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  1. That guy and his dad can be really toxic too. 😣
  2. Strange, I thought this was because of Arc dps or somthing. None of my other friends have this issue. Wonder why it only affects a select few people.
  3. This last 5v5 season, I managed to get 7th on the leaderboard within the first 2-3 days. After that, the season became one of the worst I have experienced. I think I still ended top 250, but the match manipulation combined with the lower population made for an unbalanced mess of a season. The first few days actually feel competitive. Once those days pass, just try to have fun playing the game.
  4. Fractals are not Strikes nor Alerts. I have recently started playing fractals over the last 3 months. I quickly worked my way up to T4 with the help of friends, and have done the dailies on a semi regular basis since. The new fractals do not feel like the older ones. What is a fractal? A fractal is a quick and simple instanced based piece of content designed for 5 players. They often have weak mobs of enemies, small jumping puzzles, non-combat based tasks, and simple bosses with easy to understand and clear mechanics. They are made to be relaxing, quick, and an easy way to farm gold. What is a Strike? Strikes are instanced based mechanically heavy combat encounters in which 10 players often need to know the mechanics beforehand. The punishment for not knowing the mechanics will often results in death for one or more party members. What is an Alert? An alert is an instanced based piece of content that combines the non combat elements of fractals with the mechanically heavy combat elements of strike missions. They also... don't exist in GW2. These were present in a previous MMO that I played. Fractals and Alerts are a differient forms of content. Silent Surf and Lonely Tower do not feel like the other fractals. They feel like a differient form of content that currently does not have a separation from Fractals and Strikes. On top of that, they a harder and some players are struggling with them. Now I want to pick apart something that Mr. Boyer said. @Trevor Boyer.6524 Sup man! I'm going to debate some things you said in another post. 1. Lonely Tower is often longer to finish than other Fractals. Same with Silent Surf. 2. Many players that can clear the other Fractals just fine, are struggling with Lonely Tower. It is a harder Fractal. I have failed countless times even on the T3 version which has never occurred on earlier fractals minus Silent Surf (also a new "Fractal"). You have almost no chance of failing the older Fractals. The new ones are not on the same difficulty level. They also don't feel like Fractals at all. Probably because they are more like Alerts (Which do not formally exist in this game yet). All other fractals I have played are just fine with with a Firebrand healer (Heal Brand). I have a friend who regularly heals fractals and she doesn't play necromancer, she plays guardian. This hasn't been a problem for her when playing Fractals because fractals are made to be rather simple. (See above for my definition of a Fractal). The fact that you even suggest that a player would be better off changing their class is outside the bounds of what all previous Fractals were. I like like Silent Surf and Lonely Tower; however, I dont want to do them as part of my daily Fractals. They should be their own unique content type seperte from Fractals, Strikes, or Raids.
  5. How many gems is it to change realities?
  6. Yeah, I think you may be right. I have noticed a lot of lower ranked players in my games lately. Probably due to the pop being lower. It's frustrating for them and for me. Here is a story from last night. On Capricorn, the enemy team won the bell; but, some of our team was able to peel and not die. I saw 3 enemies go to our home node, so I tagged the hazard sign and drew an "X" over the node. It looked like our scourge that was coming out of spawn was going to run strait in. So I tagged hazard and drew X over andn over. And... he went in solo and died 1v3... I added him as friend after the match and he was just barely G1 after 120+ matches. The matchmaker really shouldn't have placed him in our game. Assuming the MM is having trouble filling games with players at proper levels, and this is the new norm, I can't see PVP surviving much longer. (And it's already kinda dead)
  7. I am a G3-P1 player who both solo and duo queues. Normally, unless in plat and duoing with someone lower than my rank, the win to loss points are close to equal. This season however, points for wins are much less than the points lost for losses. For instance, +6 for win vs -17 for losses. This did was uncommon in previous seasons, but this season it has been happening very frequently. I have been playing for years and I have never seen this. Did something change this season?
  8. I have a lot to say about this. 1. Reduce the elite so that new players are not overwhelmed I would love an unranked mode that is just this! But... where are new players going to learn how to play as or against elite specializations they will use/fight in ranked? As a veteran player I make new builds all the time or want to learn a new spec and well... unranked is the place to do it. This would HAVE to be a different mode. But if it was, I think to could be a positive. (Also, the mode would have to be core weapons only; as new accounts dont have e-spec weapons nor extra weapons form SOTO.) 2. Multiple entrance portals so that new players are not farmed at spawn This would be good for vet players as well. Getting out of spawn should never be a challenge. 3. Punish players that farm new players. Interesting idea, it would make for a better new player experience, but also at the cost of player volition and strategy. Maybe new accounts could have this applied to them until they reach rank 20? It would have to be telegraphed in some way. For a counter arguement to what I just said, player versus player is a mode in which players fight each other. Certain classes have weaknesses; such as reapers against ranged attacks, or most rangers having limited condition cleans. Knowing these weaknesses and exploiting them is part of the game-mode. If there is a player that is clearly the weakest player on the enemy team/an easy counter you can play into, and they would be an easy kill for you, then you would have the better player switch targets or be punished? If only till pvp rank 20 I can see this but not after.
  9. I would personally prefer items such as these and similar items such as the salvage-o-matic to be account items so they don't take up inventory space and could be used on all characters at all times while not having to put items into shared inventory slots. If I have to have an item in my inventory, I would prefer to have only 1. For obvious reasons. So while your idea is a cute one, I would prefer a more permanent and user friendly solution.
  10. Yep, Anet did a great job with the new weapons, and the fact that they can be earned by playing the event makes the game more fun for me. Great addition to the game.
  11. So, these are the problems that RPers have with the game?
  12. Omg the syntax 😬. You on mobil too Link?
  13. You can dodge through them, but nailing down the timing is really hard. Also, there are snowball aoes that Skrit throw that can overlap with the snowball at certain locations making dodging through a gamble as you can be hit by an aoe right after a successful dodge. So, imo save yourself the trouble and just avoid them.
  14. I agree with most points but unsure or disagree with others. Here is my perspective on your list. My comments are the bold portions. Sorry if this is not the best format.
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