this kind of choice would definitely do that.
    One of the design points of chronomancer (which I loved) was "place the wells (or shield5) in continuum split, then reap the benefit on continuum split end, then place them immediately again and reap twice the benefits". If these wells flipped like mesmer sword3 (which goes on cooldown when casted, not when flipped) this kind of interaction would be preserved; the cooldown resets correctly with CS, even if you still have to use the teleport when CS ends.

    All great ideas, I suggest a small fix of providing the buffs first and leaving the trait heal as the only thing you have to wait for.

  3. On 10/27/2021 at 11:15 AM, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

    Well, there's 3 things that can happen from here on:

    #1: The alacrity generation from the Mechanist gets nerfed so they don't sustain it permanently in berserker gear.

    #2: The alacrity generation of Mirage gets buffed so they can sustain it permanently in Viper Gear.

    #3: Nothing, because Anet hates mesmers for some reason.  

    Vipers Mirage can maintain it 100% with concentration sigils and food. They also can buff roughly 20 seconds of alac very quickly which is more ideal for most content. 

  4. On 10/27/2021 at 9:39 AM, JTGuevara.9018 said:

    OP, I take it you're new or "new-ish" to the spvp. If so, I tell you as I tell other newer players: stay out of ranked. Ranked is full of cheaters, win-traders and bots and is not a good environment for anyone, even other cheaters and win-traders! ANet has basically let it go to the dogs. It's a dead mode walking. Unfortunately, for new players, they would come to spvp at its worst that it has ever been in the history of this game.

    I barely see any bots except for the very rare minion Necro train, which don't preform to bad if you know how to use them. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Vilin.8056 said:

    Coincidentally, I have also met a turret Engi who shared your account name in a casual guild I once in. Who is so self-centered that it's usually his way or no way.

    He made no contribution in battles, never listened to pre-fight briefing, never followed party calls, first to trigger a boss fight before everyone else yet often rage at party members for the mistakes he made.

    I offered a kit suggestion and he thinks I'm trying to be his mother.

    After making 3 paths of casual CoE with this guy it really ruined my day.

    I believe in the majority of  fractal/dungeon games, people were kicked for his attitude instead of skill level.

    That makes a whole lot more sense. I mean even when I do conquest pvp and I get into a 1v1 where the most salt happens I always say “nice duel" at the end even if I lost. This reduces the rage alot more. 

    • Like 2
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  6. Fractals are normally pretty cruisey, I find people are more willing to fail a fractal then remove the dead weight or find a healer, even if they complain the whole time.


    I will agree with you in pvp, people regularly get very salty and report each other over the smallest grievance. I had a guy report me for telling him off about trying to get another player reported. 

    I have had people claim I'm cheating since I have too many stuns or dodges which makes no sense since there are no cheats like that. 

    • Confused 1
  7. 20 minutes ago, Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:

    There is no reason to play this spec in PvE at all, let alone in a group. It is far too slow for OW, there is no mobility on it and the Hammer attacks are glacial. Even if you do, there is no point in not being untamed yourself since you eat a -15% damage debuff and you only gain skills really useful in PvP modes. 

    For PvE, it is basically a slightly different core traitline and you won't use F5 other than to teleport your pet initially and then remain unleashed yourself for the rest of the fight.

    Well then maybe give them access to previous unavailable buffs like unleashed verson of the war horn has group alacrity and quickness (not 100% uptime even with gear) 

    Aswell as one of the pet families could provide quickness or alacrity with there unleashed skills. 

  8. Pvp has its own issues with this elite but I want to take a minute to talk about pve. 

    What does untamed even bring to a group over soulbeast. I mean the damage is so low and the cc is so height but that is not really a meta requirement. 


    I believe the easiest fix for this would be to add seperate unleashed versions for each weapon (see my other post) and also unleashed versions for each pet family. I mean all 3 unleashed pet skills are pvp focused, for example vulnerability in pve groups is utterly useless. 


    Each family should buffed version of there f1 to f3 skills and share the cool down like he hammer does. 

    I mean ingame it mensons that the unleashes skill for the hammer are buffed aoe versons. Apply that same logic to pets. 

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  9. 7 hours ago, mtpelion.4562 said:

    The Gift of Battle is the main reason I think all legendary items (weapons, armor, trinkets, etc.) should be available to be sold on the TP, or at least the Gift of Battle should be.


    WvW is a game mode that, like Raiding (especially in other MMOs), puts a large demand on your time.


    Players who are employed full time and those who have families (or both) play GW2 when it is convenient for their busy real life schedule, not when it is convenient for the server. Unless that player's small time window of convenience happens to sync up with the active window for their server's WvW crowd, their WvW experience is going to suck. Plus, when you have to leave you lose progress so players with a short window of time are also punished (when you log back in you have to start over back at your team's base and your participation bar begins dropping). On top of that, any time you are competing with other players (in a non turn-based system) you are going to have a frenetic experience, which may be enjoyable to some types of players, but is the epitome of frustration for others (I know I'd personally rather just stay at the office longer versus going into WvW, at least at work my frustrations are compensated). 


    PvE can be played at your own pace, on your own schedule, and with no loss of progress when you log out. It is primarily the fact that PvE supports your ability to treat this as a game rather than as a job that makes players less likely to complain about the Gift of Exploration than they are the Gift of Battle (obviously, the players who prefer competitive game modes will find PvE less enjoyable as the "chill" nature doesn't do it for them). 


    For me, personally, it is incredibly demotivating every time I check my to-do list for the current item I'm working on and realize that I've pretty much just got the Gift of Battle left. I often take months off from actively playing the game (just logging in for dailies or holidays) to play other things when that happens, just to avoid WvW.

    This is exactly why I made this whole post. 

    • Confused 1
  10. I believe the devs said they would add some default version for other weapons but honestly I don't think it would be hard to add an extra effect or small damage increasea for each weapon. It could even unlock a build that was previously unavailable.


    Here are some of my ideas

    Greatsword: Give maul ammo to synergies with 5, increase damage on the 3 and increase damage if disabled on 1 and 5 (would love this) 

    Longbow: Increase damage if stunned for all skills except for the stealth skill "hunter's shot" which should have a stun (small damage buff and better get away or over commit) 

    Shortbow: increase the number of conditions if stunned except poison volley which should have a daze instead (more skilled play) 

    Sword: monarchs leap should have Quickness and 1 and 3 should have might generation. (give the weapons something unique) 

    Main hand axe: better might generation on 1 and extra poison damage on 2 and 3 (this weapon has to many effects so buff them all) 

    Offhand axe: 4 should have a daze and a flat damage increase on 5 if target is stunned (save it for stunned targets) 

    Dagger: even more conditions if target has a movement impaired effect. (buff weapon mechanic) 

    Torch: a daze on 4 and cripple on 5 (damage is already high so maximising it would be better) 

    Warhorn: group quickness on 4 and group alacrity on 5 (not enough to sustain it even with 100% boon duration) 

    • Like 2
  11. 4 hours ago, shrew.3059 said:

    While players should not be forced into content they’d rather not play, it’s okay for the game to encourage a little cross-mode exploration. This exploration should be rewarded, but that means that if you absolutely hate leaving your mode, you won’t have access to every reward. Which is fine.

    Yeah I'm happy with this response and is the whole point of my thread. I just didn't like being forced to play wvw at a crucial point in my legendary crafting. 

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  12. 2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    No, they still need to do map completion, they barely can skip HPs, which aren't a problem and they'll still pass those exact HPs while doing the map completion. I don't know what you're trying to pretend here. In the similar vein, you get some reward track completion by using daily potions.

    Im sure it saves time by not having to do them, you probably shave off a few hours off map completion. 

    • Confused 4
  13. 1 minute ago, Mell.4873 said:

    Dude you literly can with Notarized Scroll of

    Just now, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

    It is an adventure, which comes with the legendary as the final reward. You are required to play different modes and content-types as a challenge. 

    I'm not against alternatives in general, but it should be a reasonable alternative. If a PvE main is looking for an alternative for WvW GoB and thinks about a PvE based reward track as in Drizzlewood Coast? Or as if a sPvP main asks for a GoE alternative and demands an sPvP reward track? Both is a joke. There is no challenge in repetitive grinding your own mode. 

    If you want an alternative, make a suggestion that still opposes a challenge to you. What is a reasonable challenge? It takes at least as long to complete as using the original method.

    In PvE this could involve Worldbosses, Meta Events, certain event chains ... the usual collection stuff, that keeps you busy for a week or two - if you play normal. They could add some special parameters, like certain tasks have to be done during day or night-time. Or adding a daily timegate. Something that makes the alternative a little more difficult than your usual 101 grind.

    Heroics. Then you just need to do the hearts and pot and I believe there is a daily pve vendor for that too. 

    I don't think at any point did I say I didn't like WvW it was that I wanted to play it at my own pace, when I find a zerg that I enjoy running with.

    I play one blackgat and they can be very elitist which I hate. 


    I just don't want to be forced to play it when I don't want to. Rather provide a nice alternative like sPvP track and let me WvW at my own pace. 

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 4
  14. 45 minutes ago, ollbirtan.2915 said:

    Oh look ---- another :"Gift of Battle" thread 🙄
    I honestly absolutely hate openworld and grinding pve....I'm so glad that I can get all the ingredients I need for my legi weapons in sPvP and WvW.....Oh wait...

    Dude you literly can with Notarized Scroll of Heroics. Then you just need to do the hearts and pot and I believe there is a daily pve vendor for that too.

    Why the confused face is it not true? 

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 8
  15. My two cents In fractals is that the meta doesn't mater outside the buffs. I mean people say alacren is better that staff mirage but in terms of dps staff mirage is better so if your other team mates can fill the wholes left behind by not having protection or cc then staff mirage is better. 

    Same with heal brand, other healers are easily provide better heals but they provide much needed Quickness and 25 might. Other classes could do that, like Scrapper and warrior/ele with full dps gear (concentration sigil maybe). 


    Just cover the buffs and you will be fine. 

  16. 1 hour ago, Vidit.7108 said:

    They should provide more ways to get the Gift of Battle, even if it's like a once a week purchase for Badges of Honor or something. For WvW players they should provide a reward track to get the Gift of Exploration and also just in general with those map completion gifts make them more repeatable in some way. Maybe give those a once a week karma purchase.

    Yeah I would be happy with that. Maybe instead of gifts of exploration a bundle of consumables that complete hero points, pot, and hearts.

    That way you could get keys and stuff as well. 

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