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Posts posted by Lucy.3728

  1. 7 minutes ago, kenzil.5983 said:

    you just described my strongest point on this topic so that people can relate to my intentions a little easier

    That point didn't need to be elaborated because it is obvious to anyone who knows about legendary.

    Anet bound the tasks for a legendary to certain game modes and maps and mats and has a reason for that, no?

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  2. I would actually like to have an internal help for the external wiki. For small things. I don't want to have to load the big wiki page to know when which meta starts on the current map.

    An extra chat channel for that would be awesome. Instead of wiki commands just chatbot commands and questions that need a short answer are handled immediately.

    Maybe you've been playing this game too long, but the phrase "playing the wiki", which I heard here first, results from a problem with this game.

  3. On 9/21/2023 at 10:59 PM, Danikat.8537 said:

    I think gold per season is a more relevant metric than gold per hour

    Yes, and then it all comes into relation again.
    Then it's like ~3 gold a day on average again?
    I'm still not sure if the new system is better than the old one.

    From a pure gaming point of view it is better, because you/your account is supported more.

    But if you have multiple accounts to push one account, then all the account bound stuff on the other accounts doesn't do you any good and besides it still needs SotO for some prizes.

    More costly and time consuming who only has ghost accounts.

    I have 3 accounts, but I play them, so it's no extra effort to fulfil the daily and weekly. Since I have wvw everywhere and generally play almost only wvw, it all does itself. The classic wvw weekly is sometimes work.

    Although, this week I got 10 shrines in the vault-weekly, and that's already steep. Because in an ordinary wvw week you do not reach 10 shrines. Not even 5 (as it is often required in the other wvw weekly).


    On 9/22/2023 at 12:05 AM, Vayne.8563 said:

    Guys who have 1 account, or two accounts, aren't the problem. There were people logging in before with 100 accounts and that was a problem

    The actions of the few, ruin it for the many.

    Because they totally exaggerate and exploit it. Abuse the system so much that it harms.

  4. 2 hours ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

    No, first of all, you need SoTO for T6 bags and for lege kit too I believe?

    Why the leg kit?

    Then you would need to actually build a legendary since the kit contents are account bound.

    2 hours ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

    you can, I got 900g/h for dailies and weeklies on alts

    How many alts are we talking?

    2 hours ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

    Not to mention that value of doing dailies is drastically lower once you get your 90g and 60 MCs.

    Not to forget you get those 90g and 60 MCs only every 3 month? That like 1g a day..

  5. 4 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    I don't understand what's going on, can't comprehend the messages in code in chat and spend time chasing what I believe are objectives only to be ganked time and again. 

    The experience everyone faces.

    Not just in wvw but metas too. They've their own language and movements and people are meant to know what to do. The game itself isn't that much helpful either.

    I'm still at a loss about some PoF metas and SotO metas.

    7 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    I also don't have the time to watch videos or read web sites to get my build to what is probably more acceptable, so I most likely wouldn't be accepted into any groups that I might find there.

    Most wvw servers have a community guild and many of them don't have requirements to join them (some want at least check the gear, so you don't come in with common gear with random stats - I passed a gear check with a rev-herald with the standard power gear in exotic, all berserker from the karma temple in Orr with cheap eagle runes). Many of them have ways to help new players. Some even have a squad once a week for new and old players that want to learn something new. Not just the people new to wvw but also veterans that change profession and have no clue how to work it in wvw.

    You need to ask your questions though and you need to use a voice chat for that (mostly discord; sometimes teamspeak).

    I feel in pve like you feel in wvw.
    The weekend I joined an event of the (pve) community guild, I've been a member of for over a half year, for a meta in PoF and really asked newbie questions xD

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  6. On 9/20/2023 at 1:42 PM, sttevenoj.6854 said:

    we decided that nether of us wanted to do this because it would take something away from the thrill of getting our first Mount.

    Since you get your first mount automatically after the first mission in Path of Fire, there is no feeling of accomplishment because it is no challenge, no effort. It just gets unlocked after the mission and done. The mount with effort is the Skyscale. The SotO way less than the classic way, but still effort.

    Also when you still play the core story or areas there would be a long way till the Path of Fire areas unless you start skipping stuff after all. Like the entirety of Heart of Thorns and all in-between seasons.

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  7. 21 hours ago, Westenev.5289 said:

    Some people genuinely hate wvw (usually because they play it wrong, I think)

    I think so too.

    They aren't familiar with it and don't want to invest the time to get familiar with it. Be it from bad experience or lack of possibility or no knowledge how to.
    But then they'd see that it isn't much effort to fill a wvw track.

    Last week was the first time in 3 years that I saw players, in map and team chat, saying they're here for the GoB. We kidnapped them in our zerg and dragged them along  ;D

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  8. 10 hours ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

    The Dark Tyrant Outfit may very well be one of the best, IF not the best outfit out there (at least for Reapers since it's a perfect match for Dark Harvest) , but of course, you had to add the darn loincloth

    Yeah, I was very tempted to buy it, looks awesome on my Charr but the loincloth...  made me reconsider. I'll keep it in mind, maybe another time when it's reduced it'll tempt me again. So long I'll go loincloth-free ty.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Tiamat.8254 said:

    this is obtainable only through WvW. Now a player like myself who is terrible in any form of PvP goes in and starts ruining it for people who actually are good and want to do well in WvW.

    As a wvw player I say you don't ruin it for other people.
    There have always been all kind of "suboptimal" people in wvw.

    Thus WvW has always been high drama.

    One minute everything is doomed and everyone sucks and it must be elaborated why exactly, and the other minute... well there is no other minute.

    You can kind of pve your way to the GoB. Just do the camps. You see another human that's hostile to you? Port back and go to another camp. Someone catches you nonetheless and kill you? Happens to every wvw player too. Port back and go elsewhere, like another map.

    If you're lucky you'll find a ppt zerg (means they try to only do pve content). But even without you can pve 2x GoB faster than 1 GoE.

    Gankers ruin wvw for other players.

    • Like 5
  10. 17 hours ago, Sawyer.4127 said:

    And you somehow want to tell me that there's nothing wrong with forcing me to do something I don't want to do for hours on end, in order to achieve the most prestigious items in the game?

    Yeah, there's nothing wrong.
    The compulsion is in your head.
    Since you can reach everything with ascended gear, no?

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  11. 1 hour ago, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

    So the price of some gen 1 legendaries is lower now. First of all, that would have happened anyway. In fact, it was already much lower than 5 years ago, and that was lower than 10 years ago.

    Actually, seeing its complete price history, that isn't true.
    5 years ago (2018) it was between 2.4k and 2.8k and 10 years ago (2013, at release) it was between 1.7k and 3.6k.

    Two things you'd notice, a sudden spike up to 6k in 2020 and a sudden drop to 1.5k in 2023.

    Well I don't know what caused the sudden spike (looks like an error in the collected data) but I know what caused the sudden drop, which didn't recover yet. It shows a before and an after event.

    Another leg. weapon I crafted was Dreamer. That one isn't in the box. SotO had no effect on its price (it raised a little but that's just within the usual up and down)

  12. 15 hours ago, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

    Even if that's the case, it's hardly enough to significantly impact the game's economy.

    Before SotO: Bolt costs me about 1300 gold to craft. Or I could order it for 1800 gold or buy it for 2100 gold from tp.
    After SotO: Order it for 1300 gold or buy it for 1500 gold from tp. (or craft it for about 650 gold with the support chest)

    Didn't check the other weapons from the choice chest since Bolt was the only one from them that I crafted before.


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