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Posts posted by Lucy.3728

  1. 20 minutes ago, Liewec.2896 said:

    greatswords are usually the best looking weapons!

    If you remove their effects I find them (Sunrise/Twilight/Eternity) butt ugly.

    And when it comes to effects, I'm always impressed by those that cause large ice? spikes to form from the ground when slaying a creature.

    I wish that the footprint could be separated from the rest of the skin. First thing I did when I crafted Dreamer, was to add a skin. But I didn't mind its rainbow footprints :s

    • Like 4
  2. Since the PvE tasks now also include forced tasks that I simply do not want to do, I have my dailies only set to WvW and must admit that since then I no longer visit the PvE maps as before. Back in the days when I still had extra chars on certain maps that I visited frequently for PvE daily.
    I only entered maps when the daily offered it as a choice, I didn't have to but I could and wanted to from time to time. And sometimes I thought to myself, boss xy or event on map xy... yeah why not. As a variety.

    That no longer happens. I'm a bit sad but I can't get myself motivated to visit a map without a reason.

    In addition, the WvW tasks are just great. Except defend, its success is quite dependent on chance.

    I levelled a Charr just last week, took me 9 days from 1 to the end of the personal story. And can't say that I was on deserted maps. I explored some maps for the exp to reach the next story chapter minimum level. And the lower level maps had more people than the high level ones. On the starter maps of Charr, Norn and Human were always other players in sight.

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  3. 3) I've dealt with the relics, but I have neither more nor less fun through relics.

    If Anet had not announced it, I would not have noticed that something is missing :x
    The chars of mine with runes that spawn something as a 6th rune effect are not the ones I play regularly.

    I have tested some relics in WvW and use the speed relic on my herald and the eye beam one on my renegade. I don't like the too visible effect of the latter. Today I caught myself not using my elite skill because I just didn't want the oversized eye looming over my head like a big arrow doing its thing.

    I'd test out more, but what am I supposed to do with all those soulbound relics? Runes weren't soulbound, why are the relics?

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  4. 3 hours ago, Icefyer.9208 said:

    It's still nice to have options for those of us that don't like the ugly or mega-toothy faces. 

    I don't disagree. The more options the better. If it was the way I would like it to be, character creation would be like Sims.
    I was already disappointed that SotO came without new horns, faces, patterns or anything new.

    My latest created Charr is male: https://i.postimg.cc/cC2gkQQ9/gw385-2.jpg
    I think he doesn't look ugly, even with the "spikes" around his eyes. It fits. They give him character.

    No one likes the ugly. But some accept that some don't look like from the next fashion magazine and accept "flaws".

    • Like 2
  5. Selling has always been better than salvaging for me. I've done the math about 4 times in the last 3 years, always with a stack. I've always been disappointed with the results. Salvage is more effort, but I get less. I use the mystic tool and haven't even calculated that one
    I would have always been better off selling the unid gear.

    Applies to any color. For blue and green you get luck for your account if that is something you want.

    • Like 1
  6. I find all of it annoying.
    Nothing kind of nice. Except when you first play, but once you get through the story, that should be the end of it. Because all the information is already out by then. After that it becomes a nuisance.

    As a Rev, I'm already frequently verbally mobbed by all the Legends with the same comments over and over, why do they need to add another unwelcome chatterbox?

    And the whispering problem is even worse.

    I get whispered at by players in WvW and by friends and sometimes even by random PVE players, but I don't want to be whispered at by NPC. They can shout at me like NPCs do. But not whisper.

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  7. There are the old school, classic, Charrs and there are already the newer, streamlined, ones.

    Bangar, like Crecia, are unique. Invented in and for the ice brood saga. You won't find any similar looking ones like those two. They both look too tame. Bangar always reminded me of Scar from Lion King, and he turned out to be a wimp too.
    Almorra is a classic Charr. Rytlock too but with him they hide his fangs so they don't stick out of his snout when he talks in cinematics (which has clipping because his canines are too long).

    Among the female faces is one that one wouldn't even recognize as female: https://i.postimg.cc/DZTYDdMj/gw413e.jpg

    Charrs like I never wanted to see, but once it happened accidentally it burned into my memory and now it's too late to get the respect back: https://i.postimg.cc/wBN9DpPC/gw315e.jpg

    6 hours ago, Icefyer.9208 said:

    Why is there this idea that ugly = fierce, if that's what they were going for?

    Charrs existed before GW2 already.
    They migrated from GW1 and there they were hostile to the player. I mean a devourer isn't beautiful either, like most hostile monsters.


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  8. In case you mean ranger with hunter:

    For harassing single targets, Thief is the most pesky choice from a victim standpoint, but Ranger is probably the faster choice to take one out. He can have an insane burst. But Thief, with its mobility and more stealth, outweighs any other class.

    For organized squads in WvW, Thief is useless. Even more so than the Ranger. The Ranger is also not popular and can be kicked out when the squad is full. Some commanders are so nasty.

  9. Guard is also the most versatile profession. I think followed by Revenant which also can be played as healer, but due to recent nerfs not as effective any more as before. Guard has been top choice even after certain updates/changes to it. So it is a save recommendation and a heal fireband is always welcome and often sought after. And if there is no need for heal, he can switch to a damage spec like dragonhunter.

    Unfortunately you won't experience its full scale until you specialised and equipped accordingly. Which will take a while after lvl 80.

    While levelling I found the guard as condi damage dealer (all to fire/burning) the easiest way to level and play the story and open world.

    And GW2 playing style can't be compared to others, not even to GW1 where you had the classic setups.

  10. 7 hours ago, Atraleos.5849 said:

    However, they save buying a lot of weapons at the lower levels and their value increases the more characters you have use them. They really shine for key farmers where you frequently restart the character at low level.

    Interesting. An item which most popular use is for farmers.

    I discarded the weapon after I was disappointed with the system.

    I level very rarely. Usually I get new characters right to level 80 with exp scroll and books.

    This was my second char in 3 years that I played like intended incl. personal story.

  11. About 1,5 years ago, when i played my thief through the personal story and had to do a lot of open world pve inbetween, I noticed GW map chat going downhill.

    But this year, nope, all better. Just played another new char though the story and took part in events and meta inbetween and all was friendly.

    WvW however is a drama in its own, has always been, and most of the time amusing, sometimes a bit too much and toxic only when linked with Fissure. A bit ranting and blaming and flaming and offending or mocking just belong to a pvp environment. And I'd find it inhuman if that was forbidden. It's a stress relief.

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  12. On 9/6/2023 at 4:14 AM, Atraleos.5849 said:

    You can then trade 10 Provisioner Tokens for a Bloodbound weapon

    I tried that about a year ago when I levelled a thief and find those weapons lacking.

    The thought behind that is nice because it's comfy, but I don't like that they are always weaker than buyable/tradeable alternatives and can't be upgraded.

    My warrior is 80 now and tomorrow I'll slay Zhaitan and be done with the personal story (for the third time).

  13. A week ago I had a race with a team mate, me as herald with the passive speed buff and the speed relic and he only got my herald speed buff.

    He doubts my speed relic works. First I ran ahead thinking my gap to him will widen quickly, but he actually was always on my tail. Then we switched positions, I chased him and we ran really, really long until I passed him. He said that was because, as a chaser, I can optimise my path better.
    To me it felt I was 5% faster than him and not 25% faster.

    So I dunno if that thing has any effect. At least I don't see any symbol or anything. And I'm not faster than anybody else.

    Whether you run at 133% or 166% should make a noticeable difference.

    • Like 2
  14. 5 hours ago, AlenaVolkova.8179 said:

    I prefer Guild Wars 2 MMO UI than any MMO's. Namely WoW, Wildstar (RIP), Ark Fall (RIP), and PSO2 NGS, they all have bloated information all over my screen.

    What about Aion?

    I always though it had the best functionality and flexibility. You can put whatever in you bars (even emotes, food...) and you could put them where ever u wanted them (I had my utility bar vertically on the right hand side) and create a lot of them. Frame your screen if you're into that.

    • Confused 1
  15. On 9/6/2023 at 4:01 PM, Teknomancer.4895 said:

    hello, Mystic Toilet mats

    And the an annoying thing about the mystic toilet: it doesn't use mats from mats storage. You have to put mats from mats storage either in your bank or your inventory when you want to flush it down 👎

    On 9/6/2023 at 4:01 PM, Teknomancer.4895 said:

    Yes, they make money off bank tab expanders so their incentives to fix it are iffy, but they seem to have forgotten that material storage expanders are a thing in the gem shop, too.

    At some point you have just everything anyway. And still want more xD

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  16. 2 hours ago, Mortayia.7651 said:

    20-35 bucks for ONE set of tools on ONE character is beyond kitten.. then sell over priced partial solution, shared inventory slots. 

    I trade gems for gold.

    Costs nothing but my game time and what else am I gonna do with my gold but use it for my own laziness/fun? An game needs a gold sink.
    I even buy skins. I think I spent more gold in skins than in legendary equipment 🤣🤔

    I dunno where my gold always comes from, it accumulates by itself. I don't farm and craft anymore. I mainly play wvw and that's not a money maker by itself.
    But within my first two years of playing (again) I got my bank and material storage and shared inventory slots maxed out (along with quite a few skins for mounts and gliders). And some infinite tools. I think infinite tools was second I saved my gold for. First was a gilder because the default one is such an eye sore I couldn't bear seeing myself gliding.
    In my third year I started with legendary equipment because the gold -> gems share ratio was too expensive for me taste (I usually bought gems when 400 of them costs 120 gold or less) but the gold accumulated and I HAD to spend it in something. Within two weeks I build Bolt and Dreamer. Then 2 sigils and then I started with a wvw armor. Now I just finished with the runes.

    And All that legendary stuff was so expensive, everything considered, infinite tools a are penny compared to that. Ofc they have an account wide use, but that reflects the costs.
    Just think about how many gems you could buy with 10-12k gold.

    What do you buy with your gold?

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  17. As a user of 3-4 sets for about 2 years, I wouldn't want to miss those unlimited tools.

    1) Easiest way to collect magic (volatile/unbound tools)

    2) Fastest way to harvest plant node patches since everything within range is harvested along (skyscale hatchling tools)
    2.1) This is a charm in wvw since leather and other nodes, but wood/ore, are considered plants too and with luck you harvest once and got everything from the tower/keep
    2.2) For the same reason it's awesome in the guild hall

    3) Sure thing to get your orichalcum income maxed since every mithril = orichalcum (skyscale hatchling tools)
    3.2) The skyscale hatchling pick mines 10 units of rich or with 2 turns and not 3 like my other tools - if that's important.

    I use the skyscale hatchling sickle, and for wood a magic gatherer axe, and for ore either magic or also skyscale hatchling pick (depending what I want or come across).

    I have other tools too, like some that give me random extras but I don't use them anymore, apart from the watchwork pick.

    But ofc switching them is annoying, I use 6 spots of my shared inventory (was 7 until recently). My shared inventory is maxed, so it's not so much of a big deal but the switching is annoying because I sometimes forget it and then have to log around. I wish I could place a dummy on my other chars so they equip/unequip them automatically. Or better have them linked.

    I wish someone would have told me not to invest a gem in unlimited tools that have no glyth. Those are a waste of gems. And those tools rot in some char I don't even know where. And time reducing glyphes may be a waste too. Have this axe that has a chance to get the wood instant. Waste.

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  18. I just did it with 3 friends - I opened it - and didn't even ask them because I didn't knew this is a thing. I had the debuff on me, thought that's normal for that environment. Got downed once but helped up by a teammate.
    In all it wasn't something to mention since it wasn't a problem.
    That my evade got crippled and I rarely could evade attacks was worse.

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