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Everything posted by Disney.7826

  1. Used in a lot of top 4 mat teams past few months, played by prestige (3rd place on hsl), rip having 3 accs in top 10, a lot of other people using mirage in hsl...
  2. By most of players all builds are considered as trash until someone wins mat with it It can be good, but it wont be on metabattle if it doesnt win mat. If its not on metabattle, no one plays it.
  3. You mustn’t run multiple account at the same time in competitive environment.
  4. Hm? Axe pistol, sword torch mirage was meta fyi
  5. Yes, very hard to land power block.... (sarcastic)
  6. Low rated players mostly dont know even what their role is
  7. when u will get 2 thieves or 2 sup guards on ur team and only 1 in oppo u will say ur own post isnt smart
  8. Maybe higher cd or even single cast. He needs 1 utility for mantra but with it he blocks 2 of your utilities (because he has 2 casts). It brings mesmer double value. Oh and dont forget pistol and f3 are also cc.
  9. They can spam it on random skill and still get value. Like holo 2 cd to 15s, srsly?
  10. If they nerfed scg game would be in perfect state.
  11. Necro isnt as good as u think. Scg is good, but only 1. I can make u better questions, why play reaper when u can play holo? (Pre patch) why play nec when u can play crev? (One more patch ago) why play anything else than renegade? Necro is weakest class for heavy cc builds like holo and rene are.
  12. Beside rating, there is difference between no namers and legends, which arenanet cant control.
  13. Most of “serious players” dont play ats because 3 out of 4 matches is just 500-0ing lfg groups
  14. What from lats patch made u angry? It was like 98% pvp, 2% pve
  15. The problem is they take player reports as chat based logs (read red thing when submitting report). Like if u report bot, anet will do nothing because u dont have conversation with bot. If someone in your team is throwing on purpose and u report him as match manipulation, anet will do nothing except if that player wrote in team chat “i will throw”
  16. Im just explaining why is no one getting banned by arenanet. If u have better explanation, please let me know. im not supporting wintrading though, just saying how it is
  17. Yes public knows thats their alt in oppo team which is dced, but how can anet prove they were multiboxing in pvp match?
  18. How to prove someone is a wintrader? Because u win him in 1v1?
  19. There is no enough players to do 5 man ranked queue - good teams would dodge each other. Maybe if they made 5 man ranked in past (not only release) the gamemode wouldnt be dead.
  20. You are calling RIP wintrader? U can check his stream of his rankeds btw
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