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Everything posted by IAmNotMatthew.1058

  1. The last mastery in Arborstone unlocks an Asura gate between Lion's Arch and Arborstone. Alternatively, if you feel adventurous go through the Canthan Guild Hall.
  2. When people discuss changes to the meta: "Casuals want everything for free" When Anet adds a new way to get the mount: "Give us a title for finishing a meta event" Seriously, complaining that casuals want everything for free then asking for a title to finish a meta event?
  3. Hilariously, most of the times I check T4 LFG I see more runs for CMs than for regular T4s.
  4. This is the second dumbest idea I read here after the decaying currency thing from a few weeks ago.
  5. "I'm only using dodge and Eternity's Requiem, so Vindicator is low DPS, I can reach 40k-50k DPS, but the 40k cWillbender is higher DPS, but I don't even know what DPS means and I don't even look at my DPS"
  6. And we are back at insulting others for no kittening reason. You come to the forums to moan about something, you have absolutely no clue about ANYTHING you complain about, throw random terms, numbers around, then get upset when you get called out. For someone who is a "software developer" you seem to have a massive hatred towards anything data related.
  7. Based on your responses it's you who has to be carried, not your spec. We have two people in the Guild who played Ren and both of them swapped to Vindicator for Power DPS in a blink of an eye. Also, trying to tell Guardians that Willbender is so good and mighty is... brave, considering core Guard feels more complete than Willbender. People trying to help you and your response is being a jerk. Way to go. Also, I'm still waiting to see your 40k-50k DPS nuke bomb Vindicator DPS that is apparently worse than Willbender.
  8. If you use a skill that does 15000 damage every 10 seconds you are not doing 15000 DPS, you are doing 1500. Damage refers to the amount of damage you do with one attack. DPS refers to the damage you do over one second, from this we have; Burst DPS, the amount of damage you do over a short duration, this is usually HIGH, in case of Vindicator 60-70k for ~5 seconds, then falls down to 35k. Sustained DPS is what you do over a longer time, for example 60 seconds. If every second you deal 30 000 your sustained DPS is obviously 30 000. When we say Cleave we mean that you hit MULTIPLE opponents at once and your DPS will go up, because it counts both at once, which is not the correct value. That's why people specify things like "~35k target DPS" Not that hard to know. This whole thing can be solved, join me in the Aerodrome on the target golem and we'll see the what your "nuke bombs" Vidnicator actually does. Much simpler than throwing random words and numbers out.
  9. They are basically the story encounters modified to be for 10 people, added mechanics, that's all really. Aetherblade, Xunlai Jade take between 5 and 10 minutes, Kaineng is around 10 minutes. Harvest Temple is the outlier, since it takes about 15 minutes, maybe more. Kaineng can be compared to Whisper, since it has mechanics that allow one person to screw the group over, same goes for Harvest Temple. The last collection to the Turtle needs Kaineng, when I was doing my collection the Strike felt easier than the meta.
  10. Figured your claim of 40k-50k DPS was a random number, but, thanks for the clarification I guess. Then I assume the "30 minutes" for Kaineng is also a random number.
  11. Log. Not screenshot. Target DPS and Cleave DPS are not the same.
  12. I'd love to see the log of you getting 40k-50k on a build that SC benched at 36.9k max. Either you are some god who keeps their builds private or you are full of kitten.
  13. If Kaineng Overlook takes you 30 minutes to do the problem lies in the group, not the content. On Wednesday we did it in 12 minutes and we only had 7 people after the second split. That's kind of why there are groups with requirements for Strikes, to avoid something taking far too long, to avoid people who join in not knowing the boss and/or their own profession. You mention how Power Vindicator is low DPS, while it sits around 35k on benchmarks, higher than Power Renegade used to despite having a somewhat simpler rotation. If you pick up a build and throw yourself at a boss without looking up anything on it you aren't likely to succeed. It's true some LFGs for Strikes are... wild. 250-500LI Squads pop up once or twice a day, but those are the ones that seemingly fill slower. Going back to my example on Wednesday when I was leading a run on Aether, Xunlai and Kaineng for my Guild I put up an LFG for 4 people, we were in LFG for less than a minute.
  14. Southwest corner of the map. You can get the PoI going from the Southern waypoint. You can discover the region as well if you go deeper, but doing that will most likely kill you. Otherwise you can go there after finishing the meta without any danger.
  15. I always tank as offheal. There isn't much difference between Harrier and Giver, so, no loss. Also, Soulbeast only gets +150 Toughness as DPS, you only need to pay attention to Slb if it's a Handkiter, since it gets ~400 extra Toughness.
  16. If you have so much Toughness that you have more than the tank then you have other problems as well. Having more than 2200 Toughness is not possible when running full Trailblazer or Cele. It's totally possible to run around in Berserker or Viper in open world, running full Trailblazer instead of Viper sure helps staying alive and soloing some stuff, but you don't need Toughness in open world. You know that not everyone is going to throw you out for a mistake? If you join a squad disregarding their requirements then they will probably throw you out for mistakes. To this I can only say one thing, if you look at a Raid build and go "nah" then it's not the requirements that are "firewalling" you from Raids.
  17. We have LI and Raid KPs. If new content gets added without any form of token people will just use those, and titles, so on. Like now.
  18. And other than the turtle what do you get for Dragon's End that you don't get elsewhere that is worth preparing for it hours in advance? 5 Memories of Aurene? You get that in two other metas.
  19. Have you heard of Strikes and Fractals yet? Marionette is a perfect mix of open world and raid and I don't really see people standing in lines to do it not even a year after it was brought back. I've seen more Dragon's End squads ask for KP/LI than EoD Strike squads. As many people said, you want challenge go Raid, do a Fractal CM, you want 50 player content requiring coordination? Marionette, it's right there to satisfy your needs.
  20. If I want challenge I join a Raid. I play open world because I'm currently not looking for challenging content. It's that simple. Why don't we keep challenging content out of open world if the easy stuff should be kept out of instanced content anyways?
  21. After a person in one of the DE squads I've been in mentioned they were in a squad requiring LI(lmao) I decided to sit around looking at LFG to see if it's just a joke or not. "Treat the fight as a Raid" "Any KP" And my personal favorite, "Raid KP Required" So far I've seen less EoD Strikes with KP requirement than this meta.
  22. We can still just avoid greens until they nuke that as well.
  23. Hah! I remember this from when Marionette came back, those people who called it difficult surely all learnt it and are doing it a lot now and not just gave up on it because it was too hard for them, right? Right? Let's be real, the "people" in question will not learn, they will just avoid the meta alltogether. I had Guildmates not doing Marionette because they had to put in minor effort. Those people won't go "huh, this is harder, I'll try to get better", they will just not do it, leaving the meta to die.
  24. Invigorated Bulwark is +5% per stack for a maximum of 25% at 5 stacks, Force of Will adds 1% Healing effectiveness per 100 vitality, you'd need 2000 Vitality with the trait to reach your 45%. Besides, I've never seen a HFB run Force of Will instead of Writ of Persistence. Then might as well remove the ability to heal in the game if you want to gut healing.
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