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Posts posted by Lucy.3728

  1. 8 hours ago, Frostfang.5109 said:

    I have to pay (with resources) to play certain content (t2 & t3 rifts)! Creating  a material sink barrier for getting access to events is greedy in my opinion.

    It's healthy for the economy is what I say.

    Let's change things when they don't work any more as intended and not before.

    So long you can join others, since it needs more than one person to do t3 rifts anyway.

    • Like 1
  2. Could be my topic. I often don't find my commander in battle.

    Personal mark is a help, but it gets deleted with his teleport (even on same map) and you have to mark again and again and again if you're unlucky.

    What about the commander marks? Anyone tested that? Maybe I'll ask him to give himself the gaping hole symbol.

    • Confused 1
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  3. 32 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Apparently, hence:


    It is rather predictable to me though. Granted that when I need simple defensive events, focusing on camps is easier considering they're less likely to get zerged and you actually see who did something to that camp. It really is predictable there. But again, why aren't people posting videos of it to make the potential bug detection easier?


    Yeah, it's because you won't get participation for just killing someone who happened to be nearby attacked tower or camp. This is not really how that works. 

    "Good possibility", sure. But, again, players who were left inside after defending their own structure do not automatically count for a defense event just because they're inside without interacting with anything.


    And then people wonder why I'm asking about actual videos while acting offended because "woah, do you really think so many players don't know how it works?!?" just so they'll subsequently write a story like this, where nothing points at anything that should get them participation in the defense event. Because, again, killing someone who happens to be nearby (or even someone who follows the zerg and doesn't attack anything -either intentionally or because they simply try to tag npcs too late, when they're already dead) does not give you defense participation. As much as there can be -and probably are- bugs, this is most probably not one.

    Everything you write is known. Nothing new.

    I said it is not predictable. Because I cannot know whether the ones I killed, attacked, hit (e.g. from aoe) and maybe died later, DID something to the structure or the guards.
    And that within the invisible event borders.

    I listed my very usual defend live.

    Now come and tell me something new.

    edit: Oh wait, the ones attacking the camp did something to it, they were only two, But they probably left the event area when we finally finished them

    • Confused 2
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  4. On 9/12/2023 at 4:06 AM, Icefyer.9208 said:

    From the side those two look better than from the front. Actually kind of cute with that underbite xD Maybe I'll use one of them after all. From the front they looked too scary.

    One face paint belongs to the Olmakahn lore. It's a more peaceful Charr tribe far away from the influence of the High Legions. Met in living world 4.
    Bottica wears one of the paint variants https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Boticca
    Cinder has the other: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cinder_Steeltemper

    I love those, have two female Charrs which that and wish there was more.

    • Like 1
  5. On 9/11/2023 at 11:53 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

    I must be the only player on this forum to not have issues with getting defense events count for the wvw dailies.

    Not only in this forum, in game then too most likely.

    I do the WvW tasks on 3 accounts and from what I have observed, it is not predictable to get the event successfully.

    Acc1) In the first account I arrived just as a tower was attacked, 'lucky' I thought. Quickly do the defense. About 20 Blues were at the gate with 2 rams and already a few defenders. Just the usual hustle and bustle at an important tower (Jerry's) and nothing organized yet. At some point we were enough to push them away, they fled towards the camp. We killed a few, removed the rams and repaired the gate and then joined them in the camp. At the same time we defended the camp, which was half down. Then they retreated further to their side and there we killed them completely.

    I didn't get anything for the tower or the camp. Later, someone posted an emergency wp for the fire keep on Red, and I got the defense for that. I didn't do anything different there than I did at the tower before. No that's not true, I did  less. I didn't remove any siege and didn't repair anything. I went harvesting.

    Acc2) No defense events running. So I joined a ppt zerg and we took a tower far in the red territory. Heavily defended. On the third try it finally worked out. And as it is with heavily defended structures, there were still enemies in the tower after we took it, so we wiped them all out one by one. And that, in my experience, is the best way to successfully complete the event. Because most of the time when it counted for me, it was such a situation. Now you can't really bring it on. Sometimes there are no more opponents.

    Another good possibility, with high chances of success, is when you have Stone Mist Castle. That is always attacked and accordingly high the probability that it counts.

    Acc3) It was already at night and I was tired, just wanted to do the daylies quickly. The red enemies often went through the dredge tunnel to Wild Creek and the camp. Thus, we, who needed the event, were there defending the camp and the tower. A few times. After that counted for no one I wanted to do the method with the tower capture. So we took Anza. Was also defended but only a little and when we took it there was no one left. Checked other maps to see if there was a zerg/commander running around. Nothing. I defended the north camp on the homes and that gave again nothing and I was much too tired to wait there that all variables are true that it counts anywhere.


    • Confused 2
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  6. I couldn't finish it in wvw (would have been the fastest) with my char that finished SotO.

    But doing event chains in Amnytas, like escorting Lyhr (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Escort_Lyhr_to_the_Great_Hall_so_he_can_rebalance_himself), got me quite a good amount of downstate players in the last event of the chain. Also a perfect place would be the Matriach/Wyvern champ on the first SotO map. Just ask in chat that you need help with it and ppl will come and you can rez them xD https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defeat_the_champion_wyvern at the Matriach's Nest POI [&BM0NAAA=]

    But that infusion was also the one that lasted the longest. And I didn't have the counter on chars that didn't put a foot in SotO.

  7. 46 minutes ago, Icefyer.9208 said:

    Wow. If that's considered attractive, charr need some help. I'm surprised he can even close his mouth at all.

    In-game he looks like this: https://i.postimg.cc/7hzpX7j2/gw041.jpg

    Human attractiveness features do not count with Charr, they have theirs.
    Simply play human (or Norn).

    Charr can also find suitable mounts. 😄 https://i.postimg.cc/FR5b3Lbq/gw342.jpg - https://i.postimg.cc/R0nQWRtK/gw410.jpg


    • Haha 1
  8. 7 hours ago, Gop.8713 said:

    Under the old system you did have twelve options to do three, but it was four from each mode, so if you were picking one game mode you'd only have an option of three from four.

    But under the old system you had dailies like harvest, crop or mine a resource on a daily basis (super easy #1)
    and even if you normally avoid wvw you could do a no brainer like veteran (just camp the spot closest to your spawn with friendly players and do an autohit on the thing when it spawns) (super easy #2)
    and then you'd choose something else that's super easy like a vista or maybe do Tequatl and get the 5 events off the list with that.

    • Thanks 2
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  9. 15 hours ago, HawkMeister.4758 said:

    As a rule I don't buy unfinished products.

    This "expansion" hasn't even introduced the main attraction, the new weapon system.

    Let alone any proper content.

    It is unfinished. At least the story mode is unfinished if you value the story highly. If not, then it is still worth it. Even without the extra weapon system.

    The maps are fun. A lot to do. The first map is great with all its different fractals. And from completing achievements it feels like Seitung (with more players). (Seitung was also very entertaining for me.)

    Your skyscale will get partly ruined and partly boosted when you do its new mastery.

    • Sad 1
  10. Depending on the time of day, the ley lines are already difficult to see. If you add a high speed as a variable, then it is inevitable to unintentionally get into it with the Griffon. (And SotO maps are Griffon maps)
    This has also happened to me. It yanked me in the opposite direction.

    And except for dismounting and then mounting again while in free fall, I found no way to get out of it again.

    The flight life was probably too easy, now there had to be built in obstacles.

    A hotkey doesn't help me, I would like to turn it off completely. I don't know where the advantage is to crawl along a ley line with a Griffon.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Cuks.8241 said:

    There are also some low chance items that increase value alot. 1 stack is really not representative.

    But that's then like the lottery when you play daily and net the results after 10 years.

    Reliable results are more useful.

    From 4-5 rare stacks there wasn't anything justifying salvage. Not even a single item for an achievement collection which says can be dropped from salvaging or buyable from tp. No such luck.

    • Like 1
  12. 19 hours ago, Gorani.7205 said:

    Getting Iron and Platinum is great at the moment

    Been great for the past 1,5 years and not just at the moment.

    19 hours ago, Gorani.7205 said:

    The higher the current value of Ectos is, the better you run with salvaging rare bundles

    With price raise of ectos everything that drops ectos raises too.

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