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Everything posted by Disney.7826

  1. Learn in ranked - it isnt worth tryharding, tournaments are There is a big difference between getting better and climbing leaderboard
  2. A lot of high dmg builds were unplayable because of revs (thief for example)
  3. I love watching epic gameplays of thieves in my team, but to stay safe i use shark vpn which is on 81% discount with “tpot” coupon code.
  4. I will give u a tip with which u can 1v5 bots: they cant jump. Just jump on something. Also on skyhammer on sides u can jump on launchpad and bot will stay afk on point.
  5. Because it gets focused and dies in 0.2s. Also people need to be retarded to let u aa them freely.
  6. ... but... they... they do... :# Its about the cooldown
  7. What would those players learn in unranked?The experience of being lopsided by the opponent teams?How to bath in near endless AoE and condition spam?How to take their hands of the keyboard while being chain-CC'd, because they can't do anything? Unranked contains the same problems that ranked got, just far worse. If anything, PvP would benefit more from Arenanet moving the requirement onto unranked, so people can enter the slightly gentler clown show and try to learn PvP before hitting the far worse unranked version. The experience of other players raging because they go 2-3 to close maybe?
  8. I want my on swap sigils work when i swap from grenades to normal weapons on holo, so i can spam sigils, ty
  9. Because in a lot of games tips on loading screen are bad Used to be fine when loading takes longer time. But they can put somehting in the heart of the mist.They can extend the pvp level needed for ranked. U get to lvl 20 in 30-40 matches
  10. Because in a lot of games tips on loading screen are bad
  11. I would like unskippable starting zone guide in heart of the mists.
  12. Stop posting false information. Also, elixir F doesnt even exist
  13. How does that work?Kalla - nerfedShiro - u wasting impossible odds, but good for teleportingMallyx - ur elite and pull are useless
  14. I mean "amulet system" is outdated. Let the ppl be free to build their characters I will take toughness, vitality and healing power. Ty
  15. This game is made for farming gold. People do fractals to farm gold, not because they like them. Same with metas. So ye, for 99% of players, gold is the point of pvp (i dont care about gold personally, but it would be nice if its boosted so more people play).
  16. Sometimes just removing the pet then immobilising it is enough. Also a support player should have access to Stability and thus able to easily stomp the Ranger using their finisher. Warrior and Daredevil have it easiest here as they can instantly finish a downed opponent using their Elite skills. (Warbanner is a Ranger's worst enemy, especially if precast while they're going down.) Im saying when im 1v2 and get ranger down, its hard to cc pet and kill it while another player is attacking you
  17. Its impossible to cleave ranger with any sup class or in 1v2.
  18. Each acc needs to be at least pvp level 20 to play ranked, so making account that lasts only ~100 matches isnt really worth (i mean, if anet was banning)
  19. Read what rune says “gain 2 seconds of resistance AFTER using a healing skill.”
  20. Ventari is the weapon for punishing renegade players
  21. Even if its unranked, that doesnt mean its okay to play retarded If u wanna troll, make 5 man party and throw your matches.
  22. It's because people multi box with bot program and synch queue with their bots and then make their bots throw for them. They win trade with their own bots. This is officially out of control as of this 3v3 season to the point that you cannot solo queue or even duo queue without without having literal throw bots join your team, as they outnumber real player population like 3 to 1. <- That is actually happening. Don't 3v3 unless you have a 3 man premade of actual humans. Ever wonder who those people are who stand around AFK near the trade post and bank area, who never talk, who never move, who are in the same spot for days on end? Yeah give it some thought. I've even had TWO people recently say to me "Hey let's 3 man. Do you mind if a friend joins us?" and then some random kitten obvious bot joins our group that the guy is running and he proceeds to act like it isn't a bot when it is obviously a generic scourge barrier support spam bot. No one wintrades in 3v3, also no one wintrades with bots and oh also no one wintrades in silver. yes the do, it is easier to pad your rank for the next season 3v3 isnt connected with 5v5. Pls stop spreading false info. wrong, it does affect your rating. not false3v3 affects next 3v3 rating, not 5v5 season
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