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  1. https://i.imgur.com/vyBQ9TG.jpeg Here's my Canthan Rev, when he's not using that... he's healing with the magical outfit + butterfly wings 🤣
  2. I wouldn't mind if they started to introduce 2nd skill sets for weapons, otherwise give me a rifle or dual pistols please.
  3. Holy hell yup. I'm totally into Vindi healing, but 100% what you've said is true, it hurts that they've completely ignored half of the spec. I get that some might be worried of Vindi dps turning into potential juggernauts/tanks in some modes, but at that point you'd just have the skills more drastically tuned for healing power (lower base but higher healing power multiplier). Alac feels like a better choice, and I wouldn't mind if it means we get our CD's increased because of it, but at this rate i'll take either. Urn also feels incredibly bad to use considering the boons you get, for the duration, and the HP you have to be at to achieve it. I would almost prefer Urn to pulse Barrier instead of healing, and make it cost health that bypasses shield. The rest of the kit feels good, its just the lack of important boons and the elite that does nothing to encourage players to play with its mechanic.
  4. I'm one of the many that want spears for land-use, but otherwise I'd want focus.
  5. Honestly, they just need to remake the traits. Its bad enough that the Minor GM requires you to be below 50% to gain healing power.
  6. Kinda sad with the boon extension removal, I play Support Vindi (I dont care about meta, I'm there for the feels/class fantasy). But it was the one thing that helped keep perma boons going. They shouldn't of even given this class 2 legends with the way they ignore the kurzick playstyle, and just thrown urn as the luxon heal skill with a set 3 sec duration.
  7. Viktor needs some work... Urn - I'd love for it to extend what it's drop effects are. So based on your current health, your urn would pulse boons based on your current HP threshold at a lower duration (kind of like Specter shroud and its alac trait) instead of only granting a short boon on drop (feels bad). If not, Increase the energy pip cost to discourage holding urn forever or increase the damage the urn deals to the user to gain the threshold bonuses/boons faster instead. Redemptor's Sermon- Change so it procs a small aoe heal every time you take damage on a low 1 or 2s CD, can still keep condition removal when @ 50%. Amnesty of Shing Jea trait - currently makes all your skills grant regen as Kurzick, but Tree Song and Battle Dance already provide regen and the other traits arent worth picking up. So either change what the trait gives, or possibly change Treesong to grant Protection (so you can save your stunbreak) or flip conditions instead , and Battle Dance to provide swiftness instead of regen. Empire Divided- The whole under 50% for better healing feels bad since it takes a while to dip below via Urn, or encourages you to run into damage mechanics on purpose just for +healing.
  8. If they could just increase the attack speed of the rifle a tad, it wouldn't feel like it took 15 years to fill a rage bar compared to the other weapons. I dont want rifle to go BRRRRR, I just want it to feel good.
  9. I feel this, I love being a healing/support Vindi. Unfortunately we are the last possible pick for any game mode because we don't provide alac or quick, and dont provide mass buffs like our Herald counterparts. I would honestly love to support in the organized PvE modes, but I know that wont happen because of that fact. Throw quick on the Urn and I'd be a happy staff whacking Vindi.
  10. There are bigger problems than whats being addressed, you've heard of the regional pricing issues from other players. OP complaining about a bundle not being discounted is a huge slap in the face to those who have the regional pricing issues. Anyways, peace out, I'm done with the entitled toxic people who stalk the online forums.
  11. Imagine being that one guy who complains about buying a game at full price because his privileged wallet cant withhold the dollar to game content ratio to support the game developing community that he enjoys/uses often. Anet doesn't need to put the game on a big discount to get players, nor should they be forced to.
  12. Steam Players are used to having Bundles being a discounted rate yes, but not all products are discounted when they are new to steam. The fact that base game is free and that Expansion 1+2 is bundled together instead of being a separate cost is already a huge discount. I see no problem here.
  13. Woop woop, yea I noticed the change of vendor, thats really odd. Exactly what Bunter said, the vendor removes the item from its selling list completely and it all shifts to account for it. It's by far the most confusing thing.
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