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Everything posted by tim.4596

  1. Same as mentioned in other posts. F1-F3 should be instant. F4 being channeled is interesting. Having cast time on shatters whilst in Virtuoso spec is too much of a change from the previous spec and mess around with blades getting refilled. For instance if you cast multiple Phantasm and then use F1 but sadly cancel it as you were channeling other skills, you'd now miss on getting your blades refilled as the skill would go on CD and you wouldn't be able to F1 --> F2 and then F1 again down the road when it's back on Cooldown. For pvp the whole idea of the mesmer has always been to simultaneously cast all your skills to do big amount of damage in the shortest time possible. F4 being channeled isn't that bad though, since it's a defensive skills, it's fine that it can be channeled. Clone skills tooltip should also be rewritten whilst in Virtuoso Sword 3 (Swap): "Swap places with your clone. Immobilize nearby foes" Greatsword 2 ("Throw an illusionary blade that creates a clone....") Then other weapons appear to not give "blades" or at least it's not mentioned. Not too sure if we're not meant to play with them in the virtuoso spec ? Scepter 2 (Illusionary Counter) tooltip still mention: "Clone. Block the next attack, and counter by .... and creating clones that cast ether bolt." (Counter spell): "Shoot out a bolt.... summons a clone to attack...." Staff Note: It would also be good, if instances of quickness could get looked again to get a definitive Fix, so that it could enable some Virtuoso stack plays for PVE.
  2. I noticed that there isn't a "Feed Back" button. It would be good if it could be added within the next few days to give some feedbacks about the new elite spec.
  3. 6 runes and 4 sigils are more than enough, there is no 'meaningful' underwater content as of date. Maybe that will change. But I would not bother till then.
  4. I just saw the "Prime Gaming" loots, I'm sorry but it's a goddamn joke. Can't you do better than that ArenaNet ? https://gaming.amazon.com/loot/guildwars2 I'm happy that the game is not p2w right, but those rewards are just a joke. If you want people to use Prime Gaming on GW2 there should be something that the players WANT. Anyone who's played the game long enough will have those rewards. Heck there is even a Candy Corn Gobber that give me those booster for 3x the time just by spam clicking it like.... Am I the only one thinking that thsoe rewards are not appealing or ?
  5. It's been more than 1 year since we last heard from EOD.
  6. I'm genuinely concerned is the expansion actually coming out? Because whilst it was announced a while ago, there hasn't been any follow up, no content has been shown or released to the public and it feels like GW2 is just recycling content right now. If the expansion was coming out anytime soon I'm sure they'd be publishing something similar to what they've been doing with PoF. Also chrono quickness max instances (of 9) is still bugged whilst Anet apparently looked for it. Like... Is Anet really capable of releasing a new expansion if they can't even figure out how to fix basic bugs. Regardless of how spagethi the code is right.... it's their own game with their own game engine. If they can't fix it, then is it time to jump ship?
  7. Just the usual SnowCrows HFB builds with a few changes (see below). Gear & Runes - Replace Harrier with Minstrel or Giver to have as much toughness as possible (I personally prefer 4stats vs 3 stats but you won't see much difference between the two; especially on HFB you have too much passive healing to notice anything). - Mace instead of Axe. Mace will give you some extra block and its symbol does passive healing. -Monk Runes are great, but you can also use Water/Durability/Herald/Altruism depending on the need. If you don't have legendary armor, I'd suggest just running Monk runes. Utility skills & Specialization Always run Mantra of Solace (MoS) and Mantra of Potence (MoP), the two other skills are free slot to interchange between fight. On Large CC bars with low frequency (VG, Gorseval, Xera, SH ), Sanctuary is your best CC skills + it provides tons of healing. On CC heavy fights (Mathias, Samarog, Qadim), Hammer of Wisdom is best or Bane Signet. if you run Bane Signet, you can swap out Virtues for Radiance (2/1/2) to get Perfect Inscriptions. On specific bosses you'll be expected to run Stand Your Ground! (SYG) to provide stability in order to safeguard against knock down, fear, etc... (Gorseval, Cairn, Sloth, Sabetha, Twin Largos). you could run Mantra of Liberation over Feel My Wrath! (FMW) but I'd strongly advise against it. That mantra is only for 5 people, you will loose a source of Fury provided by FMW especially if you're running mace instead of axe. Your group might be reliant on that skill to cover fury. Then just fill with whatever utility skill you prefer using.
  8. SnowCrows does theorycrafting, and figure the best build to play in Raids. I'm not too sure how theory crafting is destroying raids. You also have to take into consideration that this game as moved from a traditional MMORPG with raid release to a speedclearing game almost due to its slow content release.
  9. I don't think it's ever gonna happen to be fair. Guild Wars 2 has established itself as an Open World MMORPG by now.
  10. haha, yes indeed; We need "legendary" patience it would seem.
  11. I don't know if it was a bug or something but I could pick up the chaos staff bundle at the end of "Whisper of Jormag" strike today. I actually wondered what it was xD
  12. More and always more on Build/Equipment Tempaltes, I know but there are several things which are problematics, I'll list them below: Would it be possible that when you delete a character with build template you get them back somehow ? Cause right now if I delete a character I just loose the template I bought.Build storage should be free imo and just be given as community rewards, or for playing the game etc.... I don't know the numbers, but I don't really know anyone who buy build storage.Would it be possible to have an extra window just for equipment/build template as a list (which could be toggled as an option, and maybe both could be toggeled together ?) ? Cause having to click to equipment etc.... is just not practicle. Not even talking about the mouse over to read the name of the equipment/build template . That way maybe we could have more than 6 builds ?To give an example regarding how 6 Equipment/Builds are problematic: my mesmer is my main, and I kinda want to play that character in all game modes / as often as possible. I do raids, open world, PvP/WvW from time to time. At the moment my equipment template is as follow 1. Power Chrono; 2. Boon Chrono; 3. Condi Boon Chrono; 4 Mirage; 5. Condi Chrono; 6. Core Mesmer (WvW) -I'm using my first template for both Power / stm Chrono, but it still requires me to make little changes like concentration sigil etc... that's actually okay, and not too time consuming.-2nd template however is boon chrono, and as boon chrono I constantly have to change from tanking gear to non-tank gear and toughness varies a lot depending on which raid encounter we are doing. In the event that I'm doing a full clear this can cause a lot of downtime just to change builds. Ideally I'd have 3 different template just for boon chrono a) Diviner Chrono 1005 toughness b) Commander 1633 toughness c) Minstrel for heavy encounter 2,000+ toughnes.-3rd template condi boon chrono; Is pretty much the same thing as boon chrono, I too often have to change from Viper to Trailblazer stats, and from leadership runes to Perplexity etc....-4th is mirage so pretty straight forward.-5th condi chrono is fine too.-6th Now I'm running out of equipment template cause Ideally I'd have Condi or Power template depending on which class I'm fighting in WvW. And I'm not really a PvP player so I don't have that many builds/equipment variation but I'm sure I could. I also have an open world build with staff, which is really nice to play, but it doesn't fit, so 90% of the time I don't bother swapping to it. It's mostly taking the boon chrono build with pack runes and swapping 1 wep set to staff and changing traits to chaos/illusion. But since I'm usually on random toughness gear from tanking, I'm not always willing to swap every single stat. So I just make small adjustment to my pchrono build. I'm sure this has been discussed 1,000x but since Cantha expansion is on its way, if some "extensive" thoughts could be given to equipment/build templates, with the implementation of the Armory it would be really nice.
  13. I used to use Staff quite a lot for Open World Content, before the Shattering change, but now that it's back you could use it again.Staff scales really well with chaos traitline and a bit of boon duraiton. You're pretty much perma boons all the time.
  14. No, Tim! I want to get them done with people who know how to dodge. I do not want to spend 1hour or an eternity teaching people who are well in their masteries that there is such a thing as dodging red AOE. I learned how to dodge 4 years ago when I started this game. I had 0 hold handing. I just was very interested in the game and how I could improve and I did. Got into a raid guild, tested with beginners, learned raids, and then found a static, then another one. And now I am at a place where I can dodge red AOEs and perform normally in general content. Nobody taught me anything until I put in the time and willingness and the research. I watched clips of various raids bosses to prepare myself for the mechanics. I deserve to have it easier. I deserve to select the people I play with. And its my experience. It doesn't need to be yours. It's all good. Do you do that? Do you put in the time to learn? Or just come here on the forum to complain? LI requirements in groups doesn't prevent you from learning at your own pace, from playing the game the way you want to. It's all fine. But I am in charge of my game experience. Not you. I don't believe it's the game design that turns people away from harder content. It's the people complaining about things that they are not willing to learn. What exactly is your problem with raiders? They are not cool kids, nobody is here, really. I met great kind raiders, and I met toxic raiders. And I chose to continue with the groups that suited me. I learned fractals, cuz I was interested in more in learning the game than complaining that people were asking for KPs when I had none. Ofc the community is split between skill levels. Why would that even be a problem!? Why are you making into a problem. Not everyone is willing to put in the time to get mechanically good in a game. And why should they. It's a personal choice. Respect that! "So no matter how much longer you take to clear Boneskinner or Whisper of Jormag with a random group, just don't ask for LI." I believe you have quite the nerve to ask me how I should spend my time in the game, how much and with whom. Make your own groups and enjoy this game at the pace and level you want to. Nothing wrong with that. Yes, I've sadly realised after writing this post and reading most comments, that people are entitled to value their time and thus only want to do strikes with LI group.
  15. In the "targeting" section of key binds, there is an option to toggle autotargetting on or off (see link below), you might have a key bind assigned to it. Hence why your character sometimes target a random person. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Options
  16. I did Thunderhead Peaks achievements a while ago, but it wasn't as bad, since the mobs which had to be hunted for the collection were way easier to defeat, even with a bit of lag it was doable solo or duo. It's hardly the case for Sandswept Island, by the time the skill lag end, you're already dead, and were almost unable to dodge/cc the mob in time.
  17. GW2 is really not a hard game (if you're not trying to reach the top 0.1%), with a bit of explanation, most people can perform very well. I'd just wish more players would be willing to give noobs a chance to learn, and teach them. Training groups can be tedious, and Guilds can be slow to form a group. To be fair, I'm not really sure what to write anymore on this topic, especially after reading all those comments. Whilst I do think that no li should be asked for strike as they are really not that difficult, I also understand players valuing their time. However GW2 is a game, and a game is made to be enjoyed, if you really value your time, I'd say just have a static for everything (raids, fractals, and even strikes), that way you can run whatever you want, and have extremely performing players. I still remain strong on the idea that new players should be allowed in pug parties, and that inviting more players to discover strikes will get those player to try out raids, and hopefully more raids will be released. A few weeks ago was actually the 1 year anniversary of "NO NEW RAID".
  18. As the title suggests, I attempted vision collection a few days ago, I noticed a few lag, but it was fine until I had to do a legendary bounty, I'd generally call up a few friends and we'd attempt to 3man the bounty (Starcaller, the hydra in this case), however it was the most unpleasant experience, I'd basically have to constantly run around the hydra, just so because each time she will call up the meteor shower attack with the lag we'd basically be downstate by the time the lag ended. And if that attack didn't get us, we'd basically get combo-ed by the lag to the moment when she is releasing flame attacks. The work around was basically to go with a 10man and basically have people surrounding it, so that one random person would basically get sacrificed due to lag. Is there gonna be a fix anytime soon for LWS4 maps ? it's okay, to have a few lags, but this is literally unplayable and it makes doing achievements in those maps awful.
  19. In-game friction is mostly removed if groups set their own requirements, aside from those rare snowflakes that enter groups they don't belong to by faking the requirements. Or the other special snowflakes that join groups without requirements and hijack them. But special snowflakes aside, having requirements leads to less friction than without having any requirements, as someone said once: "if you don't post requirements, you don't have expectations", which could cause way more friction in the end.Like i said (and which you keep ignoring), for that to work well, the requirements should be just a matter of choice of gameplay style you prefer. Unfortunately, they aren't. They impact far more - specifically, they influence the success chances. As such, the choice is often not a choice. Or rather it's a choice that only one group can make - and is making. The other group... well, they either try to mix with the first group somehow, creating friction, or give up on the content, which also creates bad feelings. You're trying to present the choice as if it's between choosing a playstyle you prefer, when in reality it's often a choice between succeeding or failing. And a choice like that is not a choice at all. Boneskinner achievement sells goes as follow 3 healer and 1 dps, and they kill the boss, and manage to get the whoever people who joined the group the achievements of not dying a single time until the boss is dead. Most of the time you'd get it first or 2nd try, it's literally not that difficult, plenty of open worlders actually dodge way more mechanics than try hard people, they just have a wrong rotation and often don't use a dps meter so they fail to fit enough skills to do damage and rather focus too much on dodging. The point is you're seriously underestimating most people play skills. As well as how "difficult" strike missions are actually. You'd pretty much need 70% of your squad to be bad in order for you not to be able to defeat the boss. a single really good dps is enough to deafest the boss before enrage mode.. There is almost no scenario in which you would fail over and over, unless the commander is really bad, but you really shouldn't be making a squad if you can't fix things. The only scenario in which you'd often run to, is having miscalculated, what classes you might need on bosses like bone skinner, and have people on specific key classes who cannot swap. Like if you're trying to do Overheal bone skinner with only 2 heal that would most likely not work, or if your team keeps dying etc... or if no single dps class can stay alive, but just 1 or 2 dps is enough.
  20. If raids go non-existent I wouldn't care, they are not interested and are just a way for the "Elite" to kitten the E-kitten. The loot is garbo, the encounters are garbo and frankly Id rather them use the resources elsewhere for better content. Like a WvW overhaul or maybe like I don't know class balance? Stop wasting resources on an extremely niche game mode, and as seen strikes seem way more readily accessed by the community than raids do. But then.... that just might be because of the people within that section of the community? Who knows. If you want quality raiding WoW exists and that is ALL that game has been about and has been built from the ground up over the years to be master at raid encounters, Guild wars 2? Was never designed for such and shoe-horning it in was a mistake, one that continues to be wanked about even today as its population dwindles and continues to sink. Sorry, but its a waste of precious developer time. Raids in GW2 are very good, especially compared to WoW, they don't have a proper release pattern. They are not as difficult as WoW Mythic mode, but they are much more dynamic than in WoW, and the way you fight encounters as a group feels very refreshing compared to WoW, who has been the MMORPG model for so many other games. But it's such an old game, and is starting to show. The thing is back in HoT GW2 became extremely promising Raid wise, as it had content release every three months, however very few people partake in raids, and they saw a massive decline in PoF. It pretty much went from Raid wing release being quarterly to yearly. But Path of Fire still had a bit of raid release, to be fair most of us Raid players are delirious to think that they are gonna release new raids, Strikes seems to get all the attention. Regarding developers wasting their time, I hardly see how so, Open World team, Fractal, Strike and Raid team, should be very different teams, they would just need to actually have a Raid team. So it wouldn't really be a waste of anyone's time, it would just be more content to be released for the game. Sadly Anet hasn't displayed any interest towards Raids. When Bjora came out, they did announce that Raids were not out of the question but they couldn't confirm it at the time either. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see. The issue is that the community is extremely demanding when it comes to Raids, and have really high expectation, since content release is so scarce. We'd generally get 3 or 4 boss per wing, whilst we'd truly want 10 or 12 even if it means that some of them have less good mechanics, it wouldn't matter much. But Anet just doesn't have the team for it, or don't have any particular interest towards making GW2 a raiding game. I think they are strongly miscalculating the rate at which a lot of players are able to consume the entirety of the content, and be left with nothing much to do but repeatable content for a vast majority of us players. Or players interest when it comes to difficult content. As it now stand once you've reached maximum Mastery Points, unlocked all the mounts that comes with it, made a few legendaries, gone through making legendary armour, rings etc... you're not left with much to do, content becomes very reapeatble. Let's do fractal, raids, conquest, WvW.... E V E R Y single day until the next patch release. It's not that much fun and even worst, a lot of your friends start quitting the game because they get bored. I understand that Anet goes towards making the game for their biggest audience, which might be Open World, however they are strongly under evaluating how are those players willing to play different game modes, in order to keep themselves busy.
  21. You aim to do the story from both HoT and PoF maps, once you've done those 2 main story you can continue the journey with LWS3 and LWS4 and then Bjora maps. Needless to say a lot of catching up to do. Make sure to pick a class that you enjoy since quests are character bound. Once you've done that or alongside that, you can then try some harder content like Tier 4 Fractals, Strikes, or even Raid. The true end goal of GW2 is pretty much AP completition so run around the map and try and do achievements whenever you can, some achievements are more valuable than others, for example Aurora can unlock you a legendary trinket and Vision too. Some mounts like the beetle or the sky scale are also locked behind achievements. They require you to do lengthy collections They are usually well made and take you around Tyria, and show you some cool hidden place in the game that'd you'd probably never stubble upon if not for the achievement, so it's not as bad as it sounds, and you do get a shiny reward at the end. Once you've done all that.... well... join reddit and cry like the rest of us. And complain on a daily basis about the lack of content xD
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