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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. We shall see but again Soulbeast is Rangers best class so for anything else to take that spot would have to a buff. I guess the silver lining is if they do nerf Fervent Force we can still use Soulbeast otherwise the class in General would be dead. They have sort of dug themselves a hole and they cant get out. I still believe the easier fix is to change Path of Scars (20% increase cooldown while 20% increase in damage)
  2. I like the theme that each Ranger Elite Specialisation has something unique to offer in terms of the Pet.. If Soulbeast removes the pet which enables all pet specific buffs to apply to the Ranger then Druid should do the reverse and buff the pet to enable the druid to keep them alive. We already had a the trade-offs removed for PVP so why not a PvE damage buff for Druid pets. If you doubled the damage output while Druid is active it would bring it inline with Mechanist.
  3. The problem is Untamed literally has nothing without something like Fervent Force. You already have very little reason to use Untamed over Soulbeast and the removal of Fervent Force will the nail in the coffin. I prefer the suggestion that the class mechanic of Untamed it tied to cooldown reduction much like how Soulbeast is all pet specific buffs now apply to Ranger.("Sic Em")
  4. Amazing idea and I have already come up with a few ideas: Fervent Force This can be left alone but add a slight cooldown increase to Path of Scars like removing the 20% cooldown reduction from the axe trait (replace it with something else). This would really prevent the one stun reset on Path of Scars which is why the 43k Snowcrow build exists. Restorative Stikes I like this skill but it could easily be a major trait instead and then corrupting vines could be the new grandmaster with everytime you remove/obsorb a boon(from pet) your would reset you cooldown by 4 seconds. Ferocious Symbiosis This one is easy just provide a cooldown reduction like Alacrity along with the damage bonus. 15% cooldown reduction would really help power builds since they don't have as many stuns.
  5. Perilous Gift: This skill no longer prevents lethal damage, and instead it prevents all incoming strike and condition damage for its duration. I guess I could argue its a lot less powerful now that you cant get to 1 health then heal for 50% of your missing health. At the same time its more useful since you can cast it well before getting to low health to prevent a burst damage.
  6. Honestly it over all is a good change since there is room for other Classes since Healbrand was best in slot for healing and quickness (not in raids/strikes) for along time. I love the fact now I can truly fill a slot with a Chronomancer Healer Alacrity or Quickness.
  7. My point is its the Path of Scars that has created the monster that is the 43k DPS Untamed benchmark; Without that skill in no way would you be able to get that much DPS. I mean it took a while before people realized how powerful Fervent Force was. It took Path of Scars being reset by one other stun creating a loop of CC for that to happen.
  8. I dont think you play Soulbeast in most gamemodes Warhorn is better for power builds. The main exception is a golem or some Raid bosses. The DPS gained or lost by using off-hand Axe is so small most people opt for the much more reliable Warhorn since you don't need to channel its Skill 5. Again though I'm only saying stick a extra 3 seconds on the Path of Scars cooldown and pump its damage by 10-20% that would not effect any benchmarks. The funny thing is they have already stated they want to remove traits the lower the cooldown of weapons skill by 20% so maybe when they do this for Axe they will just not touch the cooldowns.
  9. Most people use Warhorn rather off-hand Axe in their rotation (hence your link literally having a Warhorn skill higher priority). Again all you would need is a small damage buff to compensate for the longer cooldown.
  10. Don't play it if you don't like it. Druid in reality has access to crazy Burst healing which does amazing in Zerg clashes. It also has great mobility with access group Superspeed and Stealth which can really make a difference when escorting. The real advantage to using Druid is what you personally bring to the table. There are many ways to play since you are so tanky so just figure it out. I personally like the permanent Root builds along with high Bleed damage.
  11. I don't think you understand what I meant. Right now it does trigger Fervent Force twice because FF has a 1 seconds internal cooldown. If it didn't then you would also have to change Overbearing Smash. Then give it a damage buff, I don't think people are switching to Axe offhand to use Path of Scars except for Untamed. 3 extra seconds on the cooldown would fix the broken Untamed build.
  12. First Overbearing Smash which has a two stuns 1 second apart so increasing the internal cooldown would really ruin this skill with Fervent Force. The real problem is Path of Scars and the Weapon trait that lowers the cooldown by 20%. Essentially 12 seconds for a stun can easily be reset via another stun. If they remove the cooldown redction from the trait or just increase the Path of Scars cooldown this would fix most of Untames FF problem.
  13. Yes but only in WvW, for sPvP I don't need it.
  14. I have trained myself not to use Greatsword since its to predictable. I use Shortbow and Axe/Warhorn. When I fight other Rangers I can endlessly predict when they do something and can pretty much counter it until they die. Axe Ambush for example is amazing VS Greatsword. Even in WvW I don't use Greatsword or Longbow.
  15. Yeah perfect breakdown, again which is why I advocate you have a build for both. My group Soulbeast build is a stance share version (not instanced content, I use Mesmer for that)
  16. I'm high Gold 3 and I don't use the Untamed Teleport except for in WvW but its more of an escape or chase utility. In terms of PvE it is behind Soulbeast but it can hardly be compared. Soulbeast is dead out of water if you get interrupted during your rotation. No Learn to play required when you are forced to dodge after you pop "Sic Em", Untamed does not have this problem. Soulbeast can get up to 30k in PvE with self buffs but will drop under 5k if their rotation is ruined Untamed can get up to 20k in PvE with self buffs and drops to about 10k if their rotation is ruined
  17. ??? The rifle alone would be very hard to aim with Death's Retreat, unless I'm not understanding you. I think that the point, they would be a lot worse if you used them on other elite specializations. It would just provide other options, to pair with their main weapon. Necromancer could make use of Scepter + Pistol main hand on Scourge for a Torment Ranged build.
  18. Again I could see it working with a simple Boon, rather than having the 3rd skill be replaced by a unique one. It should still retain the ability to have 1-3 is primary element and 4-5 be previous element then the 3rd skill will be something like this Fire + Lighting = self Quickness on skill 3. This would provide Weaver with a much needed easier playstyle as well.
  19. Honestly is comes down to how you play. People swear by Classes like Soulbeast and Berserker as solo specs but have horrendously hard to manage rotation that if you don't get right order will punish you. While something like Scourge and Mirage are amazing solo but have a more resource management rotation. These rotations have been classed as some of the hardest in game. Finally there are more reactionary Elites like Daredevil and Vindicator, their rotation is based of taking advantage of its varies skills to avoid taking damage. Everyone of these can solo content but have vastly different skill requirements. It is also not linear, someone who is good at lets say "Sic Em" Soulbeast probably wont be as good at the more resource management Fervent Force Untamed.
  20. Yes but you normally don't Clash for more than 20s, at least I have never seen that happen unless it is a small group. If you are farming Bags then maybe Mesmer is not the best but again your not clashing most of the time so maybe Virtuoso/Mirage is better in that circumstance.
  21. Again I'm just talking about Ranger, I'm not concerned whether it is the best LI build. But everything else I agree with and I guess I am talking about an AFK build. Well what every Engineer Rifle spam is, same sort of build.
  22. Hmm it is just a preference, I'm really only talking about standing still and just auto attacking. Anything more complex would fall outside the LI build. Merged Soulbeast Damage VS Unleashed Untamed does lead to be about a 10-15% damage increase on Soulbeast (with Beastmastery) but again no percentage heal off attacks. I guess when I comes down to it, use both. PS Also you can be a Berserkers Untamed
  23. Last time I checked I think it was 130 but again the last 30 sit on the boundary 1501-1505 so its not like they will consistently get the extra 2 Pips.
  24. I use that on the Untamed version too. The main downside is that Soulbeast is your sustain isn't as good since you rely on certain skills to boost your damage and your primary healing is through poison applications. The Cantrip heal Perilous Gift is much better for sustain as well. You got it, I mean the just a personal distinction. LI generally mean less complex and not really high DPS since there are LI healers/supports.
  25. Its only strong because no one knows how to play around the Chronomancer burst. It reminds me of the Necromancer AoE ball, just expend their resources and then they die. The only players that should watch out are ones with a similar burst playstyles. If you play something other than a Meta Cheese build then Chronomancer is horrible. I play a Carrion Untamed and I'm easily able to duel them, its the same with Greatsword/Longbow Ranger player. Root them in Greatsword, Pet F3 them with Longbow. Predictable playstyles can easily be countered. For Chronomancer there biggest weakness is their Clones/Phantasms, they need to connect to be able to follow through with there burst. There are many ways to stall and eliminate Clones/Phantasms and that is all you need to win. The worst thing you can do VS a Mesmer is just stand still, always move and get the high ground. Climb boxes, use movement Skills, dodge anything to waste there Shatters/Greatsword 4. You can even spot there Continuum Split reset point and just camp it.
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