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Posts posted by Lucy.3728

  1. 5 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    Also, all current Ranger meta DPS builds are melee.

    The front-ranger. ^^

    I like the longbow, it has a burst, it has a cc, it has an aoe and it has a stealth skill
    but it is boring to play and no one wants a ranger with bow (be short or long) anywhere where it is important

    For bow I play renegade, but it lacks burst and it's also just pressing whats not in cooldown
    But somehow I've fun with it, esp in open world pve when I can play like I want

  2. (my bank is maxed)

    Sometimes I know I have a certain item in my bank, but I can't find it right away even though I already have some organization in it.
    I then have to use the search box.

    How do you organize your bank? Do you always find your stuff without looking through all the boxes from top to bottom?

    01) Random stuff
    02) Boosters, teleport tomes and random stuff
    03) Potions, food and random stuff
    04) Relics, relics chests, relics containers, different kinds of salvage kits and extractors, research kits
    05) Random stuff
    06) Crafting material: inscriptions, insignias; random stuff
    07) Sigils (I've 2 leg. sigils, but for switching weapons from inventory, the classic sigil is a choice that at least remains)
    08) Runes (I've 6 leg. runes but somehow I still keep that stuff :s)
    09) support marks, shards and emblems from wvw, festival stuff that I just notice because I actually have a separate storage char for festival stuff
    10) my growing collection of material sinks like Princess, Herta,... - 9 already; growing collection of rare Hero's weapons because apparently I need to keep them to further upgrading them to exotic and ascended *shrugs*; all medallions, because they were something cheap and easy to drop into the mystic toilet when it was daily in the old system; some infusions I bought for later use when spending badges of honour was wvw daily.
    11) Ascended trinkets for later use or no use at all because what else to do with them?; random stuff
    12) weapon chests (e.g. from dungeon reward tracks), ascended weapons from achievements with up to today useless stats for me
    13) Exotic weapons
    14) Ascended armor pieces and armor chests (don't have many anymore since I had to salvage all to craft a legendary set), exotic armor chests
    15) Exotic Light armor pieces
    16) Exotic Medium Armor pieces
    17) Crafting Materials (Since I've a heavy legendary amorset I got rid of my exotic heavy armor pieces that where in this box)

    The random stuff are: mystic forge stones, unid. dyes, keys, scrolls, gifts (though I've a storage char for that too), casino coins, blood of jormag, black lion stuff, things to expand my acc with, kits and tickets, statuettes, boxes o fun (i used to throw them away until i got the a pistol precurser dropped and saw that I need that boxes for crafting the legendary), lumber cores, proofs of legends, jade bot upgrades, anthologies...

    I have separate storage chars for (each):

    • everything related to fishing
    • everything actively needed for wvw (my wvw char ^^)
    • festival stuff
    • gifts and random stuff that i don't know when or whether i'll need them (since that char is quite full already i don't drop anything on him anymore since I sometimes play him too and need some empty slots)
    • random stuff that i more likely need sooner than the random stuff i dropped in above char
    • materials (for mats that hit my 2500 mats storage) like tons of bottles of airship oil (dunno what to do with that), piles of auric dust, memories of battles, silk scraps, stack of teleport to friends (the leftovers are in my shared inventory)
    • everything related to the Silverwastes (don't want that stuff in my bank)


  3. 1 hour ago, Tazzy.1658 said:

    because I 100% understand this as an issue. I personally love JPs, but I get that for a lot of players it's really hard, even a roadblock,

    I'm someone who dislikes jump puzzles because I can't see/estimate the distance well on a 2D monitor. Then when you add textures that obscure the edges, I fail very often (I had 15 failed attempts today to reach the blue catmander in wvw, until a bystander took pity and ported me). But without the jp dailys, in the old system, I wouldn't have been able to make as many jp for the collection achievement. Those dailies were the only reason I got it the easy way, through a port.

    Many thanks to Pink.

    And those jp dailies were also perfect to watch pros how to get around all the hassle with Skyscale. 😄
    (sometimes the Bunny is enough)

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  4. On 9/1/2023 at 12:41 PM, Nightcore.5621 said:

    I did this on 5 accounts already all the gold made for almost nothing is beyond broken. 1 day farm and u make more than u will do in 30 days playing each day.

    I did this on 3 accounts and don't share your enthusiasms. The cheap gold bags and the mystic bags were easy to get but what else is interesting in that setting? And now I have to wait months for it to reset?

    And my main acc def. does more gold in that time.

  5. I don't like the chest icon on the right hand side right above the mini map that show progress. I often click on it and didnt want to when I try to open the rewards chests (and in wvw you get a spam of those) . It's in the way, it gives me no use but to be an annoyance.

    Maybe the UI should be more adjustable than the little what it offers.

    Id even like self made presets for the different game modes. Same with audio and graphic settings, I'm changing those every day manually.

  6. 9 hours ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

    i think its pretty likely the legendary runes will be required for the relic collection. this is probably what they mean by "contributing progress"

    That would be a cool way to handle it.

    8 hours ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:


    They were 430g/ea when I crafted them in summer this year. I only crafted 6 since I see the breather as a waste item. Hope I won't need 7.

    • Like 4
  7. 4 hours ago, Xentera.4560 said:

    I strongly believe choosing jumping puzzles for weeklies in the first place is a terrible idea.

    It was in the daily before xD

    Don't know how it is now, but when it was daily you go to the map and there was already a commander porting the people who didn't want or could do it themselves.

    3 hours ago, WaifuJanna.9108 said:

    i wonder if Obsidian Sanctum JP is in the rotation

    Yeah it is. The others too. I prefer the OS JP because I can be ported to completion, while for the others I need to get the keys myself (if I can be brothered to do them at all).

    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 hour ago, N I Z M O R.2950 said:

    cause it's hard to do WvW reward track due to bad server.

    Which server?

    You could do it the very boring way and flip the spawn camps south of alpine borderlands. That's just PvE.
    Get the wvw buff from guild hall and use the reward track boost upgrade/infusion (laurels guy on any wvw map) for your amulet.

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  9. 2 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

    WvW is a grinder for masochists. A pain to max out all the weekly chests

    To me it's like capture the flag. Where the flags are the keeps and the shiny castle. Towers and camps are snacks.
    Nothing is more fun, to me, than 3 servers with full squads fighting for Stone Mist Castle, on both floors within the castle. PvP is nothing to that when you have to face 2 full squads that want nothing but your death. The movements, the pushes, the lures and pull backs, just to get the upper hand. A W E S O M E

    The wvw weekly does itself just by playing. The tasks with effort would be walk 5 meters beside 10 dolyaks, get bored in 10 shires/monuments or some jp. Someone had pity with me today and ported me to the blue catmander and I could finish the sitting-in-a-box-my-warclaw achievement. Thank you weekly.

    I dunno what to grind there. To me it is a game mode you only play when you have fun playing it because you don't get much out of it. There's the GoB, we are talking about here, but image some years ago there was wvw still part of the 100% exploration.

    To me, Jumping Puzzles are for masochists, many achievements are for masochists (all those with 'repeat 100x ty').
    And the unchallenged king of all quests for masochists is the classic Skyscale unlock torture.
    I've done it twice.

    • Thanks 1
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  10. I think there is still one achievement missing.

    In that map there is something about wine and you need a bottle to bottle it up but I searched everywhere, no bottle. They need to add the bottle and an achievement for it!

    Since you can revisited certain story-steps again and don't need to play the entire story again I think it is okay if they add more. The game got released in kind of a beta version anyway.

  11. On 9/11/2023 at 4:45 AM, Spike rr.7125 said:

    The issue is going back to older content just feels brain dead now.

    Fields of Ruin map exploration with my naked Holosmith, and not using mounts, was quite a challenge. I had to be saved by others in more than one occasion.

    Create your own challenge if you want it harder. It is optional.

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  12. Hm, my pc, soon 3 years old (Ryzen 5 3600, Radeon RX 5700 8 GB and 32 GB RAM) doesn't behave any differently. I'd need to have a tool running that constantly shows me the fps.
    I usually have it set to best quality with a lowest in character model quality (only applies to others, not me). Sometimes I change character model limit to middle or lower, just to see better in large cluster of players.


  13. 3 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

    without the extra effects why would folks need to switch between a bunch of rune sets

    When my wvw char plays pve I adjust my runes. I dont need to do that often.

    Apart from that I only use the legendary feature for new armor sets/new chars. But there's no difference from before. Before I didn't change my runes either. Once set I stuck to that. All meta anyway.
    I like that I could free an entire bank bag since the legendary runes. And that I don't have to buy runes anymore, dont need to care about prices.
    With the sigils I play around way more often than with runes.

    The downside of leg sigils, when changing weapons they re gone and have to be set every time again. Thats so annoying because I often switch between gun and great sword on my warrior (main set remains axe axe). I think I'll use the old school sigils again because legendary sucks there. I actually want to carry even more weapons (warrior can use a lot) and that problem would just get worse.

  14. If you're not after the exploration item, then just don't do anything you have no fun.

    If I level by playing then I play the personal story and explore a bit in-between, without the hearts, just the rest. And do some events/metas.

    Also you should find a guild to find people to play with and to learn what content there is. Level 80 is just the start of the game.
    Usually I boost my chars to 80 to get playing. But I use exp books.

  15. 48 minutes ago, nosleepdemon.1368 said:

    Lily of Elon gets my vote as well, I rarely find it to be overly crowded.

    That one is a no go. You can't travel back to your previous map.

    Or did they change that recently?

    I only use that to get a char to the desert without doing the story. Otherwise it was my waste of money when buying the deluxe ed of PoF. Didn't know it better before, I regret it. 😔

  16. On 9/3/2023 at 12:09 AM, Manpag.6421 said:

    Thousand Seas Pavilion never seems particularly busy to me

    Loads longer for me than Bastion does most times. But I bought the pavilion one just recently while I've been using the Bastion one for 2 years.


    On 9/2/2023 at 11:15 PM, jokke.6239 said:

    But the lack of world map is annoying

    But how often do you need a world map? If you have the Bastion one you are a wvw player.

    Annoying about Bastion is that you can't travel to a wvw wp. Esp. when someone pings an ewp. You see it in the chat and know that you won't make it, won't be able to help even if you have the time. That is such a let down for me.


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  17. I open about 2-3 tabs and didn't get that one yet.

    I hate any kind of captcha.

    I wish the inventor of captchas, where you have only one picture and all parts of whatever have to be marked, the exact same thing at his toilet door, to unlock it. And then it should work just as bad as for me.

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  18. 11 hours ago, Mrs Lana.2506 said:

    As it stands now if you craft legendary runes you're not losing any functionality. If you crafted them before the changes you *did* lose functionality, so there's nothing to compensate if you craft now.

    That sounds very unfair to those who do them now, if the recipe didn't change. They pay the same, or no, now that all the mats got a lot more expensive they even pay more.

    Then nobody should get support for the leg relic. The ones who have had it, benefited from it while they had it.

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  19. 6 hours ago, Ghastly.3914 said:

    But what about the weather?

    And what about the outfit? It should change automatically accordingly. Even when you move from grassland to cold, icy mountains, your outfit should look accordingly. There have already been suggestions that you create your own sets, which then change automatically depending on the zone.

    Nothing is going to change there.

    • Confused 2
  20. For the AA, I tried this map, which I haven't put a paw on before.

    Twice I did it to get the 5 structures. The first time there was a 36 unit squad and I thought 'lucky, this will be easy'. However, the map was already my colour except for 1 structure.
    The second time I asked in the team chat if someone helps (does the whole of wvw actually see that or who does?). I got no reply but saw that two other players followed me to the workshop and we finished the tasks. Same experience with my other account. I followed 3 randoms I found somewhere on the way.

    My conclusion:

    No gliding, no mounts, no pips, no enemies. No fun.

    What is your experience?

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