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Everything posted by Kayberz.5346

  1. Yall are just operating on pure contrarian delusion at this point I must have missed that part of history class where they discussed the warriors that enveloped themselves in flames while punching through bolders or the ones that conjured magic bubbles around themselves to block incoming attacks Historical accuracy is very important when it comes to elite specs inspiration of course Im obviously the only one to see overt samurai themes in bladesworn, silly me
  2. Themed after samurai, one of if not the most iconic WARRIORS of the past in feudal japan. Revolves around the use and mastery of a dangerous melee weapon No magic But apparently somehow doesn't have a "sliver of warrior theme" Ok guy
  3. Spellbreaker - Literally just core warrior with 1 new ability tacked on, never been relevant in pve since its release. Truly the pinacle of elite spec design
  4. Its favored by the best players, and the best players tend to win
  5. "Experts" 🤣 Sure a lot of time with something could qualify you as an expert, but it could also indicate someone with very strong biases and a closed mind Im not going to put much stake on the opinion of someone that only eats plain chicken nuggets every day for 10 years straight when im looking for input on a homemade chicken dish with exotic ingredients
  6. Read the rest of the thread, people are quite literally saying those things, and in many other threads. They aren't fake quotes
  7. Love the gatekeeping of what constitutes "real" warrior mains. Core class and 2 of its elite specs are pretty much the same exact thing with 1 added mechanic tacked on Anet finally creates a new elite spec that ACTUALLY changes the class mechanic and playstyle akin to what other classes elite specs do while simultaneously having great synergy with core class abilities and traitlines = "this isnt a REAL warrior" Seems your definition of "real warrior" is to be stuck in 2012 to perpetually whine about being outdated and powercrept and act like you're superior for being the underdog hipster "If i win its because im uber skilled, if i lose its just because im not abusing the meta like all these posers, my ego stays forever preserved"
  8. No. They're not selectively reading the warrior sub Theyre probably reading the posts from random threads that have nothing to do with warrior specifically that get "highjacked" as a platform to whine about how terrible warrior is constantly Such as this very thread But im sure you will choose the point of view that benefits your own personal narrative , just as you say😉
  9. Oh boy the forum warriors sure are salty about this "biased" poll, look at all those walls of text and rationalizations Gotta Love seeing the poll results reflected accurately in the replies
  10. Yeah, just check the top 50 leaderboards🤪 Kidding.......kinda
  11. Theres a big difference between talking about warriors problems every once in awhile in a relevant thread and complaining EVERY SINGLE DAY
  12. Warrior by a long shot Notice how they literally used this thread to post a wall of text to cry about bladesworn and explain why they cry all the time Literally any chance they get, can be completely unrelated topics, but somehow they will squeez in a speech about how bad warrior is, but bladesworn isn't a "real" warrior spec so they dont count. and it just so happens that the group of like 5-6 warrior mains that complain all the time are some of the most active people on these forums so it never ceases The pole results speak for themselves, im not the only one to notice it seems 😆
  13. Literally every build in the game relies on specific traits or abilities to be considered viable And the way anet designed elite specs ensures that even if a specific ability is "better" than its alternatives while playing that elite spec it doesn't effect other elite specs or the core class, because you HAVE to use that spec to even equip it, and with that spec comes other tradeoffs. You all keep complaining about bladesworn removing weapon swap and core burst skills, yet at the same time cry about its traits and elite skill being a "crutch" Huh, Its almost like anet specifically designed bladesworn around the fact that it has certain tradeoffs and thus compensated for those by giving it powerful traits and abilities in return. "It wouldn't be good if they removed this" well its a good thing they haven't done that then 🤪
  14. "Its meta in pvp and pve but it doesn’t work the way i want it to so its trash and wrong"
  15. The irony its funny how the narrative pivoted from "its trash and borderline unplayable" after a few months into "its overpowered" once they could no longer deny its performance in the meta in both pvp and pve
  16. Triggered Must hurt to have all your emotional kneejerk arguments be dissolved by the objective reality around you
  17. So "worthless" that it farms you in pvp to the point where you cry about it on the forums and is one of the top performing dps in pve with a build that doesn't even use the shouts that you claim "carrys the entire specialization" Cope
  18. It doesn't matter if its optional, dragon hunter traps are optional too but if you dont use traps on dragon hunter its garbage. The argument that "its only good because of its elite skill or this one trait" is idiotic. Thats how most viable builds work, they rely on specific skills and traits that were intentionally designed to synergize Thats how elite specs work, they give you access to new abilities that are intentionally designed to work with the spec.
  19. Wow, so its like anet specifically designed and updated bladesworns traits and abilities to account for its weaknesses and flaws, and its currently performing well in both pve and pvp How dare anet make a spec that works
  20. You can opt out of using any of the new utilities or new weapons of any elite spec in the game, and if you do almost all of them become unviable Its almost like the new toys are what make elite specs good and enable them to function as intended
  21. Is it "one skill propping up the spec" Or is it, "a fundamental part of the spec that was intentionally designed to have synergy with the core class" How dare anet create a spec that actually works
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