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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. I feel like this comes down to your team composition especially in high level PvP. Whenever I have see Mesmer do well is because they can use there insane burst at the right time and not be outlasted by a support build. To buff any part of the core traitline wont mean much since the main thing that a Mesmer relies on is their Elite Specialization traitline. A diverse pool of Core traits and good solid Specialization traitlines is all Mesmer needs.
  2. Isn't the problem is Rifle is to OP. The reason kits were used so much before rifle buff was because the base weapon were bad. Anything big reason is most of the Engineer traits buff the passive damage since it has such hard to land these kit weapons; Aim-Assisted Rocket is the prime example for this. If you nerf rifle people will have to use kits again.
  3. Untamed is best but i'm sure everyone wants you to play Soulbeast. Hammer is very good if you can control the switching
  4. Hmmm to some extend you are right since I looked around and essentially no one in any game mode has posted a Celestials Untamed Build (Guild Jen has one but its pure Condition). You know what I will stick to guns because I was right about Virtuoso. The way you play the Self-boon Chronomancer is almost identical to my Celestial Untamed build. https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Chronomancer_-_Phantasmal_Duelist Again there is no way to understate how powerful being able to self-apply most boons in the game.
  5. Yeah you pretty much got it. I have noticed the Forum Moderators are very good at stopping or locking Threads that get out of control in which name calling starts but this seems like a blind spot. Truly I don't really care either way but I just see it as a potential problem. I could see someone new to the forums being inundated with notifications to only see someone spamming each past post with a confused face a problem. If I do get annoyed it would be that part alone.
  6. Yeah pretty much, I do have a few pieces of Assassins Trinkets to get my critical chance to 100%. When I do switch to Berserkers I don't notice much difference in terms of damage since I have permanent Quickness and Alacrity on Celestials. If I'm in a group then I do play Berserkers or even better a Hybrid Soulbeast, but for Mad King's Labyrinth you don't really want more damage otherwise everyone get less loot.
  7. To be Perfectly honest I think it is getting better but very slowly. As more Elite Specialization get un-nerfed we will see more diversity, this will mean we can start to reinstate Roles to try and counter the Randomness that is every profession being good. I have said for along time that the real problem is the Ranking System, I would drop the over all Ranks by one so everyone in Bronze is moved up into Silver. The problem we currently have is only one person in the whole NA is ranked Legendary. PvP should be a good way to get your daily and Gold if you willing to play more than one match. (An extra Pip for first match after reset is a good idea) Provide people real Meta Templates and even add more Stat combinations trinkets. If you can play it WvW their should be sPvP version, I'm fine with some of the states being toned down (no Celestials) but something equivalent should be in sPvP. PvP should be fun and bringing some insane build to the mix should be the real Meta and this is where the PvP is heading.
  8. I'm just curious more than anything else since sometimes when I post something that rubs someone the wrong I notice I get them (maybe) or someone else going back and reacting with confused faces on unrelated topics. Hmm I don't really want anything done about it my circumstance and normally these people get banned anyway while arguing (normally not with me). I'm just wondering if Arena Net has any automatic process for this problem?
  9. I had been building out the Class with primary Legendary Armor and then using Celestials Stats. It had been going well, I'm able to get about consistent 10k DPS in the open world while running all spirits. I have stated before how tanky this build can be and the ability to lower cooldowns drastically can make for some interesting Solo potential in the Open World (Instantly rez anyone with Spirit of Nature, even an entire NPC Village.) But I really noticed it while doing the Mad King's Labyrinth, You can tag almost any mob and not be CC'ed by anything. I'm able to maintain at least 3 stacks of stability with the numbers of stuns I can produce while pet is Unleashed. There isn't any secret the Untamed playstyle, Enhancing Impact lets you get a lot of stability and Spirits have tones of AoE so tagging is not really an issue at any Door. Not to mention you can permanently maintain most boons in the game. This the build by the way http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwEI6MsMD2BrjJyIxU26NeB-zxQY1omLcHk3ZElUICVgH/IBye4r8bA-e Look at the boon spread, it can maintain every boon except for Resistance and Resolution (Protection can be maintained based on utility). You also can have some very long super speed, 9-19 seconds based on utilities.
  10. .........? I never mentioned PvE except for a past grievance. It has no relation to my original post what so ever. Arg at this point I might just report my own thread and get it removed since this is causing me more stress than its worth.
  11. I like the Scepter changes since that does really need a buff. Otherwise most would either be too powerful and at the same time nerf many sustain builds
  12. I guess I can change the post then since this was another criticism.
  13. Oh okay that makes some sense, I also think you cant be in de-ranking limbo if you have not played for a while. People probably had a break leading into the Festival.
  14. Maybe, I just noticed today I was in top 250 while just being in Gold 2 so I thought it was weird. It could be because everyone is playing Festival so they are no longer on the leaderboard. (You have to play so X number of games in a row to be on it) It seems to have come right though, 1400 is now the top 250 so at least it is better.
  15. Its kind of the point of Condition Ranger and especially Druid. I use Untamed in WvW and roots really help me chase people down or even run away since the Condition Builds don't have as much mobility as the power equivalent. It does work really well, but other times its just an expensive control condition. I would be better of with a fear or something like Necromancer since at least they can interrupt a target.
  16. We have 20 player in Platinum 2+, 100 players Platinum 1,100 players in Gold 3/Gold 2 The distribution is really crazy, how can we have less player in a lower rank? Shouldn't it be an exponential curve.
  17. I don't think anyone really complained that it was cloneless, at least not after the initial shock. Most people complained that is was selfish and had no utility or survivability which has been fixed with the introduction of distortion (F4). What is the problem with Mesmer? Again I never have this problem on other Profession forums just the Mesmer one. It is getting better and a lot of people have come out of woodwork to back me up (sometimes in private messages). I also said this "some really strong Mesmer players", I'm not claiming the Mesmer as a whole is good in PvP just some players are doing really well in gold so much so that I even dropped to gold 2. I'm now much better at countering them and am climbing back to the top 250 players. PS, this was the pessimism comment I responded to "And i'm saying that as soon as we do, there will be threads upon threads of salty people coming here for nerfs. So, i mean, i want mesmer to be great too, but i'm tired of fighting the community."
  18. I think you are in way to deep, people play what they want to play. The reason Mechanist is the way it is because of Core Engineer. Rather than most professions which have simple auto attacks and more difficult to trigger Traits, Engineer has really hard to land auto attacks (Kits) and traits that buff the passive gameplay. This worked fine until Mechanist showed up along with Rifle changes. I think the fix is to just not let the Mech trigger any Core Traitlines and maybe tone down rifle a little, allowing the Kits to return into the Meta. I could on board to flip some of the engineer traits to be less passive.
  19. Seems like the entire history of the Mesmer professions is player base being so pessimistic that any amount of optimism will result in tones of confused faces. This was the primary reason I left the forums before, since I stuck up for Virtuoso before people realized it is one of the best end-game PvE Elites. Never have this problem on the Ranger forum lol.
  20. No one is complaining, I think the class diversity will prevent this since every profession has something they can write home about.
  21. What are you playing and also how are you playing. Playing a given role means nothing, you need to be ready to PUG stomp. Capitalizing on other peoples lack of understanding to dominate most games, this is exactly why Engineer has become so dominant in low ranks.
  22. I think its fine, a Low Intensity build can make farming much more bearable when you have something fun to spam. Right now I love Untamed Axe for my farming, I use Celestials/Assassins and just spam the Ambush along with Axe 1-3 + Warhorn. I have 30% bleed duration and 100% critical chance, with 50% boon duration so that means Quickness + Alacrity permanently.
  23. I just want a second dodge, I never really used to burst players which was the original issue. If they stuck a timer on the Ambush that would make me happy, Carrion Mirage all the way.
  24. Mesmer have so many variations so it is hard to counter them all but generally cleaving whatever they spam will down them. The most aggressive bunker style Mesmer should an easy match up but if they are burst then you best bet is to reflect or dodge the damage. I think the main thing with Mesmer and by extension Elementalist is just patience, get them to waste their cooldowns on simple skills and watch for burst combos.
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