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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. Again I don't see the problem in his case, if you are able to respond to PM from Devs then there is nothing anyone can do. Its Arena Nets problem for creating to many tools to allow someone to play the game while doing something else like watching a movie.
  2. Yeah he is a bad example since he does not AFK and their is nothing against camping a location with something like turrets. The maps that people tend to AFK farm normally only have one instance so they are not very unpopular like Iron Marches so I'm willing to bet there might be 100 true AFK farmers and you are just seeing them all since there is just one instance.
  3. Arg I wouldn't even bother asking here........ My guess is you mean PvP in general. Your best bet is to not take anyone's advice and form your own opinion. If you did want my advice then what you want to focus on (this goes for PvE too) is the Elite you pick, this defines the Mesmer class. The next thing is gear, Good synergy is key to making the Mesmer build work. This by definition makes Mesmer much stronger in WvW since you can run close to 100% boon duration for example as appose to sPvP where its like 30%. If you want to play sPvP with Mesmer the duo que since you need a reliable team (mate) to guard you so can get off your burst rotation.
  4. I never have a problem with it in PvE or WvW. I guess the only time it really maters is sPvP but honestly you don't really run any of the long cooldown utilities outside Moa Signet. Going back to WvW, I don't know any environment where you need low cooldowns, most Roaming and Zerg clashes wont last more than 20 seconds so almost no one will get there skills back and in this case Mesmer has the advantage in short exchanges since they can reset their cooldowns so reliably over a short period of time.
  5. Yes the but simple fact they keep changing there mind one what the end-game content should be does show that the creative vision changes (with the new people). Who ever had the original vision for both Dungeons and Fractals is no longer at the company.
  6. PVE They all have uses its only if you want to do a best in slot comparison for Power or Condition DPS there will always be a best pet. The Moa (F1) is the only way to heal Spirits outside of Druid and supportive Merge Skill. Spiders can be very strong for a shortbow Poison build on Soulbeast. Canines have a 50% uptime of cripple so its far easier to trigger Predator's Onslaught. Tiger can trigger Remorseless every 10 seconds Even Fire Wyvern and Phoenix can be used for tagging since all their skills can AoE which if you know anything about Open World farming is amazing since you want more AoE's not more powerful ones. (March Drake is also amazing here too) PVP Yeah anything goes here
  7. This game has been plagued with lay-offs right from the start since i was not a WoW killer. I mean almost everyone who worked on both Dungeons and even Fractals has gone which is why those game modes have not been developed any further since that knowledge has been somewhat lost when that team left.
  8. The only time I use Longbow is a Build I created explicitly to exploit cooldown reductions to make Barrage a 10 second cooldown (with animations its even lower). Other than that is a pretty useless weapons because it roots you in place to do Barrage, it okay at chasing people but its rare to see someone just run away rather then stealthing or using movement abilities. I mostly play Celestials Untamed, Axe + Warhorn and Shortbow. Its pretty good since you have access to the amazing Axe Ambush and can even escape with the Teleport if you can find a woodland creature to tag.
  9. Yeah this is a bit of a silly complaint Virtuoso I made this diagram a while ago when people said Virtuoso was to hard to play. https://imgur.com/QUVe0b4 Essentially is just comes down to Temporal Curtain and Into the Void. Mirage You can AoE with any shatter by using the Maim the Disillusioned and with the number of clones you can spawn you can spam this pretty much. Axe 2 + Dodge twice then Shatter Or Axe 2 twice + Dodge then Shatter
  10. I think you are comparing skills to much, just take Mesmer as a whole. I mean it is a hodgepodge of different random things stuck together but being able to Mimic then Illusion of Life, Continuum Split then Illusion of Life, means you can Resurrect 9 people from a downed state. This is crazy strong in a Zerg and keep them alive while they farm inside enemy keeps. I believe Mesmer outside of the second dodge is fine in its current state, I mean there recent philosophy almost perfectly maps on to Mesmer. Chronomancer being the harder Elite, Mirage in-between and Virtuoso being the intro Elite.
  11. All true, all I'm saying it that it is just harder. I normally use Mirage since it makes most of the fight much easier rather than Virtuoso. Saying that I tend to play Alac Staff Mirage but I have been known to heal (raid build).
  12. I will say the CM is really hard for Squishy Classes like Mesmer, I do fine on any other CM but I really struggle on Sunqua to avoid all the random damage. If you get bad randomizers it can be impossible on low health Classes.
  13. I could say the same for that comment (well maybe sPvP) but in general Mesmer very viable is most end-game instanced content and WvW. Right now Chronomancer with mostly core skills is a Meta pick for most Zergs.
  14. True but we cant go back in time to when sPvP was more popular.
  15. I mean Chronomancer is one of the best WvW supports currently so what's to complain about. If you stack Well's you can permanently give someone low cooldowns of siege equipment, that is huge for a Zerg. I think the point of WvW Mesmer is to have long cooldown skills that can be reset with Mimic or Chronomancer F5. While on the flip side Mirage takes advantage of a lot of the movement Utilities and Virtuoso tend to use Signets for a supper tanky Inspiration build. The real nerf to Mesmer was related to the Cheese builds, for example with Mirage it was the double burst while going immune to CC/damage which was the problem. I have always said if they put a 10 second cooldown on the Ambush then the second dodge could be returned.
  16. Hmm kind of, i think the problem we see is that there are no Roles in PvP anymore. I mean they exist and are strong but no one plays them. If you que in ranked you should able to duel/team/roam so high mobility is one way off doing this. There are of coarse other ways, playing pure ranged classes like with Engineer. I find the most prolific classes the ones that do this perfectly like Elementalist which can Tank/Condi/Power/Heal so it can address any problem.
  17. Meh Mesmer in General is Meta in WvW. They have answer to any group size: Chronomancer is one of the best Zerg picks Mirage is one of the best Raiders, can solo almost any camp Virtuoso is one of the best Duelists Mesmer only really suffers in sPvP due to limited stats but in WvW that is not a problem. Everyone here is just salty they cant go back in time when Mesmer was broken and dominated most end-game content with cheese builds.
  18. That's like the top 100 players so its more I get outplayed but even then I'm a walking tank so as long as someone can capitalise on the resources they use to kill me we can still win. This happens all the time when I verse Elementalists, waste all there cooldowns on not killing me and then someone else kills them.
  19. As I have climbed into the Top 250 I realized how powerful being Tanky is to survive almost any amount of focus. I use Carrion and primarily sit in the non-Unleashed state which makes me, with the 10% DR + high Vitality really beefy. With Enhancing Impact I'm able to get enough stability to not be re-stunned consistently along with Shared Anguish.
  20. Oh i do have both Celestials Shortbow and Axe/Axe but I want to trigger Fervent Force this means hammer is the best. It also resets the cooldown of the Unleashed-Pet F1, this skill alone is worth resetting a lot.
  21. Its not hard to understand, I for the longest time i hated the Core Traitlines since it felt like they made no sense. The stealth traits for example had no real application in PvE and were basically useless along with things like the interruption traits. Then i took a step back and realized it was the Elite Specialization that made the Mesmer what it is, this is exactly why we almost never see Core being played outside maybe sPvP. With this in mind you can play almost any Traitline, yes even Inspiration on Virtuoso and basically suffer only a 4k dps loss on a Golem so even less in normal Open World.
  22. Its not that bad but it should be straight up more rewarding to PvP in general. Why would anyone want to play when losing means you almost get nothing and winning consecutively is only for the privileged top 100. Remove Bronze ranks and bump everyone up.
  23. Yes....? It is not a bad thing, in fact it something unique to Mesmer. It also doesn't make the Class weak since it does very well in every game mode and can be a Meta pick for some of them (WvW and End-Game PvE).
  24. I think the balancing factor will just down simple fact that the weapon is best used in the profession it came from. They could also tone down the animations/sound like for Chronomancer Shield to reflect the lack of time magic. It would also open up your favorite class with a less damaging but options, Dagger on Mirage could be a good ranged alternative to Staff or Chronomancer shield can help Virtuoso survive in WvW.
  25. I will relay what I said on another post which is that Mesmer needs to play with a very particular team and only really go in when it cant be stalled to death. It is hard to play as Mesmer since there is no way to predict how the enemy will handle your burst. They can either: Go Immune/Block Tank the DPS DPS race back Any sort of immunity and that includes dodging can really destroy your burst, you need a team that can exhaust all there resources first. The most successful Mesmer I have seen always Duo Que.
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