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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. It was to easy to use and there was almost no counter play. I mean how can anyone in PvP line of sight the rifle when you can just chase them endlessly while machine gunning them. Atleast the Ranger Longbow animation has a long wind up before it fires (which is now shared by the new Rifle animation). I think nerfing the damage to much would be the worst trade off since it removes any PvE or PvP usage.
  2. So what you saying is when your chosen class is back to being unhealthy and toxic for the game you will come back. I mean at least they didn't touch the rifle damage (much) and instead reworked the animation so it isn't a rapid fire machine gun.
  3. That and only some of the elite specialisation within those classes. I mean Ranger has almost no projectile blocks outside Untamed (turtle and that's about it) Warrior has a shield but not many utilities or class mechanics outside Spellbreaker. I'm pretty sure Catalyst has a much more limited toolset to block projectiles especially if you use Hammer. I mean I could go on. If the meta is counter Ranged damage then its not healthy. The Rifle change should bring back classes like Necromancer into the meta with its high survivability.
  4. You can very easily anticipate which shatter especially a Virtuoso is using and counter it. Confusion only realy happens with Scepter 2 and F2 shatter. They are very easy to spot and you can just use a block or cleanse it when you see it.
  5. You do realize that Mesmer have multiple ways to reset there cooldowns so you normally just need to bide your time. Saying that, the cleansing you listed should cover this most of the time. Mesmer doesn't have that many ways to apply confusion/torment consistently so unless you are talking about Bleed the condition damage is very weak in PvP. This is doubly true for WvW where almost every group has multiple AoE cleanses. I think you just go out played, the condition damage has nothing to do with it.
  6. I'm confused are you saying conditions are to strong or to weak?
  7. Honestly I think that is an amazing idea, right now I just spam shatters of cooldown otherwise I cannot produce enough Quickness on demand. Being able to shatter with full clones via Mirror Images and one weapon skill to then have time to set up another 3 clones would be much more preferable. Right now my quickness just run out to quickly.
  8. They have stated they do want to address the one dodge issue and yes they have never brought it up again. We really can only wait and see if they deliver in the next patch which should be PvP focused. I still feel like no one understand the problem and the reason why it was nerfed. It's entirely due to the burst while having the ability to avoid any counter play. While it hard to remove the block element to dodging they could limit the action you can preform(dodging is now a channel like everyone else) and potentially lower the Ambush burst potential by putting a cooldown on the Ambush like Untamed.
  9. Sadly it has to be played either full support or with alot of boon duration from sigils and runes. With enough boon duration is becomes infinitely easier and alot of new builds open up like be able to spam shatters for more on-demand quickness especially at the start where you might not be able generate 3 clones quickly. Otherwise is fine, you won't get the 25k of Alacrity Mirage but you will definitely get over 15k.
  10. Mesmer has plenty of healing options but they are either to slow or not enough to sustain a group for long. If you want to play a Mesmer healer (which I do) you really need good reaction time so you don't waste your heals.
  11. There is no real split between sPvP and WvW so nerfs get carried across. I will say perminant Quickness on Scrapper was very OP when paired with the Rifle for sPvP. You could just chase people if they tried to Line of Sight you, which for some classes was the only thing they could try and do. @Alcatraznc.3869 Well then why did none of the Specialisations use there Elite specific weapon instead of Rifle?
  12. It was more WvW and I know its only anecdotal but I have seen people prior to the nerf being bullied into a Scrapper role by organised Zergs and WvW guilds.
  13. Maybe I only play in gold 3 / plat and I noticed a drastic increase in Engineers and then a subsequent counters to them. 2-3 Engineers per team in the early days then once the counter play came in it when down to 1-2 per game. The counters most came if the form of Core Guardian, Elementalist (Tempest mostly), Vindicator, Untamed(sometimes alot of them), Mesmer(surprising counter), finally Spellbreaker. All these had tones of projectile immunity options so it stopped the wave on Engineer spam.
  14. I guess everyone wants a more direct damage nerf rather than something unique so you can maintain the high numbers. Regardless of how buggy the AI is, it is a good idea that you have to stay close to the mech for it do damage. I mean the easiest way to achieve this it turn off the mechs ranged trait and keep him melee. Im a Ranger main and I have many tricks to keep my pet with me and one of them includes pet swapping so maybe a good middle ground is a faster reset on the mech summon.
  15. Well when 50% of the players in the sPvP are Engineers and every Elite has the rifle there is definitely a problem. I bet another thing they looked at was how often people ran Kits becouse if the didn't that would indicate they can do more damage without one than with one.
  16. How frequency you can dodge doesn't change so it doesn't effect alacrity application.
  17. The Devs know this is incorrect purely based on how often every Engineer Elite was played in sPvP with the Rifle.
  18. Its way less than that, they only do about 5k max if even that. I guess that's roughly 10 to 20 percent of the Rangers total damage.
  19. I prefer this over the lack of changes before EoD launched. The meta then was so stale and the only viable Elites were Firebrand and Scourge, with Mirage or Reaper being really good LI builds due to lifesteal.
  20. I couldnt articulate a better argument. I love it becouse its so niche and have the ability through my own mastery of the class to live through anything while doing 10k dps which is anything but OP.
  21. Again the most problematic skill with Fervent Force is Path of Scars. Once the trait has been applied the 12 second cooldown gives you a 4 second reset timer with another stun (so another 4 second cooldown reduction) . If the removed the cooldown reduction trait a 7 second reset window is much more reasonable. The only alternative to this is camping non-Unleashed Hammer which is horrible DPS. The only real argument left is you can self-boon with most stuff in the game once you remove how OP path of scars is. No more 41k dps.
  22. I know its sad that they might since without fervent force Untamed loses it entire identity. Hopefully its gets replaced with an equally powerful cooldown reduction trait but I doupt it. I mean I even use Fervent Force in pvp to help reset Pike Trap which ties into this thread.
  23. Well they are currently nerfing Mechanist so your wish has come true. I'm sure more nerfs for that Elite are on its way too.
  24. Good points but that is only like half the elite landscape, the problem is being forced to pick a counter to Engineer.
  25. In particular it dominated low rank sPvP and WvW raiding (5-10 people). Mechanist was basically another entire player following you around. Scrapper in particular could can be easily abused to stealth and One shot then chase the remaining members with rapid fire rifle.
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