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Everything posted by Kayberz.5346

  1. Gotta love how all the usual bladesworn haters immediately jumped in this thread to say how much they dont like bladesworn for the millionth time Talk about allergic reactions Also love how quick you all are to report my post and get it removed ❄❄❄❄
  2. More likely is that anet is probably going to rebrand upcoming new content releases as something other than "living world" With the "Elder dragon saga" finished im betting anet doesn't want to call the upcoming content as "season 6" but instead have whatever it is start fresh, so that new players dont feel obligated to play the previous seasons to know whats going on. Its probably going to be very similar if not identical to previous living world seasons just with a new name. Similar to what they did with icebrood saga
  3. But you're not the biased one right?🤡 Btw I multiclass, over 3k+ hours on other classes, probably why i had no issue quickly adapting to bladesworns completely different playstyle.
  4. So someone who doesn't even have the expansion to play the spec they are critizing and making a "collective, systemic analysis" of has the audacity to try and claim they know and understand the spec better than someone who has played it extensively since its release, with a background of having played since the 3 day headstart with over 3k hours on warrior alone? 🤣🤣🤣 These forums Truly are a clown Fiesta 🤡
  5. And you aren't letting your own failure cloud YOUR perspective? You try and make an argument that i dont pvp therefore have too "limited" of a perspective, your argument fails, then you pivot and move the goalpost. Typical contrarian tactic. It literally doesn't matter what i say or what data i provide , you will find a way to spin it to fit your own narrative. Im done talking in circles with people that are incapable of arguing in good faith
  6. Oh the irony Ah yes it is I the "raider" with a pvp level of 220 who had no problem maintaining plat rank the entirety of the fist pvp season of EoD solo queueing almost entirely on bladesworn, pre buffs. Surely it is ME that is talking out of my kitten about things i have no knowledge of. 🤡
  7. Well a lot of them instead of saying "i personally dont like this playstyle, I'll just not play it" they go with "this spec is designed WRONG and isn't a real warrior, it should be deleted and completely remade from the ground up, it cant do anything but hit stationary golems, junksworn amiright guyz?" Its one thing to not like something and refuse to play it, thats how i feel about mechanist. But to CONSTANTLY bring up how much you hate it in every thread, even in unrelated topics, spread misinformation about what the spec is capable of, and trash on the devs and petition to remove it from the game or nerf it into irrelevance is another thing entirely
  8. Well when im consistently pulling ~30k dps on real encounters competing with people that have CM tittles and full legendary armor, 30k achievement points, ect. i think it says something. more than the equally anecdotal comments people make about how "bad" bladesworn is. I also have plenty of anecdotal experience seeing a large majority of bladesworns i encounter contributing almost nothing to a group, fumbling mechanics and doing less than 10kdps, but that was the players problem, not the spec I like berserker, ive been playing warrior since the 3 day headstart as my main, and with that im fully aware of how auto pilot berserker can be once you are familiar with it. If you prefer that playstyle thats fine, i like it too, i just like bladesworns much more engaging playstyle more, and its just objectively stronger with the current balance (when played CORRECTLY) I didn't say anything about being better than people that criticize bladesworn. But theres been a pattern of a handful of particularly active "warrior mains" on the forums trashing bladesworn every single chance they get. And a lot of the criticism that ive observed comes from a place of ignorance and blatant personal bias rather than objective "problems" with the spec. They seem to want bladesworn deleted, and seem to view bladesworns strength as a threat to berserker/spellbreaker ever getting the buffs it deserves (not entirely hard to see why they might feel that way given anets history of warrior balance)
  9. Ive fully cleared wings 1- 4 the past 2 weeks playing only power bladesworn and was top dps in all but 2 fights. One of which was the fault of people messing up xera buttons at the end of the fight which left me with no dps uptime for like 20 seconds, but i was still #2 beaten only by a soubeast by less than 100k damage The other was one of the Mathias fights, that one was me messing up early in the fight resulting in me going down in my own red away from the group. That was just user error, totally avoidable and my fault. Finished 3rd beaten by 2 mechanists
  10. Exactly These bladesworn haters are extremely hyperbolic about how "bad" bladesworn is They simply dont WANT to learn to play it correctly, it has nothing to do with how it actually performs objectively. 99% of the mechanics they complain about making them "lose all their damage cuz dodge qq" can be trivialized with aegis and flickerstep, or simply using dragontrigger 2/3 instead of 1 in that 1 instance, and with how much dps bladesworn does it will STILL out dps berserker(and many current metadps classes) even with small interruptions in its optimal rotation as long as you actually think about what you're doing and aren't a berserker-only monkey that relies purely on muscle memory rotations while shutting your brain off to whats going on. "Its unfun" is an entirely subjective thing, i could say that about ANY build in the game, its not a legitimate argument about how the spec performs in endgame content. Thats a "you" problem, not a bladesworn problem.
  11. I didn't go anywhere, if you want to message me in game for an irrelevant pp measuring contest go ahead, but im not going out of my way to do it, when im online im typically busy doing kitten
  12. In practice there usually is a reason to be pressing 4 and 5 (not just "spamming" them purely to upkeep stacks) You're not "wasting" dps by not pressing dragon trigger on cooldown. optimizing when you use it to safely be able to fully charge it and smoothly keep dpsing is what allows you to be top dps. Currently with the way numbers are balanced right now your dps will still be comparable if not superior to other dps specs even if you dont maintain your optimal rotation perfectly uninterrupted. Its better to delay dragontrigger by 2 seconds to make sure it lands rather than to whiff midway through a chargeup forcing a full cooldown. Every class experiences interruptions in their optimal rotations in order to deal with mechanics, thats not unique to bladesworn. It just often requires more active engagement on bladesworns part to compensate for it compared to ranged condi specs There are plenty things i dont find enjoyable to play. But its all subjective, im not a fan of mechanists for example but i wouldn't say its "bad" in its design (outside of balance), its just not a playstyle i enjoy.
  13. Sounds more like a l2p problem You shouldn't be doing "nothing" 40% of your rotation The difference between the bladesworns that "get it" and the ones that do less than half the damage they could be doing is how well they utilize aegis/flicker step and their positioning to weave inbetween mechanics to keep a consistent uptime on dps. That also means knowing when NOT to enter dragontrigger just following a blind muscle memory based rotaion. Timing is very important. You can do fights like boneskinner at near benchmarks dps levels even though that fight constantly forces you to move and avoid big attacks if you time your abilities and position properly
  14. Just because bladesworn is a warrior elite spec doesn't necessarily mean that its playstyle would or should equally appeal to people that like the other warrior specs playstyles The whole point of elite specs is to open up new and different playstyles for classes. Someone whos favorite playstyle is the fast paced in your face button mashing gameplay berserker offers might not like the more methodical and positioning pre-planning focused playstyle of bladesworn, which is perfectly fine. Bladesworn plays a lot more like "big nuke" classes that are typically ranged casters in other games, like blackmage in final fantasy or fire mage/destro warlock in wow, a playstyle that has been completely absent from guild wars 2 until now Different things appeal to different people
  15. Maybe if all the "warrior mains" on the forums and reddit weren't constantly spreading misinformation about how "terrible" bladesworn is based purely on their very subjective playstyle biases there would be more people willing to actually try and learn to play the spec properly and see how good it actually is. Negative stigmas have a HUGE influence on playrates. Something can be objectively better than other things, but if the majority of the community isn't aware of it then the meta will not reflect it
  16. Well considering dps is pretty much the only value warrior can bring to a group in the current meta i hope they at least let us have that, at least until they can figure out how to give us an actual viable support build
  17. I full cleared wings 1-4 in different pugs last week playing only power bladesworn. I was top dps in every single fight Two of the groups had other bladesworns in it. Only one of them was neck and neck with me on dps, we were both #1/2 for the fights until he switched to engi to fill support after someone left. The other 2 bladesworns i encountered last week were doing less than half the damage i was on boss fights because they clearly couldn't figure out how to weave dragonslashes in while avoiding mechanics. The only things getting anywhere close to competing on dps with me and that other good bladesworn player were mechanists and condi virtuosos People keep parroting the stupid "only good at hitting golems" line every time someone brings up bladesworn being the top power dps but that line comes from a place of ignorance and pessimism If you actually learn how to utilize bladesworns kit you can pump those numbers in actual encounters and maintain good dps uptime. (WITHOUT eating unnecessary damage as well) The dps you lose by sometimes using dragontrigger 2 or 3 instead of 1 is minimal comparatively to other classes because in the situations you do that other classes sometimes lose even more dps in those same situations because they dont have the ability to gapclose/range hit cleave for 100k+ damage per target in an instant. For example, on the keinang overlook strike mission during the golem/sniper phase you can use dragontrigger 2 while inside the hitbox of either the golem or sniper while switching targets to the other one and hit both of them for over 100k damage while simultaneously repositioning instead of just doing slightly more damage on just 1 of them Cleave potential with 2 and 3 is huge if you get creative with it
  18. The OPPOSITE is true Bladesworn is actually MORE engaging to play in high end content because you cant just mindlessly press buttons and dodge mid rotation like you can on most builds. You actually have to THINK and plan out how you are going to position yourself so that you can optimize pulling off as many dragon slashes as possible while still doing mechanics and not feeding. Between the stability/aegis and flickerstep you have access to along with situationaly using dragon trigger 2 or 3 instead of 1 there is LOT you can do to deal with mechanics while optimizing your dps at the same time, but its not as braindead as something like berserker where you literally just spam a rotation with little care whether you're moving or staying still. Bladesworns limitations make it MORE engaging to play in high end pve content than any other warrior build thats ever existed, and if you honestly dont think that is the case, maybe its just too hard for you and what you view as "broken" design is actually just you not being able to adapt to a different playstyle built on true risk/reward gameplay.
  19. "I know what im talking about, i understand all the mechanics in this game perfectly, i got to level 74 playing through the easiest content in this game that is almost devoid of anything that requires you to actually utilize this games mechanics yet still died a bunch, dont tell me i dont know what im talking about"
  20. Rofl ok buddy Ive been playing warrior as my main since the 3 day headstart Im willing to bet money i can outperform you in pve AND pvp playing warrior. Ive been around.
  21. Thats objectively false. The skill STILL makes you dodge backwards while stunbreaking, it creates a mine that does damage, AND it resets the cooldown on your strongest ability. I cant think of any other warrior utility that functions like that. Your oversimplification of what it does just shows you're being extremely dishonest with your evaluation of this skill Your "solution" is unintuitive and doesn't even work if your weapon swap is on cooldown, and would force you to put your weapon swap on cooldown to utilize which is definitely not ideal
  22. Dragonspike mine is NOTHING like any other utility that warrior has access to. Its genuinely a new and unique addition to warriors kit. You're not even being consistent with your complaints
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