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Everything posted by Disney.7826

  1. Yes cuz it's currently the most played class in pvp for those very same reasons right? Its extremely easy to play. Mostly low rated players (gold 123) play it. I think there is more rangers, necros and core guards than dhs.
  2. Flamenthrower, most braindead build in game
  3. Nothing more to add I talk about high-end play because like I said: you don't balance around players who are using it wrong. If you don't understand why then you have never been a high-end player in any game. PVP falls apart when you balance around bad players because there's no incentive to get better and good players that would prop up the mode through thousands of hours of play simply leave. Are u really gonna claim I’ve never been top teir. I thought I were a fan boi who plays necro in g3/p1 If you think balance should be around people who don't know how to play, yes.Everyone can reach g3 in 1month or 2, sorry
  4. It's more Lich Form that they are complaining about, due to what @Ragnar.4257 mentioned about 2v2 seasons. Lots of debate could go on about Lich Form being ok or needing nerfs. But before discussing Lich, players should acknowledge that the bulk of the complaints vs. Lich stems from 2v2 seasons, where a round can be won in 30s from a single use of Lich, and then the Lich resets its CD when the new round begins, bypassing its intended long ICD. This is a problem with 2v2/3v3 format, not Lich Form. No one complains about Lich in 5v5 conquest. All Rangers hard counter all Necros. Any Ranger who complains about Necromancer is certainly a bad player. Lich is for noobs, 150s CD. Easy to kite lich, dodge, reflect, block - its like 0 velocity.Good players use chilled to the bone you mean 75s cd, 1,25s cast time " enemy loses 1 dodge "vs 150s cd " enemy has to give up for 10s "Ever heard for dodge, block, reflect, aegis, retalitation?Guard and scrapper can block lich for whole team and usually there is a guard in each team since its very common class. Oh and necro has to exit lich if there are some condis on him ;)
  5. You got teammates with almost the same rating as you are
  6. First target area dps class - dh/reaper and then retarget to guy thats getting low cuz aoes
  7. It's more Lich Form that they are complaining about, due to what @Ragnar.4257 mentioned about 2v2 seasons. Lots of debate could go on about Lich Form being ok or needing nerfs. But before discussing Lich, players should acknowledge that the bulk of the complaints vs. Lich stems from 2v2 seasons, where a round can be won in 30s from a single use of Lich, and then the Lich resets its CD when the new round begins, bypassing its intended long ICD. This is a problem with 2v2/3v3 format, not Lich Form. No one complains about Lich in 5v5 conquest. All Rangers hard counter all Necros. Any Ranger who complains about Necromancer is certainly a bad player. Lich is for noobs, 150s CD. Easy to kite lich, dodge, reflect, block - its like 0 velocity.Good players use chilled to the bone
  8. Me and a lot of other people i know are experiencing lags in matches (especially on skyhammer) and random game crashes / DCs - mostly in tournamentsWhats happening?
  9. Me and a lot of other people i know are experiencing lags in matches (especially on skyhammer) and random game crashes / DCs - mostly in tournamentsWhats happening?
  10. Indeed. He is waiting to be carried instead to learn to carry.
  11. Nah plat2 tier still will fight this ...maybe only na still alive but sea eu ocx dead u will farm bot all day lol the good bot will stuck 1350+ bad bot stuck 1100 always Have you ever been in p2? Bots problem end in g2-3 If bot is in 1350 (they arent, im just making an example), p2 player would never meet him.
  12. I wont read all of this but number of matches played and pvp level doesnt matter for matchmaking.
  13. It shouldn’t be enabled for anyone. Also for streamers - some players might not like to share their gameplay/builds.
  14. There is no hidden points. There is no any luck, either carry or be carried. Hidden points doesn’t exist here, if you are good enough you will get real points. :)
  15. You dont have to use that option. Still you can look at armor or actuall damage doing and target him.
  16. Maybe changing character colour depending on their class would be also a good idea.If there are 2 chronos in oppo team, i think it doesnt matter which chrono is which.
  17. As the title says... Can we get an option in settings to change all teammate/oppo character names to their elite specialisation?Example: chrono named Pink Bear -> Chronomancer Its more visible which class is your opponent when going into 1v1 fights. Now we can use an option to change all characters to human with vendor armor.
  18. wrong. they are in plat aswell ! Maybe on NA servers, never met one on EU im in EU and im telling you they go all the way to plat . or idk if they are actually plat.. but if you are plat you still gonna see bots and definitely tons of hackers. then you have never been plat, here is no bots and i have never seen a hacker even if i do 500+ matches a season ? i saw some teleporters in local arena, but never in ranked match. Idk how teleporting would help then win a match.
  19. wrong. they are in plat aswell ! Maybe on NA servers, never met one on EU
  20. Bot is better than average player. Get better, you wont meet them in plat (Maybe you stop meeting them even in g2-3)
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