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Everything posted by Firefly.5982

  1. I started playing minstrel support. Then I switched to cele hybrid dps. Then to dps with some sustain. Now I play almost exclusively glass. When I started playing wvw, I would have never been able to play the builds I play now. Skill is a HUGE part of success rate in wvw. So whether or not you NEED to use cele gear depends entirely on your class, your build, your skill...and all of that compared to your oponent. And then it depends on what you enjoy doing. It's all relative and subjective.
  2. Amazing. I just crashed there too, keep crashing whenever I try to load my character there, character now locked and unusable. Just...wow...
  3. This. And this is precisely why they did it, too. And that's why it's terrible.
  4. If you want to be able to successfully play solo open world PvE, then you need a solo open world PvE build and gear set. That does NOT need to be ascended. It doesn't even need to be exotic. Rares work for the kind of content you are talking about. I also want to note that if you are talking about champion enemy hero points, it is not unusual to struggle with soloing them. Hero point trains are your friend here - or even just put 'Hey, need help with X hero point, can anyone come please?' in map chat and if people are on, someone will usually come. It doesn't take long and lots of people are happy to help! There are also builds specifically for soloing champions you can and should switch to if you struggle with your regular build (you can even adjust for specific champions depending on whether they do condi dmg, have lots off cc, etc.). People who started playing at launch didn't get a full ascended set until YEARS into the game. The pieces weren't even all released at once, we could only get rings and back items, armor came about a year later. It used to be a lot more expensive to craft and there were a lot less options to get ascended items. Please don't pressure yourself trying to jump straight to full ascended as a new player! You can do a lot of instanced content just fine in exotics with the right build and knowing what you're doing. For STARTING playing instanced content, you DO NOT need ascended gear. It reads like you are putting a lot of unnecessary pressure on yourself and setting up arbitrary and unrealistic requirements for yourself. Relax ❤️
  5. I don't mind smaller ring in SMC, that thing is so tedious anyways, happy if it goes a little faster. NC in Alpine is fine too, that circle was unnecessarily huge. Rings on most other camps are too small. For roaming, smaller circles on camps just mean a lot less playability - for both defending AND taking with defenders in the circle. Sucks for fighting outnumbered. Hate removing structures from the contestable area. Using LOS is such an essential part of any PvP?! I'm sure many melee folks like the smaller rings for the same reason the boonblob likes them: people can't kite ya anymore, people can't properly fight ya anymore. Bleh. (However. The change to walls is worse IMO. Reverse that right back or at least make it a lot less than 50%. Taking away one of the few defense strategies that actually work when fighting outnumbered is such a horrible move.)
  6. I can't describe these ridiculous changes as anything but a super obvious, clear, transparent, direct spit in the face of wvw. Such a blatant eff you to everyone outside the zerg boonball. I would say I'm shocked, but then I can't really be shocked anymore. I am pissed though. For the first time since I started playing, actually pissed. It takes a lot to kitten me off but nerf after nerf after nerf and then finally THIS beepshow has done it for me. Unbelievable...well not really, since it's been obvious Anet wants the boonball to reign and smallscale players to go eff themselves for a long while. It's sad. I'd say I hope they reverse this crap but I doibt that'll happen so why bother hoping. Good luck to all who keep playing. May you find your niche outside the boonball that makes you happy 😕
  7. Haha...I asked for the toggles to not be global a while back but since this works exactly the same, I don't care either way. Here's to hoping we'll get the other slots eventually.
  8. Waited until April 2nd to post so nobody thinks this is an April Fools joke. I am serious. I make individual looks for all my different builds and being able to 'turn off' my back item for one equipment template and keep it 'on' for another makes me genuinely so happy. So thank you! PS: Please give us shoulders next! ❤️
  9. I really hope there won't be a GW3 and that GW2 keeps going. Just in case people actually watch this thread for players' opinions.
  10. -raises hand- I usually simply avoid zergs and go roam somewhere. I get absolutely no enjoyment out of zerging, boons or no boons. Or I use zergs as meat shields to get fun fights at the edge...or just pick people off. Or I go kill runbacks. Or I go cap some camps, kill some yaks, etc. while fighting some roamers. I absolutely hate the boonblob but there are so many other ways to play the game. Step out of the zerg.
  11. Either give every class and spec a giant visual effect to announce exactly how much burst potential they got at every single second of every fight - or none. I do play virt - just love it too much to let the visible daggers stop me - but it absolutely is a ridiculous disadvantage in competitive modes. Please lets not pretend otherwise hmkay.
  12. Can everyone who complains that anything is 'too easy' please ask themselves WHY something being 'easy' is bothering you?! If anything, something being too difficult is what should bother people and where your energy of protest to achieve change should go. If something is easy, more people get to enjoy it, which is a good thing. Unless you don't want as many people as possible to enjoy a good thing in which case...yeah, examine that maybe. (Not to mention how objectively ridiculous it is to complain about Obsidian armor being too easy to get...lul)
  13. Personally, I liked disablers but I did constantly see people moan about how annoying disablers are and wishing they'd just get rid of them already. So I guess it's sample bias 😁
  14. Siege definitely needs love. Everything in Wvw does 😞 And I absolutely agree with regards to small scale defending - I often don't even bother because I know there's no point for me and maybe one other person to build siege against a boon blob, so I just go kill strays, runbacks and whatnot. I would love to see changes to siege that properly scale with number of players. I just almost don't dare ask for that though because knowing Anet, we MAY get increased siege damage but what are the chances we'll get properly scaled damage? So please Anet, give siege some love, give us properly scaled siege damage, do a general rework of cooldowns, effects like boonstrip and everything others have already said - but PLEASE don't 'adjust' siege to insta kill roamers 🤣
  15. As a mostly solo/small scale roamer: I don't want even more siege damage on solo players or tiny groups. Playing small scale is hard enough with defensive siege 🙂 Except maybe arrow carts, I think a little boost there is fine even for small groups. What I do think makes sense is to scale damage with amount of players hit - so that siege actually tickles zergs.
  16. I didn't buy a single ecto for my obsidian armor. I simply kept all the ectos I got from playing and slowly but surely used them to make the essences. Of course that's not instant gratification though so many people don't like this approach 😛 EDIT: Just for funsies, I checked my checklist for the obsidian armor. I started working on it December 6th 2023 and finished it February 28th 2024. Granted, by then I had already had a couple of the map currencies/meta items but not a lot and I had no other materials because I made other legendaries before this. So 3 months is really not too bad IMO for a full set of legendary armor.
  17. Can we get one of those red chat messages like we get for overusing the gobbler effects but for consuming essences of luck when account magic find is already maxed please: 'Your account magic find is already maxed out. Consuming essences of luck no longer increases your account magic find.' Or something like that. Thanks.
  18. Anets response is to ingore it. They do not care, they never cared, and they will never care. They aren't fixing this, they have never fixed this, and they will never fix this. It's been 10+ years. It has always been like this and it will always be like this. If this is game-ending for you, the ONLY thing you can do is stop playing. It would be VERY easy to stop most tactic trolling. E.g. min rank 500 to pull tactics or set a min age of accounts that can pull tactics...the fact that they havn't implemented any measures in 10+ years IS their response: They. Do. Not. Care.
  19. Meh. Material storage doesn't really help when those who need this have thousands...maybe tens of thousands of luck stored. So maybe wallet currency...but then they'd have to figure out how to let us consume it from the wallet or turn it back into a physical item... The same can be said about essences by the way...material storage is entirely useless for those. (Clearly, this is a way for them to sell more bank tabs. And a way to force us to use tens of thousands of ectos to turn essences into amalgamated because nobody has that much space...oh well.)
  20. Please let us turn off/on head/shoulders/gloves/accessories per equipment template instead of turning it on/off for all templates at once like it currently is. Please let us set gliders, mounts, and outfits per equipment template instead of just one for all. Please find a way to allow us to quickly swap out a legendary weapon like we can with ascended - kind of messed up that this is possible with the lesser armor and not with the ultimate end-game gear .-. E.g. I want to swap in a focus from time to time but every time I do, my equipped legendary disappears and I have to then stat select again, put in sigils and infusions, and set the look.
  21. Just played through the story, didn't experience any bugs. All achievements triggered properly in the story as well as in map (so far haha), the new Astral rewards are great (except raising the price of 1 gold...1 gold...to 35 from 30 acclaim...I mean come on), I am soooo close to finishing my leggy armor and am super excited about that...all in all I just wanted to say thank you for the hard work!
  22. I like it 🙂 So few people res, would be nice to give those who do a teensy tinsie bit of recognition, aye. (And it's just an achievement for a fun title, no real 'reward' so really nothing to complain about for people who won't ever get there because they don't res...lul)
  23. Here's what I find works when we are 10v30: Know what you are fighting. Is it a comped group? A cloud? Do they have a tag? What are they running? What are the counters to their comp? E.g. if they rely on killing in choke points, avoid choke points and lure them into the open to pick them off. If you are facing a very tight group, stay away from the main group, period. If you are facing a cloud, focus down edge targets. Call target, take target, focus kill target. Kill stragglers, runbacks, and the tail. Learn how to flank! Run a build that is made for this sort of fight (either comped or your individual build). Have some of you bait and lure them away from their siege, the rest of you kills their siege - rinse and repeat. Build counter siege (ballistas are great for destroying siege). Make sure to stab, reflect, and heal/aegis/etc. for the people manning your siege!!! Also, you can hold objectives longer when one or two of you are in a golem...not something I personally enjoy doing but it's a worthy tactic. If they breach an objective, lure them back out and repair the wall/gate to keep them out to gain more time. If you can split them by locking some out and some in, you can kill one half...pretty fun :3 Bait, lure, pretend to run away, then turn the second they turn and kill the tail. Rinse and repeat. Use the environment to your advantage - glide where they can't, use line of sight, bait stragglers behind a corner where your 10 are waiting etc. Be creative! Positioning is super important in WvW and once you learn where to stand, how to move, etc. this will become a lot easier. Learn how to not die during their push. Use dodge/evade/block/invulnerable/stab/stunbreak/blink/stealth etc. to move through them when they push, or sidestep, or move out of sight until they turn - the right movement makes all the difference! Or, instead of defending, go on the offense. You can either go somewhere completely different, hit the other color, find undefended objectives...OR you can try to attack one of their objectives to force them to defend that instead of staying on the objective they are trying to take from you. Timing is everything in WvW - learn the patterns and you will learn how to predict where they will go next, learn to read the map, the swords, OJs, RI timers, etc. and you'll know where to go when...to defend and to attack. Takes a while to get the hang of this but it's worth it! And most importantly: HAVE FUN!!! Go into a 10v30 not expecting to kill all 30 and defend the objective. Go in with the goal of killing as many as possible, delaying them as much as possible, making them mad, and enjoying yourself 😄
  24. I was already not finding my support mesmer much fun to play compared to my support firebrand because it was already sup-par. Then the newest chrono support meta was created and BOOM insta-nerf lol...now, I don't even want to swap to support at all anymore on my mesmer because what even is the point xD I'm fine with the aura nerf, it was indeed a bit much. I don't mind the pull nerf too much (I consider it unnecessary but oh well) - but null field?! When what we so desperately NEED is proper boon strips? Just a slap in the face really...Also nerfing stab on mesmer of all classers is ridiculous. Support mesmer needs love and attention to be viable and balanced - not this sort of half-baked panic nerf 😕 Ima wait for rifle release, then the first patch after rifle release lol...and then we'll see how this will go long term.
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