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Everything posted by cryorion.9532

  1. Does not change a fact this spec is in a much better shape than it was before the rework.Idk what you expected? To be similarly strong to core warrior, but still get berserker stance goodies? Thats not how balance works. You are missing one tree as a berserker in comparison to core warrior when you are outside of berserker mode, basically few % damage boost and 25% movement speed or some healing when breaking out of stun or spending adrenaline, big deal. I hoped for the spec to be actually properly usable:giving warrior proper and competetive power DPS build for PvE (which we partially got, but still not quite there yet),and not one trick pony spec for PvP/WvW that will be nerfed anyway.Yes, it is better than before in terms of damage, but when it comes to practicality and how it works, it needs additional changes and tweaks.In PvE, there should be possibility under near-perfect conditions (group buffs, etc) to upkeep permanent Berserk, since getting out of Berserk makes berserker useless. Performing rotation perfectly under such conditions to avoid getting out of Berserk should reward berserker with high consistent damage. Alternatively, allow berserker to reduce Berserk cooldown by rage skills and make Berserk have fixed durations (15 or 20 seconds). Or do you find Decapitate spam rewarding enough?In PvP/WvW, we know that Arc Divider is the best spin2win skill ever and that it is going to be nerfed. Beside that, Gunflame was good even before rework, and I haven't seen any complains about new Decapitate. When Anet nerfs Arc Divider, then what? Everything will be fine?
  2. Then play a core warrior if you dont like it duh.Berzerker has different gameplay and you play it differently, you have an amazing mode and you are mediocore outside of it, thats is the trade off.You got rage skills to extend this mod for a reason.Idk what is here to fix? Berserker now is much better than it was one week ago. That is the laziest and most blatant reply I could get, I guess...
  3. This is why berserker will not be buffed anytime soon.They cant buff a spec that is strong in WvW and PVE just to cater to PVP audience, otherwise they will make it overpowered in the two where it is already strong. A lot of people complaining fail to realise it, asking for a buff because they cant win in pvp. Too bad i guess. Who is asking for buffs for PvP/WvW?So far the spec does not work well outside of Berserk which is the main problem I believe (in all game modes), even if it is the trade-off. For PvE, higher opening burst and not being useless outside of Berserk would be nice.There is also that thing called damage modifiers for each skill which can be adjusted in each game mode, as needed. Nerfing damages does not fix berserker, though.
  4. It's really not that OP. Could arc divider use some tuning? Probably, but nothing too crazy. One CC in berserker and its dead You jump in with Sword + axe, spin around with fifth skill in berserker, swap to GS use arc diver and you basically spin to win with enemy crippled. It may be more difficult in pvp in 1v1 where enemy is aware of your damage, but in WvW its absolute nuts, damage is so big that it cracks enemy screen in half when being hit by it. Thematically, it makes sense. Arc Divider is so damn good :relieved: great timing btw with no downstate week in WvW. I prefer Gunflame over Axe 5, it's more hilarious to instakill people on range with one skill as glass cannon :)https://imgur.com/aDlCwbk
  5. It depends on build you play against, what skills they use, if pure glass cannon, or stances included, etc.The most important thing is to watch out the berserker and when they activate their Berserk mode. When they do that, they most likely use burst right after that, so dodge. Both Berserk and Arc Divider/Decapitate are telegraphed, but also very fast due to quickness when entering Berserk. If you see Signet of Fury, it is easy to predict when berserker is going to activate berserk mode (they will most likely go Berserk right after using SoF). If you see Signet of Might on berserker's UI bar, don't rely on blocks. If you manage to survive initial burst, then strike back with max pressue. Just don't get surprised with their Berserk and you will shut them down relatively easily.
  6. Ironically, using 15 sec Berserk is what seems to work best in most situations. The only situation where you want to prolong Berserk as long as possible without affecting DPS that much, is when fighting high HP enemies (raid bosses, etc) and when playing condi berserker. Even then, so far the build with shortest Berserk duration yelds highest DPS. That is not very good design.
  7. I find it kinda fun, but it definitely needs some additional changes. For being very glassy, only Arc Divider seems to be that good... other bursts are a bit underwhelming (and overall DPS so far is still relatively weak). The most annoying thing is missing core burst and being basically useless when outside of Berserk. Adding ways to recharge Berserk faster (by e.g. using rage skills outside of Berserk) could improve this.
  8. Hmm... there seems to be some misunderstanding. I am not talking about condi dps build outperforming. I am talking about discipline condi banner build that is outperforming. Or you want this banner build to deal similar/same dps as DPS builds of other professions?EDIT: It does not matter anymore, since the incoming berserker rework will affect pretty much everything. We just have to wait and see.
  9. Maybe Berserker is not suppose to have sustain of Spellbreaker? Maybe Anet wants Spellbreaker to remain as possible choice and not make Berserker straight better and more used. I see no issue with Berserker not having as high sustain as Spellbreaker.And in fact, there may be possibly very good sustain. You could go defense -> adrenal health + healing signet + defy pain + rousing resilience (that is very strong with Outrage) for interesting sustain. Every time you break out of stun with Outrage, you will get nice healing, 1000 toughness for 8 seconds and 5 seconds prolonged berserk mode. Add reworked berserker traits to it (300 toughness back, 10% more incloming healing, etc). I personally can't wait to test out strength/discipline/berserker max dps rifle build in WvW :D I just hope that after activating berserk mode, we won't have to generate additional 10 adrenaline to fill primal burst gauge and then being able to use the burst. That would be sooooo sad.
  10. Well, there are grandmaster traits that nicely tell which direction you want to build your berserker. You can get back 300 toughness by taking Eternal Champ trait, but you will not be able to take 20% damage bonus trait. Isn't this a good way to differentiate builds? You can go defense, adrenal health, healing signet and rousing resilience (that is very strong with Outrage) for interesting sustain. Also remember that by activating Berserk mode, you will get 3 stacks of Adrenal Health. You can now also go pure glass cannon by going yolo and obliterate everything (which suits the elite spec theme pretty well), but at the same time being vulnerable. Seems to be reasonable trade off.Of course it is soon to make conclusions since we don't know how strong reworked bursts will be, their aftercasts, etc.
  11. Well ok... if you think I haven't played condi zerker, then so be it. Nice assumptions :) If I was not clear enough that I am talking about discipline condi dps BS berserker, saying it now, just in case.I was comparing condi with power without having specific situations in mind to simplify things. Obviously, condi berserker is better for longer fights with less phases (like Cairn, MO, etc) and power is better elsewhere (fractals, etc).I chose golem for sake of simplicity. Stop acting like providing 4400 stats to 10 people (yourself included) overall permanently during fight AND dealing 34k DPS is not overperforming. AND it used to be 7820 stats to 10 people (yourself included), even better. I included how it used to be to highlight the idea of overperformance.Arguments that something is not overperforming because without banners it would be useless is trivial. Yes, pure condi DPS berserker without banners is not overperforming because it has pretty meh burst for a DPS role but it also doesn't provide 4400 stats to 10 people... Now the important thing is, that berserker builds will get more specified (or it seems so, so far), berserker will have to take as much rage skills as possible to prolong duration of berserk mode as long as possible. This way dps berserker won't be able to just take banners instead of signets and be overperforming like now (as offensive support and DPS at the same time). It is possible that tactics condi bs berserker will have better average dps than core warrior so it will not lack compared to core warrior in situations where it is used now. Precise testing is required of course, we shall see soon.
  12. That is why I wrote "overperforming as dps and offensive support at the same time". Roughtly 34k DPS while giving 100 power/precision/ferocity/condition damage to 10 people. And it used to be 170... Such buffs are reasonable for dps of core power warrior (which is roughly 25k).It is good that in order for warrior to deal highest damages, now you have to take proper utilities, too, and can't "cheese" things by just taking banners and use improved bannerslave instead. Anet did it in a very smart way (or at least it appears so), by not buffing rage skill damages directly to make them crucial for DPS builds, but rather reworking berserk mode and making those rage skills to prolong berserk mode.Also, berskerer has good CC, too. Head Butt and Wild Blow are very good CC skills. We shall see, what happens after patch, maybe there will be permanent berserk uptime for bannerslave berserker which will be even stronger than now.I am hyped because I believe this change will improve Berserker quite a lot everywhere (also hoping that berserk cast time won't suck badly).
  13. Thats tragic :-( i liked the discipline berserker much more then the tactics one... but yeah, this is probably dead now )-: There will be new rotations as we will be able to prolong berserk mode. With requirement of slotting up rage skills, it will be harder to take both banners and have very long (if not permanent - but most likely not) berserk uptime. This is imo good because currently, banner condi dps berserker is overperforming as dps and offensive support at the same time. This way, Anet can differentiate between support and dps better. The question is how good/strong new rotations/builds will be.
  14. Yes, making rage skills to be counted as physical skills would be nice. On the other hand, you can always take Mending and use that one for PP bonus, but cast time and PP uptime would be probably still quite low.Slotting up all rage skills is kinda overkill. Maybe if you can stay in berserk mode permanently with alacrity and damage output will be higher than with PP buff, then it will be just better :) It requires testing, finding out rotations that will work the best. I am sure there will be something really good!
  15. It is making difference between being in berserk mode and out more significant. Which is good.Lowered toughness means that enemies can kill you more easily but you are also more dangerous to them (unless you take new Eternal Champ trait). Some of the primal burst changes seem to be really interesting, especially Decapitate with instant recharge upon hit (+ they called it long-range melee attack, hype). Arc Divider seems to be very good cleave burst now. The most important thing is, what is the cast time of berserk, duration without bonuses (probably 10 seconds), cooldown (probably 15 seconds), how practical will be maintaining it and how smooth those new animations will be. I hope there won't be any disgusting aftercasts on Decapitate/Arc Divider. Also, don't forget that berserker can now instantly get Adrenal Health and Berserker's Power lvl 3 buffs by just going into Berserk mode. God please let Arc Divider be the ultimate spin2win skill.
  16. REJOICE! I am very pleased to see things shifting :) Can't wait to test this out next week.
  17. The problem is not about that thief has mechanics to counter mesmer, but rather that the mechanic itself is way overtuned when compared to other boon providing skills in the game. Imo, the duration of those boons is way overtuned, giving too much reward for too little effort. E.g. 3 second boons duration would make more sense. Lol so thief steal is OP compared to other boon generating skills? I've read it all now lmao it's literally one of the worst. Look at soulbeast,guard,rev,engi list goes on way better self and party boon generating skills and their applications cant be evaded like steal. Maybe if boons were applied whether steal hits or not.Well yes, other professions have overtuned boon generation, too. But this is about one skill that provides all boons and most of them have 10 second duration while the Steal has 30/26 sec CD.Personally, I would welcome big boon spam/convert/removal reduction across the game because currently, it is pretty disgusting.
  18. The problem is not about that thief has mechanics to counter mesmer, but rather that the mechanic itself is way overtuned when compared to other boon providing skills in the game. Imo, the duration of those boons is way overtuned, giving too much reward for too little effort. E.g. 3 second boons duration would make more sense.
  19. Thank god that at least banner pick up is instant now. Now to wait and see if banners are still optimal for 5 man parties.
  20. The only thing I am a bit afraid of is 5 man content (fractals). It is possible that bs warrior might not be the optimal anymore. I wouldn't be sad if we actually had proper bursty power dps build to fill dps spot. But as SPB has average at best burst, other dpses will still be favored. So much for balance.
  21. I hope they won't change aoe res radius. If it will be same as finishing radius (180) then pretty much rip...Picking both banners (Discipline and Strength) just to destroy them and then resummon them... not sure if this is going to be fun and enjoyable thing to do. Also, the trait bonus to stats will be now 200 compared to 255. And as there was no wording to indicate trait change for group, it will be most likely only for warrior.Unless there is missing more info, it looks like significant nerf to banners for group and for warrior in PvE. We shall see on Thuesday, but so far it seems banners will be nerfed and changed, not improved. WoD bubble changes... can't wait for it being interrupted all the time with stability corruption, etc. In PvE, another dps downtime together with picking banners. To add, it is pretty sad to see no fixes/polishing for warrior... nor power berserker changes. Now to wait another 3 months again...
  22. Take mace, go to e.g. southsun cove and try it on small karka or another mob that uses ranged attacks, very simple to test.Mace block only works as riposte if traited with shield mastery (when it reflects).
  23. Hammer has aoe control and is very strong with certain sigils in mass pvp due to not being mostly single target (only 5th skill is single target). It has also nice mobility burst skill with 600 range which helps with hitting/ccing people outside of true melee range (130 units). Also, hammer already got buffed, 2nd skill deals now nice damage AND it has 3 targets cap. Mace on the other hand has 3 skills including burst that are single target only. Damage is pretty bad for single target oriented weapon. Mace would work even without damage buffs if there weren't so many stunbreaks on low cooldown so you could prepare your target for e.g. 100b, Wastrel's ruin, Eviscerate, etc... I would prefer buffing target cap on hammer. Maybe also change Earthshaker from 1, 1.5, 2 sec stun to 1, 2, 3 sec knockdown and tweak hammer trait, e.g. damage modifier applied when wielding hammer.Mace should get some damage and attack speed buffs. Also, why Tremor has 6 target cap? I mean, it's better than 5, but why arbitrary 6.
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