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Everything posted by willow.8209

  1. could we have a vendor that will exchange piles of auric dust and airship oil, for airship parts?
  2. Actually I think it could be commercially viable to add new playable races. Maybe some approach similar to this could work out (this will fix the voice acting issue): There would be a new expansion. The new expansion would introduce some new races, having these characteristics: One or more requests met for current players, Tengu and Dwarf perhaps One or more of something that might be popular or feel familiar for new players (vampires maybe, or elves or some other fae folk, or dare i mention pandas) One or more of something that's just unexpected and GW-ish The expansion would have new starting zones, no need to rework old quests or figure out how to shoehorn new beginner maps onto existing terrian. The new zones would have these characteristics: like before, you get a free waypoint to every starting zone, old and new, so you can level in any zone you like/ get to the world bosses/ explore other capitol cities The new ones have one or more new paths to merge with the story so it will make sense on the level 80 maps (or from wherever the stories merge with existing) They new maps will work more like in some of the living world maps where there are just a few hearts that integrate into the main story (for story reasons you should go here, talk to this person and help them out... your story gains credit from doing the hearts, and there are not so many hearts that it's overwhelming for map completion--however the hearts wouldn't be repeatable: once you finished it you could always buy things, and the items for sale would be more like in existing 1-80 zones only a little consolidated since fewer hearts) speaking of map completion, you can get a Gift of Exploration for doing the new zones (or new level 1-50 zones and existing 60-80 zones or whatever, however works out). Also there's story change up for people who like to repeat the leveling (for gift of exploration or for Black Lion keys or because it's more placid, or whatever). So, new story for the level 60-80 section would be super helpful. There are new instanced play options (e.g. new strikes, new dungeons, something) and these options scale, maybe like from 1-10 players. They also have a level 80 version in addition to any leveling version(s). There are level 80 vendors and items, and new ascended or legendary gear/skins. Perhaps this would be a good place to put the ascended jewelry crafting that's been mentioned as a possibility. Maybe there is a new version of gear that levels with you (like the bloodbound weapons) Starting with this expansion, character creation would ask you when creating an original race, whether you want to be placed in the old zone or the new zone, for starter story. (Supposing you have this new expansion.) It may be possible to solve the armor issue by training an AI to adjust existing armors to the new races. AI would also fix clipping issues. Naturally, humans would do the actual designing. Of course, they'll add new armor skins as well. There would be a nonbinary gender addition. No trying to shoehorn everyone into one or two genders. However it's fine by me to use just nonspecific pronouns for everyone, as long as they can customize their appearance. But I might be in a subgroup here, hard to tell.
  3. You don't need to make a new character just yet, but I would recommend taking your boosted toon through the level 1-80 content. Then you'll have a much better idea what's going on and how the game works. The benefit to using a boosted toon is that you won't waste your transmutation charge if you want to change your gear's appearance, and you can focus on mechanics before worrying about gear stats. However, since you're not changing gear all the time from getting rewards and drops better than what you have, you'll probably want to make a point of trying out various weapons. In addition to other ways mentioned to get gear, after you go through some beginning content and feel more confident: if you dabble a little in World v World you can use an easy-to-get wvw currency to buy any gear you need in the orange/exotic rarity from a WvW vendor. WvW maps: TEID-07 Unified Vendor System - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Lion's Arch: Lionguard (Merchant) - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Play in Verdant Brink and collect airship parts, then you can get stat select armor. The boxes look like yellow/rare gear, but it's really orange/exotic. The long/expensive way is crafting. If crafting is fun for you or if you decide to go for legendary gear, then start that at some point when you have some gold and materials. You can find crafting information on the wiki or 3rd party sites. Here are some more gear guides/beginning guides you might find useful. You don't need to look at them all, just browse and find the info you want. Gearing guide for PvE Guide - Hardstuck Getting Started Guides - Snow Crows How to Gear a Character in GW2 - MetaBattle User:Tanetris/So You Want To Gear a Character - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) you can also search youtube or the internet in general. bonus guides: Map completion - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Gw2Skills.Net
  4. the horse bow? put it on a WvW build. 😀 Seriously though, I would check the build libraries and see what you can find that looks fun with the weapon you want to use, for the type of content you want to play (or try out). Tho if you're posting here, you probably want personal notes. I currently use shortbow mainly as an alt weapon for when I need to be ranged, or to get AOE if my other weapons don't have much AOE. I've used it on ranger/soulbeast, thief/daredevil, and engineer. It's good on a condi build. Here are some online build libraries; there are doubtless others. Hardstuck Mukluk Guild Jenn Metabattle Snowcrows By searching on a search engine for "gw2 shortbow builds" or variants of that, I found these: Renegade - Shortbow Shiro - MetaBattle Guild Wars 2 Builds Soulbeast - Condi Shortbow DPS - MetaBattle Guild Wars 2 Builds Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer - MetaBattle Guild Wars 2 Builds Condition Renegade Build - Guild Wars 2 - Snow Crows GW2 - Celestial Vindicator Roaming Build - GuildJen Condition Renegade Build (Group PvE) - Hardstuck
  5. as far as rep goes, I don't understand any guild asking for rep. Rep has no function anymore except like to help you find guild mates. You need to rep while talking to a guild bank or guild NPC of course, just for game mechanics. But otherwise, there's not any game need.
  6. If you were away from the game or playing AFK offline for a while, it's common for guilds to kick for inactivity, but you can generally get back in by asking anyone you know from the guild (they might not have recruit powers but should be able to easily get a message to someone who does), or looking in the forum to see if they have a recruitment post. My guild sends an in-game mail so you know what happened and will have contact info of someone with recruit powers, but I think this isn't completely universal. for whatever reason, this doesn't happen. If you want to reorder your guilds for any reason you'd have to leave them and carefully ask for invites back in the order you want them to appear.
  7. to put it simpler, yes: if there are any heart quests they all have to be done to get map completion. But as was said, some don't have renowned hearts.
  8. also, much like what others said, I assume that in-house code is both related to things that are now difficult to change, But also related to a lot of the innovation of GW2. Changing engine for a new game would similarly be expected to have both benefits and drawbacks.
  9. I remember that being novel. That was part of what drew me in too. I think GW3 is just a discussion right now, no certainty that it ever would come. If it did, however, I think it would do better not as an MMO to replace GW2, but as a coop/solo game you can play with a few friends who don't MMO.
  10. oh also, can you see if the forum engine has a way to flag a post when the formatting is going to be problematic, say for some reason it was copied with a background field. It's not only jarring to have some white-background lines pop up unexpectedly in a dark theme set (because you find it easier to look at and read), but it also is, well, harder to read.
  11. I think these would increase QoL and playability (some are repeat from the previous thread): Fix the bug where character stays in combat a long time after combat has ended Add an intermediate sized tag (for say 20 players) if possible, allow the intermediate tag to be used by lieutenants in a 50-player squad Add a section to the hero panel or character select screen that shows story progression and active story per character Fix the bug where there's a disconnect at the end or with a lot of progression in a long story mission and then you have to play it over from the start Let colors be selected per character or per equipment tab for mounts, and per equipment tab for backpacks More gear should be stat selectable. Alternatively, make a way for more stat combinations to be useful. Only about a quarter of the existing attribute combinations are considered "meta"/ or particularly useful.
  12. yea, I do know that. However I'm not getting stability icon when using movement skills with staff. breaking out of rooted discussion came in with Warrior's Spirit, which does not grant stab, but it should grant break immobilize.
  13. here is another merged thread, and there are multiple other threads that haven't been merged. Which seems to indicate a common issue.
  14. I thought I was getting fewer ectos too.
  15. Thanks but I'm not certain we have the same thing in mind. Brave Stride: Movement skills grant stability when used. Warrior's Spirit: Run faster while wielding melee weapons, and deal increased strike damage while you have swiftness. Movement skills break immobilization when used. here I'm looking at the stunbreak--that's what is tied to a movement skill. Does the stunbreak not work on GS either? I would think of Rush as being a movement skill too. Wiki says this should work on Rush. It doesn't list anything for staff however. It could also be that immobilize is not the same as stun, so it won't work every time the character is rooted. Staff 2 and Staff 3 should be affected by anything that triggers on movement skill, to my mind.
  16. i noticed that today too, that they ley lines don't work as intended on skyscale in Ember Bay
  17. you might have some in inventory on multiple different characters tho, and not be sure which toon(s) have it. Posting for a friend, obv.
  18. I tried to level a different craft by making a ton of dowels, because they didn't eat up trophies. Dowels could be used later when you know what gear you want to spend trophies on. Also for recipe discovery, if they actually want us to experiment instead of just using a guide, it would be handy to have a lot of random ingredients on hand. Like the dressings and soup bases (yea i know some soup bases go in materials storage but upgraded ones do not) for cooking.
  19. I think everyone's struggling that search results are not as good as they used to be. I suspect all the search engines are using more AI than they used to and that there's a learning curve for the companies with that--or it just isn't going to work like they hoped, who knows at this point (a skeptical person might suggest that they actually make more money from the low quality sites). Of course there's a thing called search engine optimization, but Google has always changed things up abruptly from time to time--usually reliably during the pre-Christmas season when retailers are trying to get customers for their end-of-year products, but also any other random time. 3 dimension questing, I assume you're referring to Heart of Thorns or capital cities. Yes, it's different to get used to. Gliding masteries and at least bouncing mushrooms help a lot in HoT. Also you'll get more familiar over time. Some people do find the multi-leveled design frustrating at first, and others really like it straight from the beginning. I needed some masteries to like it, but at this point I do like it. Leaping off a cliff and catching myself with glider just because I can--yea I'm there for that. 🙂 Also the mounts are variously designed to help overcome particular navigation challenges. You can't use them in pre-PoF story, however. Story instances, you can skip most of the cutscenes after you've seen them once. Not a lot of help on first playthrough, but hey this is a story-rich game. The chatting and cutscenes tell the story. And just flesh out the world. It's fine to not be interested, but there is a point to having it there. You usually have to do a little story to get more options available (e.g. gliding, fishing, etc), or occasionally lots (e.g. most PoF mounts)/all the story (i,e, griffon). As previously mentioned, the green spark markers point you to your story quest, but sometimes it's a green circle or green arrow (if these are orange, they are events), or green pathing chevrons (marking a way to navigate a capitol city for your story quest), or a green swirl (go through the portal to the next map). And sometimes really hard to see against the background, especially the circles and arrows. Sometimes there's a puzzle to solve, but I noticed these are often better marked now than they used to be. There are usually hints: sometimes something the NPCs say, and sometimes a guide on your screen... but occasionally you'll need to wiki the hints too. Sometimes, you just have to hang tight and wait because they want you to feel a sense of time passing or feel like the epic battle wasn't over too quickly. Most people find it's pretty useful to read the wiki and look at other guides, and going through the level 1-80 story can also be very helpful to learn the game. If you skipped that with a boost, I recommend you still go back and play the pre-80 content. In addition to the story, do some heart quests, events, hero point, world boss. Then once you have a feel for how the game works and how you character plays (or how its play has changed through an elite spec), you can then do the level 80 content more readily. End game is all level 80 content, whether that's playing through the expansions, crafting armor, PvP, WvW, fashion, fractals, raids and strikes, collections, whathaveyou. Try some things, see if you find something you like. It's a game: if you're not having fun, try something else. If you like to speedrun stuff I suggest you try fractals, dungeons, PvP, or WvW. Or even Dragon Response Missions (some players hate these but I think from repetition and those being the main new content at the time they came out).
  20. I'd be in favor. There would need to be a reasonable limit of course, but yea this should be a thing.
  21. hi the new weapon seems to have two movement skills, Valiant Leap and Line Breaker. but they do not seem to gain benefits from traits that should affect movement skills like Brave Stride or possibly Warrior's Sprint.
  22. I'd like to see armor skins for some clothes the NPCs wear around Warrior's Crown. Backsmith Fairchyld and Jodi, for examples.
  23. that's a great fix for "all these hundreds of different types of junk items fill up my bag spots and could I maybe get items that are more useful" unfortunately, it doesn't fix "this trophy is what, an event or heart item I would need to wiki to find out where it goes? If the heart NPC even accepts trophies after doing the heart. Can't be vendored, so delete? Maybe I didn't even finish the heart or it's repeatable, is it worth the bag space to save?" or "this was a great item I bought from the heart vendor/ got from my story quest, but now that I have the skin, I don't need the item anymore--it can't be salvaged or sold so, apparently just delete?" or "I think this trophy might be for a collection I haven't opened yet? It didn't sell as junk, doesn't have a useful legend, and also doesn't have a collection on right click menu. So maybe I can vendor or delete it? Or I could save it just to be sure?" or "how many sonic periscope logs do i actually need to turn in? Maybe I should finish that one collection." a lot of those kinds of things can only be deleted (or potentially turned in if you travel to that one particular NPC). Some of the same types of items (random trophies that don't seem to go to anything as far as you can tell) do have a vendor value, but others don't. And like Dark said, the usage of "trophy" is ambiguous since it refers to more than one type/usage of item. We could have "hunting trophies" (the stuff you can sell as junk), "collection trophies", and "quest trophies". Or totally different names for all 3.
  24. agreed. and can we have a small vendor value on all the stuff that doesn't have anything to do with it after finishing the heart/event/etc and the karma things that won't salvage too. deleting things I no longer need feels bad to me.
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