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Uden Reavstone.3426

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Everything posted by Uden Reavstone.3426

  1. Now I know that the ui (skill facts, content guide, map, etc) use "units" to measure distance, but lore wise, are there any mention of units of measurement? I only one I can think of is a scene in the book "Edge of Destiny" in which Zojja and Magnus argue about the accuracy of asura steps vs norn steps. Are there any others?
  2. The in-game graphics reset to a different setting than the one I'm using every time I log out of the game. When I log in, I have to go into settings and go back to the ones I'm using. For more info, it resets to 1920 x 1440. I'm using 2560 x 1080.
  3. I got a new desktop computer, monitor and all, but every time I log into GW2 on it, I have to reset the graphics settings. Anyone know why or how I can fix it?
  4. Between Armorsmith, Leatherworker, and Tailor, which is faster, cheaper, and easier to get to level 400?
  5. When ever someone asks me why I play mostly females in games with the option, I borrow the answer that Jack Pattillo from Achievement Hunter gave to a similar question: "If I'm going to spend hours looking at my character's rear, I might as well make it something that I enjoy looking at." Play what you want. No one is going to judge you for it and if they do, that's their problem, not yours.
  6. I see. Thank you. More like a little of both. I'm getting some friends into GW2, but until then, I'm trying to do what I can alone.
  7. That's kind of what I was asking. What are the fastest/easiest paths?
  8. What is the fastest and/or easiest way to farm Tales of Dungeon Delving?
  9. How does EoD's HP's compare to PoF's and HoT's in terms of difficulty?
  10. So back in the first few months (or was years? I don't remember) or so of the game, after waking up from the Dream, you had to talk to an NPC to get your gear, but they removed that.
  11. I'd like to point out that in the lore, the first engineers and first scrappers were both Charr.
  12. So fun fact, you CAN use updrafts on Griffons and Skyscale. You fly towards the updraft, then use Bond of Faith, pop open glider, glide into the updraft, and then hop back onto your mount. Granted it's a few more steps than what OP is asking for, but it works, and it works well.
  13. I remember hearing that back when guild halls first came out with HoT, you needed at least five people to claim one. I can no longer see anything that says this. Does this mean that there is no minimum anymore? If there still is one, what is it?
  14. I love how some of the pages of both books have wear and tear. Add some cool flavor to the whole thing.
  15. While these skin ideas are cool and all, I'm still waiting for a skin call The Big Stick. Why you ask? So I can run around saying, "Peace means having a bigger stick then the other guy, and I have The Big Stick!"
  16. I thought it was "Beauty lies in the eyes of Xanathar." I could be wrong though.
  17. GW2 has been known as having one of the nicest gaming communities out there since day one. Yes, it has had its ups and downs in this regard, but that's to be expected. However, bejng a jerk to people who are trying to help you is not okay. Seriously, what do you think you are going to get out of insulting everyone? That kind of behavior is most likely to get you banned the forums or even the game itself, not solve your problem with the game. Meanwhile, the rest of us are going to continue playing this game like nothing happened. Before you post again, ask yourself, "Is me saying this worth what might happen if I say it?"
  18. Why? You say that it's badly designed or give examples. You need to explain your point of veiw if you want people to agree with you.
  19. Read my other post and you'll see that OP has the right of it.
  20. The sad thing is that Polymock is one several activities that was planned for the game and was abandoned. DR was supposed to have a bar brawl and shooting gallery, and while there is in game mention of them, they never came to be. I want them to finish some of these abandoned products.
  21. Oh God. I remember those monsters. If I see a wall that looks even remotely like one of those in GW2, I'm running. Though, it could be an interesting fight.
  22. At the end of the Charr PS quest The Flame Advances, you can talk to Rytlock and upon asking if he can keep up with Ash ttactics, he says"Keep up? Ha! You never knew my old friend Ca.. Never mind. Right now, I don't care if I have to fight Trybulus in an evening gown as long as he ends up dead." Somewhere out there, there is fan art of Rytlock in a dress. I love it!
  23. Magic in this game is not like other games. Power increases the damage of all attacks. Instead of magic vs physical, look at it as power, condition, support, and tank. Power builds use power, precision, and ferocity, and rely on dealing direct damage as opposed to condition damage. Condition builds use condition damage, expertise, and precision, and rely on using damaging conditions: bleeding, poison, burning, confusion, and torment. Support builds use healing power and concentration and are all about healing and boons. Tanks are all about taking hits for others and use toughness and vitality. This applies to all classes in GW2, not just the physical classes or the spell casters. Also, lore wise, all classes use magic, just some more so than others.
  24. As a new player, you should NEVER use a level-80 boost until you levelled a character or two the old fashioned way. With that said, the best way to do this is by exploring. What I like to do is map complete my race's starting zone, then its city, then its level 15-25 zone. Then I explore LA and the cities, starting areas and level 15-25 zones of the other races. By this time, you'll either be level 80 or close to it.
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