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Everything posted by tim.4596

  1. The answer in all cases is the same - more content, more choices, more options for more players. I would be careful not to cross boundaries here. 5man and 10man contents are very different, and while fractals might actually be harder than raids, they do not require the same level of coordination. Here again, you are crossing boundaries, PvP and PvE shouldn't be put in the same basket. Very few players play both PvP and PvE (I do not count the people doing a daily PvP match as PvPers). No, it's pretty self explanatory. Or if you don't think it's wrong, please give some arguments as to why?
  2. What would be the point of creating another PVE legendary armor, when we already have one? And if it's to make it way uglier what's the point at all? Moreover wouldn't adding legendary armors from different game modes make it less prestigious? Also 5 and 10man contents are very different, you shouldn't be able to access legendary armor from Dungeons no matter how many steps it takes to get it. It's just wrong.
  3. I don't think that Legendary Armor should be available in 5man content, but yet again they added it to Conquest Mode in PvP so.... I guess nothing is stopping anyone from adding it to Fractals, although I still think it should remain within raids. They overly simplified raids, and you now have access to extremely simple events/bosses to get li. W4 B1-3 Are very easy. W1 B1 + Spirit run is very easy too. Then you can do W3 Escort + KC + TC. I mean the whole of W1-4 Aren't that hard anymore since they've been out for so long. Plus, wouldn't that be a bad idea, since the current aim in Fractals is to get "Fractal God" title, so if they release legendary arbors in Fractals, wouldn't that make getting the title even more difficult. Suggestion wasn't about raids armor and how to cheese it.What makes you believe the objective in fractals is to get 'Fractal God' title?That's like the Nespresso commercial, What else? do you do fractals for? And although I haven't done the actual math, but in the long run the extra relic box from titles would get you the gold back. I understand that it's incredibly expensive, but if you do Fractals everyday and don't buy the 2 daily Mystic Clover, then why not get it? You will eventually get the relics. I know some Fractal God people who already have 200,000+ relics
  4. I don't think that Legendary Armor should be available in 5man content, but yet again they added it to Conquest Mode in PvP so.... I guess nothing is stopping anyone from adding it to Fractals, although I still think it should remain within raids. They overly simplified raids, and you now have access to extremely simple events/bosses to get li. W4 B1-3 Are very easy. W1 B1 + Spirit run is very easy too. Then you can do W3 Escort + KC + TC. I mean the whole of W1-4 Aren't that hard anymore since they've been out for so long. Plus, wouldn't that be a bad idea, since the current aim in Fractals is to get "Fractal God" title, so if they release legendary arbors in Fractals, wouldn't that make getting the title even more difficult. Suggestion wasn't about raids armor and how to cheese it.I'm not sure I fully understand what you mean, because for me Legendary Fractal Armor would be adding another Legendary Armor to the PvE content, and I don't think anyone actually care how the legendary armors looks like, most people have transmuted them anyway. So I don't really understand how adding another set of Legendary Armor to the PvE content, wouldn't result in cheesing the Raid one.
  5. I don't think that Legendary Armor should be available in 5man content, but yet again they added it to Conquest Mode in PvP so.... I guess nothing is stopping anyone from adding it to Fractals, although I still think it should remain within raids. They overly simplified raids, and you now have access to extremely simple events/bosses to get li.-W4 B1-3 Are very easy-W1 B1 + Spirit run is very easy too-W3 Escort + KC + TC. I mean the whole of W1-4 Aren't that hard anymore since they've been out for so long. Plus, wouldn't that be a bad idea, since the current aim in Fractals is to get "Fractal God" title, so if they release legendary arbors in Fractals, wouldn't that make getting the title even more difficult.
  6. Oh, I didn't know that shared inventory slot worked, but having to buy 3 extra shared slot for that seems a bit extreme haha. Thanks for the tips though
  7. Please Anet, remove Unidentified gear from "Salvage all" options. Since the new patch it became extremely annoying. I now have to constantly type "unidentified gear" in the search box of my inventory before salvaging anything. And that's the less annoying part of it. If I do a meta event and start stacking unidentified gear, well that's when the trouble start. I have to go to the bank to deposit unidentified gear in my bank, and then start open them to then salvage items I got.
  8. I love your norn and asura designs, I'm less sure about the other 3 though.
  9. I think it would be interesting to see 'bard' classes introduced to the game. To further support the support classes, and to finally see some changes to druid. they could provide healing + quickness. That would actually be really cool.
  10. Is that post legit still running !!! This is insane. I forgot that there was a voting poll too. This is where you get exposed, for what you really want in this game apparently.
  11. Please, yes this is a serious issue after 10+ characters I just love your post
  12. I agree that the current raids aren't for everyone and shouldn't be, but they are the only way to explore those instances, and the only way to earn those rewards, and so long as these things remain true, "they just aren't for you" cannot apply. There need to be alternatives balanced for players who do not seek out "the challenge and the thrill of besting some of the hardest content that the game has to offer." I would rather be "belittled" by existing raiders for playing easy mode (which I already am), than to not be able to participate in an easy mode at all. And when WoW added easy mode to raids they lost 2/3 of their audience over the following years, largely to private servers where the older less accessible versions of the game are run. Lol, no. They lost customers since their prime, yeah, but to other MMOs that were newer and fresher (or to mobile games). That they've held on to as many customers as they have for as long as they have is miraculous, not a sign of failure. The amount of people playing on free private servers is a drop in the bucket when compared to the numbers still paying to play WoW, which should be taken as a sign that they're doing something very right. Again, if you look at the number of active players there are more people playing on the less accessible WoW, BC, and WotLK private servers than current live World of Warcraft. This isn't just losing players to other games over time. They've lost players to the harder versions of the exact same game.I'm not entirely sure what you are talking about, I would say that if you are willing to take it up to Mythic challenge, World of Warcraft is harder than ever. People felt like the difficulty was hard during BC was mostly because, 1. You couldn't access the later raid if you had not clear the end Boss of the previous Raid. Black Temple, was only accessible if you had killed T5 Boss, who were extremely hard at the time. 2. there were less addons existing, people were getting into MMORPG mostly (well that's not entirely true, Everquest, Dark Age of Camelot and so on existed but they were very different to WoW), and to be fair, most players didn't know how to play their class very well. Same for Wotlk, 10Man Heroic Ice Citadel was okayish, 25Man was where the real challenge was at, but it's still easier than the current Boss fights. It's just that people are used to most mechanics by now as they seemed to repeat themselves in WoW. Like Kungen was talking about in one of his twitch, the main problem with WoW is that the game has been existing for too long and developers fail to create any NEW mechanics. GW2 on the other hand, is having a lot of interesting mechanics that developers come up with. I'd say up to some point it's quality over quantity content. Even if I believe there should be a bit more raids :D
  13. I think, I'll make a Guild and show you guys how easy the raids actually are and how fast we can potentially clear them. There has been an increasing amount of new players, and I'm sure a lot of them may want to start raiding at some point so it might be a good idea to make a Guild haha.Just like tag me in a comment and I'll add you hahaha. Or send me a mail in game :)
  14. I think, you're slightly deviating from the context of WHY exactly, you wish to have an easy mode. In my opinion, you should make a new post on the forum. I understand a bit better now, why you wish to have an easyMode. I do believe that Raid should be accessible to ALL players, and not only those who had at some point the TIME to join a GUILD and farm 200+ li to now be able to complete Raid Boss. However, I'm still pretty strong on my idea that an easyMode would be wrong for the following reason. Your "No training" idea, is in my opinion a bit unrealistic. Players who do not have a basic understanding of how their class work, should definitely fail miserably. If your entire team is aware of what are their HIGH PRIORITY SKILLS and use the most efficient way to use them during a boss encounter, I assure you that raids are EXTREMELY easy. And would you not wish to read every single one of your skills, and go through some serious theory crafting about what is the best gear to use for that particular rotation, like 90% of the raiding community. You can just go on Snow Crows website, read their guide, get the gear and watch the rotation video on YouTube. Then you just need to practice a bit the rotation on the Golem (30min or more, depending on your class), and there you are, READY TO RAID :) GW2 on the contrary to MMORPG such as WoW is not bonded by GEAR. And I think this distinction shouldn't be forgotten. WoW, both entry level difficulty "LFG" and "Normal" mode, with the right gear are easy. And it should not be forgotten that in GW2 you have the option to enter a raid with the BEST IN SLOT gear to complete the raid. The difference then lie in your ability to perform a rotation and as in WoW, if you have better gear or better rotation in GW2 the raid just gets easier.
  15. I don't understand, what do you mean?-Are you saying that you do not wish to put up the investment of joining a raiding Guild and having to be online 1 or 2 evening per week and therefore would want an easyMode for raids.-Or are you saying that you should be able to do raids whenever you have time, and not be bound to have obligatory connection time to do them?-Or is it something else?
  16. So if new players, take time to gear accordingly to the raid + practice their rotation–and really they should, because this is high end game content–your group will manage the raid fairly easily. Mechanics are quite simple and aren't 'too much' class oriented, with the exception of tank, and druid on some encounters. So players can easily swap class too. I've been raiding for a long time already, and have been doing those bosses over and over, so maybe my judgement is a bit affected, but I'm pretty confident that even a progression group with all players starting from 0 would get through the raid content fairly easily.There are a lot of resources available online, created by the community about raids. Dulfy.net has amazing boss guides. Quantify qT and Snow Crows SC were at some point uploading YouTube videos of their daily clear, or speed clear (I'm not still sure if they do). Although the class played in those video will most likely be outdated, the boss mechanics are still the same. Snow Crows, in their "Raids" section has detailed guide of each class and the builds that they should play in raid, and it is up to date. Link here Furthermore, multiple GW2 streamers, stream Raids on a daily basis on Twitch and are generally happy to answer any question about raid. New player can also join raiding Guild. There are a lot of raiding guilds out there, which are still running training run. I think the main issue as easyRoca stated in his 16hours twitch stream 2-3 days ago, in which he reviewed most GW2 classes, is that the 'LFG' is really not the right place to start raiding. The first step towards raiding should be to join a raiding Guild. I do however understand, where you are coming from with the idea of having an easyMode for existing Raids, but I don't think it is necessary, as GW2 has a really helpful community when it comes to such thing.
  17. I'm sorry for being slightly aggressive in my response, but I think your post is extremely aggressive to what you call the 'elitist' community. Your assumption are not being backed up by any numbers and it seems like you fail to see what those core meta class actually bring to a group. And most of what you wrote seems aimed to make the elitist community look bad. I mean, this seems to go in both way, but what have elitist players done to you, for you to hate them so much?
  18. Okay, I see your point. It would be interesting to know how many people are actually interested into raids though, just to see if it would be worth to make an easy mode for every encounter. The best solution at the moment, I believe, would be to make an In-game bestiary of the current raid boss and have clear explanation about what the bosses do and how to counter it. It could also have some links to the GW2-wiki somewhat similar to what GW1 implemented at some point.
  19. What are we talking about here? Starting up with an entire group of new player and getting to do raids as a progression raid or joining a fully experienced raid group? Because I feel like those two things are very different and in most cases, if a new player were to want to get into raids and join a raiding guild tomorrow. He would most likely end up clearing most W1-4 bosses (with the exception of Xera and Deimos maybe) as most player in the raid group would already have a basic knowledge of raids or cleared it multiple times. As those raids have been out for a very long time. Are you saying that the new raid to be released should have an easy (because I would agree with that) or that all raids should be rework and have an easy mode? (Because, I don't think that is necessary, and would be a waste of time and resources on Anet part in my opinion) Seriously? You guys are boggling my mind. How can you play GW2 and not have a griffon? Yes, please I am curious too? Do you guys not know how truly game changing the gryphon is. If you need an example, think of GW2 experience with the glider and without the glider. Or auto-loot and no auto-loot. Flying or walking guys for 250g !! Your choices! Do you really need to save up for another skin or should you get the gryphon instead if you don't already have it.
  20. I really like everything you say, however your poll question are really buyers, serving your main idea. I think it would be best if you ask general question and separate the polls question in two (difficulty and what can be done about it) For example:Raids are too hardRaids are too easyRaids are good difficulty And then maybe ask a 2nd batch of poll questions regarding what can be done about it. Raids should have difficulty and easy mode etc...
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