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Everything posted by Disney.7826

  1. It means u are too drunk to play
  2. Well it not 100% comparable when I'm looking at the results of my dragonball match up where everyone can play what he/she/whatever likes then the best players are ele and thief (and a core necro I played with and against). The heavy metal meta how I call it rev + guard is the result of hard pushes from the community over years against light weights because they do more dmg while dying easier but when you make them the same it makes only sense to go for the hardshell builds .. What has dragonball to do with pvp????
  3. Yes, thats why i said friend/block list, cuz you can keep track of them there, whenever they're in a pvp map you are safe to queue up If u didnt like last opponents and teammates then wait 5 minutes before queueing again. Easy as that.
  4. Its not ONLY anet s fault that pvp population is low. Btw even if u block someone, u can get with or vs him.
  5. As he said you can choose, in the right of your pvp window under ranked you can choose between "conquest, stronghold, both" or something similar like that, if you don't want to. Play champions dust, click on conquest Champion s dusk = strongholdNormal = conquest
  6. You can choose conquest or stronghold unranked queue....
  7. In ats u will meet mostly higher rated lfg teams. Your comp is not the problem
  8. Just add simple captcha before every ranked queue. Or if u do more rankeds in a row without stopping get captcha popup
  9. Not happening to me but i can confirm that multiple people get dced at same time in ats (happens almost everyday).
  10. those bots are farming gold, which means they're useless as free accounts U can transfer gold via black lion. Idk if its legal to write the way here. The amount of work to do that is abysmal. You gotta post it and the othet person has to buy it instantly. Unless you selling it cheaper i don't see ppl willing to do that, transfering 100 gold would take hoursU can transfer unlimited amount of gold in less than 5minutes.
  11. those bots are farming gold, which means they're useless as free accounts U can transfer gold via black lion. Idk if its legal to write the way here.
  12. Other than mesmer he's not wrong so prob not a troll.Things may be different in plat 2-3 and up but the rest meaning 90% of pvp is dominated by the fotm braindead cheese builds aka core necro,burn guard,trapper dh, sb renegade, and some very cancerous ele builds. Every match u join in gold 3 is 2 guard types aside if not more and the same with necros. I had a plat one match with 6 necros, 4 on one side and two the other and their was still 2 guards as well lmao.The balance is a joke right now and if anet showed the statistics on what classes have been most played in last 8 months guaranteed its guards,necros and ren's by a huge margin and ele not far behind. U can defend this gbage all u want but anets had to have noticed that the now tiny population has almost completely jumped to these fotm classes for a reason. Ok right. Im main holo. Pls nerf core necro, scourge, burn guard, dh, crev, mirage and condi thief. Ty If i play class that is countered by condis, that doesnt mean condi classes should be nerfed. So ur totally ignoring the fact 90% of classes played in pvp are guard/gh, necro and lastly at slightly lower numbers ren's and else's. There a reason so many playing all ran to these fotm classes. I never said if a class counters u it should be nerfed, I fact I believe that's the cause of most nerf threads ie wars and mesmers rally'ing for teef nerfs when in fact just so happens it counters em. I play warrior as much as thief and see so many war mains asking for thief nerfs simply cuz their countered by thief's blinds.I'm saying there's a huge disparity in class representation in favor of these classes for obvious reasons.Im ignoring the fact that 90% of classes in LOW tier are guard/dh and necro, because p+ should know how to deal with condis at least a bit. Also, there is no much necros and guards in higher tier - there is a lot of revs. Why? Cuz rev counters most popular class - guard. That doesnt mean rev should be nerfed. (Rev should be nerfed but not for the reason of farming guard) People ran to guard and necro cuz they are easy af to play - while some people play hard classes and dont perform as well as easy to play classes.
  13. No one said that cooldown's aren't important. I said it wasn't important to the point I was making about tradeoffs. That's not a "real" tradeoff...this is what you have in game already and it doesn't work. Wait, who said it doesnt work? Only you
  14. Other than mesmer he's not wrong so prob not a troll.Things may be different in plat 2-3 and up but the rest meaning 90% of pvp is dominated by the fotm braindead cheese builds aka core necro,burn guard,trapper dh, sb renegade, and some very cancerous ele builds. Every match u join in gold 3 is 2 guard types aside if not more and the same with necros. I had a plat one match with 6 necros, 4 on one side and two the other and their was still 2 guards as well lmao.The balance is a joke right now and if anet showed the statistics on what classes have been most played in last 8 months guaranteed its guards,necros and ren's by a huge margin and ele not far behind. U can defend this gbage all u want but anets had to have noticed that the now tiny population has almost completely jumped to these fotm classes for a reason. Ok right. Im main holo. Pls nerf core necro, scourge, burn guard, dh, crev, mirage and condi thief. Ty If i play class that is countered by condis, that doesnt mean condi classes should be nerfed.
  15. Yaa thanks for the correction. But I'm sure you get the point though. Twist of Fate is just an example. You're right about it's cooldown, but the cooldown was not really important to the point I was making. Yes CD is very important. If u havent noticed, there is no build with more than one long cd skill. If every skill gives negative effect on u, its the same as if no one skill gives negative. I know its fantasy game but there is no logic u should get penalty for using stunbreak or evading an attack. Penalty is for wasting long cd skill and dying cuz u cant use it. Fantasy game yet in real life i can survive a lot longer weapon attacks than my thief doesThief has enough sustain, if u are facetanking damage, cant cleanse or dodge then blame your skills, not class
  16. Yaa thanks for the correction. But I'm sure you get the point though. Twist of Fate is just an example. You're right about it's cooldown, but the cooldown was not really important to the point I was making. Yes CD is very important. If u havent noticed, there is no build with more than one long cd skill. If every skill gives negative effect on u, its the same as if no one skill gives negative. I know its fantasy game but there is no logic u should get penalty for using stunbreak or evading an attack. Penalty is for wasting long cd skill and dying cuz u cant use it.
  17. Why the fuck would someone use twist of fate if he will take double damage after? Its designed to prevent damage! Try playing your build without utilities. Also twist of fate is 75s CD, not 20sTradeoff is: u dont have stunbreak for next 75s.
  18. Indeed.From what I notice in guides and such most classes are likely to be 1 or 2 roles (elite specs taken into account ofc) if they are playing to meta, apart from rev which I hear repeatedly "can do everything". Checkhttps://www.godsofpvp.netThere is listed role for each build
  19. Not the first time happened, i make one post and gets duplicated for unknown reason. Im sorry for it.
  20. Thanks, will try it. I haven't been playing for years now, but no way in hell am I running my main mesmer, what has happened while I was away? XDOne dodge cmon... That's not Mesmer but Mirage.Core and chrono are nothing better
  21. Cant we just have a vote per match to ban players? It skips the unecessarily complex extra steps. This is pretty smart tbh. Better than my idea. Most people on here are just criticizing that I included damage in here, not actually discussing it substantively, so I appreciate the response. How is that smart, allowing players to vote who to ban is even more stupid How so? You are a very antagonistic person, yet don't actually have anything of substance to say. Unranked is a fine place for people to learn how to play. If we were going to use Dawdler's idea then it would simply keep people so bad their teammates hate them out of Ranked. Then when they get good enough that people aren't going to want to ban them from games, they can play Ranked, no problem. How do you not see how that could easily get abused at any level to ban better players? Because I'm assuming that there would be some safeguards against it. It's not reasonable to assume that, when a system is implemented, the developers will do literally nothing to prevent any problems. This is what I mean when I say you're being antagonistic, you hear a good idea and you think "How can I make this situation as negative as possible and have no faith in anybody?" It's not productive, and it's not nice.its not a good idea, its fucking stupid
  22. Thanks, will try it. I haven't been playing for years now, but no way in hell am I running my main mesmer, what has happened while I was away? XDOne dodge cmon... Its unplayable atm, i think no one wants mesmer meta back :)
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