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Everything posted by Disney.7826

  1. It's because people multi box with bot program and synch queue with their bots and then make their bots throw for them. They win trade with their own bots. This is officially out of control as of this 3v3 season to the point that you cannot solo queue or even duo queue without without having literal throw bots join your team, as they outnumber real player population like 3 to 1. <- That is actually happening. Don't 3v3 unless you have a 3 man premade of actual humans. Ever wonder who those people are who stand around AFK near the trade post and bank area, who never talk, who never move, who are in the same spot for days on end? Yeah give it some thought. I've even had TWO people recently say to me "Hey let's 3 man. Do you mind if a friend joins us?" and then some random kitten obvious bot joins our group that the guy is running and he proceeds to act like it isn't a bot when it is obviously a generic scourge barrier support spam bot. No one wintrades in 3v3, also no one wintrades with bots and oh also no one wintrades in silver. yes the do, it is easier to pad your rank for the next season3v3 isnt connected with 5v5. Pls stop spreading false info.
  2. I mentioned dh and spb cuz most of people would like to go behind object so they cant get pulled. But ye, other push skills also do the same. Its just retarded Its not class issue but map
  3. On most maps when u go behind object (so oppo cant pull you to themselves) you get stuck in object.
  4. All builds in current meta has block / reflect. Also u can pressure lich with condis, so player is forced to exit lich form.
  5. It's because people multi box with bot program and synch queue with their bots and then make their bots throw for them. They win trade with their own bots. This is officially out of control as of this 3v3 season to the point that you cannot solo queue or even duo queue without without having literal throw bots join your team, as they outnumber real player population like 3 to 1. <- That is actually happening. Don't 3v3 unless you have a 3 man premade of actual humans. Ever wonder who those people are who stand around AFK near the trade post and bank area, who never talk, who never move, who are in the same spot for days on end? Yeah give it some thought. I've even had TWO people recently say to me "Hey let's 3 man. Do you mind if a friend joins us?" and then some random kitten obvious bot joins our group that the guy is running and he proceeds to act like it isn't a bot when it is obviously a generic scourge barrier support spam bot. No one wintrades in 3v3, also no one wintrades with bots and oh also no one wintrades in silver.
  6. Pls delete this post full of wrong information
  7. Its 3v3 miniseason, it will end on 16th march. I like it only because full premade team queue - u can try queueing with friend. Placement matches are unbalanced. After first 10 matches opponents will be on your level Also, try playing core guardian or dh, probably the easiest 2 classes which have a lot of sustain. Core necro is also easy - just spam everything.
  8. There is 3times better reward for winning than loosing. Oh and bots would still work if u remove loosing reward, cuz bots also win around 50% of matches.
  9. Pls make an option to not do any reward track. all of them have only trash stuff
  10. First of all this wasn't some leaderboard game mode, so you did it only for fun and couldn't abuse it for some leaderboard manipulation like it is possible in duo queue for years now. This game mode would be a replacement for unranked and to me this would be far more enjoyable than playing ranked. You were placed with 5 random players in a game against 5 other random players. After 10 wins you proved yourself to be too good for random encounters and were placed only against premade teams. Premade teams did face only other premade teams or random teams that won 10 games in a row. Since GW2 matches are far longer, the number of wins should be lowered from 10 to 5 or even 3. Then play unranked.
  11. Because then 5 top players will try to snipe in one match and perma accept continue.
  12. Either report button is bugged or anet doesnt have security team
  13. If u think trapper ranger is degen then im sure u have never seen minionmancerU are fighting NPC, not player
  14. Its normal sup guard applies burn since passive of F1 is still there
  15. actually sad but true, we all know DH is kitten, we all know lich for is kitten, but we need those things to kill anything.When I get 25 might on a soulbeast, and use sic em rapid fire + barrage and people can eat it all, survive and keep reviving downed there is no hope, we need DH with its 15k+ dmg per skill in aoe to finish anything If there is no dh, then no one can kill bunkers.
  16. Games played: 89Minimum games: 105 Last week it was minimum 90.
  17. Check mat reward. Its not an infusion but gizmo over your head.
  18. I would like to see regular 2v2 and 3v3 tournaments. Like one day a week maybe to be deathmatch ats?
  19. Bots wouldnt run 24/7 then, cuz owner needs to sleep if one capcha takes 30s and 20 matches is needed for byzantinum chest that means 20golds for 10 minutes of work = 120g/hour of human workOn out of game marketplaces 120gold would cost around 2€. So its not worth doing it
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