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Posts posted by Lucy.3728

  1. I bought said outfit and it looks terrible close up, like on character selection or story cinematics. As if played with low graphics settings, but I use best quality as setting and none of my other outfits have such a low quality texture.

    Pls do something. It looks heroic on my Charr but I get eye kitten seeing it in the story cinematics or every time I log in.



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    In the event against the Ministry of Transist Agent, where you have to collect paper for an achievement (Paper Trail), I got pulled in by the boss, through a pot and got stuck in it and couldn't get out. I also tried to mount the Skyscale in battle, I was catapulted up but then I fell down again.

    Luckily, there were other players dismantling the boss, so I was able to get out of battle mode and port.



    Easy fix: remove the pot.

  3. On 9/2/2023 at 11:51 AM, atalana.8265 said:

    On searching reddit just now someone suggested repairing walls, which I will try closer to reset and see if it gives me it then, but this should not be necessary! If it's about repairing, tell us that

    That's dated.
    Repair gave you participation in defence but some people were whining because players were abusing that system and leech stone mist empty with useless wall repairs. I don't know if that led Anet to remove repairing as participation but it got removed not so long ago, and many complained because what you said. Defending cannot be planned now, it's mere luck you hit the right guy and that guy dies within the invisible event area (or so ppl say, I don't know the exact mechanic).

    Best chances when your side owns stone mist castle and you defend there.

    If at least destroyed siege would count, the rams or catas that hit a hole in the structure, but noooo, just kitten it up completely. (And then make it a mandatory daily)

  4. Thanks for the replies. I ordered rare lvl 35 armor in the tp and will play with whatever drops so long. But that more due to the lack of an easy karma vendor overview. I'm lazy and spoiled by nice and easy overviews on wiki.

    Apparently I get bags as loot dropped that open as random equipment of the level of the current part of the map I am. So I just collect those and open them in an area close to my real level.

    I'm playing warrior, there isn't much condi worth playing. I play whatever weapon drops with better stats than the one I've equipped. Atm (lvl 30) its sword/warhorn and hammer. I like hammer (for the knockdown) and warhorn (for the speed).
    Will see to get power (+vita).

    • Confused 1
  5. Hello

    I created a new char(r) and am looking for karma vendors/heart traders that have low level armor. I don't want to do all hearts, just the minimum needed for equipment as I level.

    Actually I was looking for a list that I can check for specific things like armor, weapons, trinkets of different levels.

    I checked wiki, there are sometimes awesome summary lists one can sort and filter but I don't seem to find anything useful for my wish.

    Any help?

  6. 11 hours ago, Eater of Peeps.9062 said:

    We don't want to drive vets away either, do we?

    If they need a break, yes "we" do.

    One may need a bit distance from the game to remember that it is a game. No matter what one earned here it doesn't matter. It has no worth. It isn't real.
    One only put time into it, and when one regrets putting time into it then one may take the game too serious.

    You basically ask for a compensation for your time spent in the game. Forgetting that you had fun while whatever you earned yourself. Well in the best case you had fun, as it should be.

    The gap between newbie and veteran shouldn't be 5 years playing until the new player has the possibilities, tools and access in the same kind as the vets.

    • Like 3
  7. 16 hours ago, Casskade.7152 said:

    I welcome new players who joined with this latest expansion - new players is never a bad thing

    Indeed, they keep it fresh and lively.

    I created a new char yesterday and while doing the first hearts, on the beginner's map, two players came to me and one whispered if they could see my dragon again xD
    (they meant the skyscale I was using to rush from one heart to the other; aurene prismatic skin)
    They were mesmerized by it.
    (I've seen it so often that it doesn't have that effect on me anymore)

    That was cute.

    I hope they play long enough to get their own skyscale... erm dragon.

    • Like 3
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  8. On 8/29/2023 at 1:51 AM, Linken.6345 said:

    Problem then is people dont feel rewarded since they dont see anything landing in their bags.

    I'd be very happy if nothing landed in my bag. Or if it does, I'd like a 'open everything that can be opened tyvm' button beside the everything to material storage one.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 2
  9. 2 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

    Yes DE is dragons end and usualy commander put alac and quick in as many subs they can of the 10 they have, they dont keep everyone as a big blob like all other metas.

    I've always been in one big zerg when doing that meta. Dragons End, Dragon Fall, no difference in handling.

    But I've only done it about 5 times in total I think. Maybe 10 if there was an achievement to do it 10x.

  10. On 8/29/2023 at 3:47 PM, Hesione.9412 said:

    I also find the new metas more fun than DE. You don't need an organised squad with a comm organising alacrity and quickness into subgroups. Those are the only times I do DE, and it's now ?1.5 years since EoD launched.

    I thought DE is dragons end, but you describe it like a 10 ppl speed run of dragon storm.

    • Confused 3
  11. On 8/27/2023 at 2:14 PM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    We called it out prior to their release on regards to legendary runes, but at that time they were claiming that the 6th rune effects weren't going away.

    They also said that they'll release more relics later and just release some classics now.

    But seeing how runes go reversed to older stats of themselves and relics as bonus too (like antitoxin), I doubt one can recreate their stats like before.

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  12. 3 hours ago, bexo.9408 said:

    Wasn't your generation treated the same exact way by your parents?

    Treated like what?

    I could write a wall of text, but that would be even more off-topic. I'll post a video instead:


    3 hours ago, bexo.9408 said:

    Last I checked, I've got to spend more time working just to pay the bills

    In my country, no one has to overwork themselves to pay the bills. One can live entirely on our welfare system if morale is low enough to do so. Or one can work normally and get a little help from the welfare system if the money is not enough to pay for food, rent and health insurance. Most countries have a support system, in my country there is just no time limit for it.

    • Confused 6
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  13. On 8/27/2023 at 3:40 AM, Ganogati.8963 said:

    I suppose if that's how Anet intends their story to be done then that's one thing, but I'm generally used to games wanting you to do the story in relative order, rather than piecemeal like that.

    I don't think they had new players in mind when doing the new daily system.
    From all the opposing threads and bugs/problem that came with it, I don't know if they had anything in mind at all.

    You should deactivate pve and only activate wvw. Those dailys are easy and the maps don't spoil anything. You can always join a wvw map and return to where you left.
    Just find yourself a zerg, follow and do what they do. That way I did the daily  and both weeklys yesterday.

    • Thanks 4
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  14. 6 hours ago, Das Boot.9627 said:

    You are creating a community of slackers, who don't want to make any effort to get something, who don't want to spend a few hours in WvW to do ONE reward Track, to get a Gift of Battle.

    That ship's sailed years before you started playing.
    The game at release was different than what you got to know. You already got it easier than the players before you too.
    So don't throw your stones too far in your glass house.

    But what you observe isn't the game. It's life.
    Don't know about your country, but mine raises a community of slackers that may not even be a community anymore but a lazy mob of individualists that want their wishes fulfilled; not other's, other ppl are npcs even in real life; with low (self) effort.
    We call it Gen Z.
    (I'm Gen X)

    The game industry probably does not target the old generations like me, so they adapt to the new one.

    In this game I actually don't care. It's a game, meant to entertain. If some want it easy, then why not give them easy? As long as there is still a hard way for those that like it the hard way.
    Some do the jumping puzzles step by step and jump by jump.
    I fly with the skyscale and hop off.
    Both player types may even teleport others to the chests afterwards.

    Isn't the game awesome?


    6 hours ago, Das Boot.9627 said:

    And where is the compensation for those who already have it

    What compensation? You kept it, it's not taken away from you.

    Are you one of those guys that begrudge other ppl every little thing?

    • Like 3
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  15. The complete collection isn't complete anymore with the SotO release. I has everything before, incl. living world (ice brood saga/season 5 and before). But  all as standard version.
    Your ultimate editions come with goodies that standard versions don't have.

    If you don't give anything for chronological order, then you can buy the IBS later with gems. It may be in discount around Christmas. It features important story parts.
    Living world parts are separate from expansions. They are for free when released but later can only be bought.

    Shared inventory slots are limited. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shared_Inventory_Slot

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  16. 17 hours ago, Pifil.5193 said:

    yay for dolyak escorts!

    "Funny" thing was, that on my account with pve and pvp active I had 'escort 10 dollys' as weekly (I felt like the year of gw2 release all over again, uselessly following a dolly just for the sake of an event xD) BUT on my second account, where I only activated wvw, I had 'kill 10 dollys' instead xD

    Proves: pve makes you soft.

  17. 18 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

    I guess they wanted to obliterate the crafting market and all of you think its perfectly fine.  ALL OF YOU WHO DONT CRAFT AND DONT CARE ABOUT IT AS AN ISSUE.

    But I do craft to sell, I'm not done with my legendary stuff yet. So stop complaining as if you're the single victim here.

    I just changed the recipes and craft something else.

    Use gw2efficiency and find other goods to craft and sell.

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