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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. Yeah it is hard, your best bet is to never play anything Meta rather builds that can carry your team. They often don't do well again high ranked players but can punish low rankers.
  2. Well you have to wait for somethings or group for a bounty ect. Normally if I'm extra lazy I do one PvP then a Vista or Gathering Daily
  3. Sometimes other times it can take forever depending on what they give us.
  4. Have you considered that people who like PvE are forced to play WvW and PvP for the daily due to taking less time. I mean I'm gold 3 through one-three matches a day alone.
  5. I could link it but it would do nothing to prove my point. You are better of checking my rank once I get placed. (US only)
  6. I don't think I ever see Engineer run grenades in gold 3. It honestly it is way to slow and offers nothing but damage, no cc just conditions. Elementalist does great but is often very low damage, otherwise they painfully slow to kill. If they do run DPS gear they die very quickly.
  7. Not really I play one of the most obscure builds for Ranked PvP and I normally rank in the top 250 players. Its really just about being good at what you do. A flexible build is the best one with lots of survivability and damage.
  8. You just ignore them, I often has spat with people and they end up blocking me because I troll them. I reckon most of US top 50 have blocked me since I don't listen to their marching orders. Sometimes we even Win and they are still PM me after due to not listening. It probably doesn't help I won't duel with my Ranger, I essentially won't side node ever due to this fact.
  9. Yes but better, if that buff could be carried across into other game modes maybe that could be worth it. Do the weekly raid and you get double exp and gold for that week.
  10. Isn't that kind of what main hand dagger and Virtuoso is. Rather than interrupts it uses successfully blocks to trigger boons.
  11. Raids (and Dragon Response Missions) have the lowest gold per hour, at roughly 10 gold per hour. Strikes and Fractals are better but that is because they have dailies and a reason to go back to them. Mostly I just want a Raid weekly.
  12. Ranger already has some of the strongest weapons in the game, this does include Dagger. Dagger just isn't very good at PvP. Mostly because it is a dagger with no ranged abilities and you have to be very close. The only way for it to be good is if it wasn't a dagger. It also can do okay under certain circumstances like cleaving downed players so it's not all bad.
  13. I more meant the Dailies that give you the 2 gold each day. Fractals can stay the same but at least a EoD Strikes, or Raids could contribute the normal Daily, one of either can complete the whole daily. I mean right now when I'm not in the mood to play GW2 I just login win one PvP and leave. It would be fun if it's a Raid/Strike instead; break up the monotony.
  14. When people can cheese tournaments and trade wins in PvP to get lots of Gold, why don't we incentivize Instance Content with more rewards. A Daily would be an amazing start rather than being forced to WvW or PvP for it. With this a Weekly like with Strikes would help CM content or just Raids be something people regularly do.
  15. Yeah it suck that this gameplay has gone to waste. I mean the current build system could really facilitate and underwater version like we have with PvP. They just need to include better elite specialisation mechanics for underwater and add an underwater version to for each skill.
  16. You could play like I do which is use one class for PvE and another for PvP. With that in mind maybe Ranger or Warrior for PvP and Revenant for PvE. The reason I say that is Revenant can preform any role and in particular any DPS Support role. Ranger can be played at a distance with many options for that playstyle and Warrior can be played very close with many options so you could even play Ranger for WvW and Warrior for sPvP.
  17. They really just need to add both a heal skill Signet and ultimate skill Signet. Signets have a great synergy with its trait to reset Opening Strike. Most of the passive effects are garbage but the active effects are pretty nice. Rather than turning one of the other Signets into the Shift Signet. Turn the ultimate skill into it, leave the teleport out but a boon copy passive effect and then maybe the Signet of Inspiration effect from Mesmer for the active effect. Signet Ultimate Skill Passive effect: Boons you gain are copied to your Pet. Active effect: Extends the duration of all boons on yourself and your Pet.
  18. Yeah, I leave when it is Aquatic Ruins. I dont have time to play the Jelly fish rhythm game, worst boss mechanic in the game.
  19. They should also nerf the ability for stun skills to trigger there own cooldown due to the cast delay. Then go ahead an include pets in the FF stun mechanic along with the 3 second buff/nerf.
  20. Another thing to note is that the Investment for Soulbeast (even Druid a little) is very high to be that mobile. While Untamed can just swap two utilities in and one trait. Another thing people neglect to mention is most PvP/WvW builds want Smokescale on Soulbeast for stealth so less mobility. In WvW Jacaranda is also invaluable. Even with the theoretically higher speed Soulbeast almost no one plays it that way. I have only really seen it in sPvP but even then, if people just hold points, they can't really do anything especially without Smoke Cloud.
  21. Oh, I didn't know that, well turns out I was not traiting it anyway in PvE(I use Choas traitline). I was thinking of my WvW version. You are right Wells are very hard to use but not impossible. You are able to spam them pretty quickly and if you hold onto Continuum Split which means you can get of some burst healing if needed. Its more for Raids or Strikes, it would be very hard to play this in a Fractal. Saying that, ironically I have played this in Fractal CM's so maybe I'm just that good at its rotation and predicting damage.
  22. I said they wouldn't......? The most likely nerf is change FF to 3 seconds.
  23. Barrier aswell as healing is an amazing idea. You end up spamming Wells anyway since 10 seconds of Alacrity can amount to more than 5 people if done right. Most of the time you can makeup for the lack of healing with Gear and the Inspiration grandmaster. Scepter can be amazing at helping the HPS since when traited it can generate a clone every second.
  24. I will agree Mesmer makes zero sense, especially the traits which everyone complains about untill you understand you don't focus on them rather the specialisation traits. Inspiration Virtuoso is very funny since it's only about a 5k DPS drop to be able to heal (although no burst healing). For Fractals it is pretty worthless but for Raids/Strikes its amazing, especially since you can sneak it in when people are struggling. Chronomancer Alacrity or Quickness can work but the problem is you really need to play it as a healer and not preform any DPS. Quickness can benchmark higher (15k roughly) but it's still nothing compared to the 28k on Mirage Alacrity.
  25. Both can be true. The easier fix for Fervent Force is reduce the cooldowns reduction to 3 seconds. I don't think anyone is bold enough to change Path of Scars or prevent FF from trigger its skills own cooldown. Ranger will see Quickness but it will most likely be a cheesy way like the utility bar being removed once the Elite has been equipped, maybe we see a Ranger Revenant mix.
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