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Everything posted by Kayberz.5346

  1. Im kinda wondering if the comment they made about sewage and the disposal of waste was just a throwaway statement to brush off the lack of a visible sewage system OR if it was somewhat of a plot relevant hint With the theme of cantha being this rapidly developing technological nation i see the potential for some polution and environmentalist tones in the story. Dragonjade may have some kind of "waste" material associated with it, similar to radioactive materials with nuclear power, i could see the potential for the people in charge of all the development of jade tech being irresponsible with how they handle any dangerous waste materials that come from their industry, perhaps just dumping it into the Echovald wilds causing all kinds of issues. At the end of the most recent trailer we see that strange black/rainbow magic stuff coalescing together out of the Dragonjade, and earlier in the trailer i noticed that one of the jade mech bosses they show has that same black/rainbow magic around them Presumably dragonjade tech doesn't just have infinite power and work indefinitely, it probably "runs out" at some point. Im wondering if perhaps that black/rainbow magic is something that is a result of dragonjade being "spent" and as a result it releases this strange essence which may be a more potent form of volatile magic like we see in LWs3 and 4, and maybe in such a concentrated state has formed sentience similar to the ley-line anomalies
  2. So basically you made this thread to take a political stance against "pondering" to asian asthetics......because......reasons? How dare anet do something that has appeal to people who like asian culture and aesthetics If asian people like it, its detrimental to the game /s
  3. You didn't make a post concerning the "game" You made a post that essentially says "i dont like chinese culture , this expansion reminds me of china, therefore expansion bad"
  4. You're the one that made a public post on the forums You made it our business when you insisted on posting on the forums about your disdain for any reference to asian culture being in the game What is your goal making this post? Seeking validation for not likeing asian themes? Do you expect anet to scrap the entire expansion and retcon the existence of what is arguably the most powerful nation in guild wars lore just because you and a handful of people dont like to be reminded that other cultures exist and are appreciated by many people outside their place of orgin?
  5. Commenting on 10 meter walkways in a giant city while most npcs disabled As apposed to the GIANT 100+ meter flat concrete expanses that make up like 40% of lions arch with a water park aesthetic and pointless impractical architecture that has no cohesion with the harbor fortess theme Cuz having a bank be a vault that is 80% an octopus shaped aquarium in the middle of a flat expanse is pragmatic right? Surely would be secure in an attack, very fitting for the theme of a fortress city that has a history of being attacked Very obvious anti asian inspired architecture bias is very obvious
  6. Tell me you're China-phobic without telling me you're China-phobic "I just dont like the aesthetic" -barely makes any comments on the visual aesthetic and instead goes on extensive rants about the politics of "pondering" to the Chinese *people point out the many non-chinese inspired elements and the long time demand for such a setting amongst the players" -doubles down on insisting everything is definitely CHINESE and makes more political comments. Yeaaaah.....suuuure.....just the aesthetic....
  7. Ah yes, lets fix the problem of guardian being over represented in the meta by buffing a different guardian spec This is the way
  8. To add to that. February is a BUSY month for game releases. Why waste effort trying to compete with elden ring destiny 2. Ect. When you could just wait a few months and release on steam during a lul in game releases and have a much easier time getting exposure Releaseing on steam would purely be a marketing and exposure move. They are already marketing and getting decent exposure from the hype surrounding the launch of the new expansion, there is no need to try to push for even more exposure on steam and share that marketing hype profits when they are already getting their name out there Once hype has died down they can then get a second wave of hype surrounding the steam launch months later which also helps pad the player population afterthe expansion tourists have stopped playing People have short attention spans, stretching out your marketing and exposure over a longer period of time is going to be more effective at getting the game shown to potential new customers than pushing for one big expansion+steam release hype train, especially when it coincides with games like Elden ring coming out which is sure to keep a large portion of the RPG enthusiasts busy for a few months and not looking to invest time in a new MMO right away
  9. Ok, sure But anet already has a dedicated customerbase that will buy the new expansion and theres probably a decent amount of people that will buy it to check it out that dont already have the game and would likely buy it on steam if that were an option To maximize potential profits it makes more sense to delay the steam release until a few months after the new expansion hype to ensure anyone looking to buy the game is funneled directly to Arenanet rather thatn sharing those essentially guaranteed sales with a third party. Once the hype has died down and marketing for EoD is all dried up they can then promote the steam release and then take advantage of steam as a discovery platform, but only after the sales from their own independent marketing has slowed down. Its pretty safe to assume that Anet will at some point bundle all 3 expansions together at a single price point like they did with HoT and PoF. What better time would there be to announce such a bundle then having it coincide with the official steam release? People that discover the game on steam are just as likely if not more likely to buy the game as a full 3 expansion package as opposed to it being a new expansion with separate expansion addons listed on the steam store. It looks more attractive to potential new customers and it lets Anet reap the benefits of steam exposure without sharing their initial expansion sale profits From a business perspective this just makes so much more sense to do it this way
  10. I dont really have any source to point to for this speculation, its pretty much just a baseless theory but its just something that makes sense the more i think about it. I think Anet has delayed the steam release for a very specific reason, that reason? More money. Im not an expert on how steam contracts work, but im fairly sure that steam takes a pretty sizable percentage of sales of any games, DLC, or micro transaction purchased through the steam client. Think about this from a business standpoint. You are Anet with a new expansion in development, you already have a large customer base that have played your games and purchased expansions without being on steam for over a decade. You know that a large amount of your existing customers are going to purchase the new expansion, as well as new comers curious to check it out. So, with this in mind, if you are anet why would you shoot yourself in the foot and prematurely put your game up on steam and share the huge profits on the new expansions sales that you are pretty much guaranteed to get regardless of a steam partnership? My prediction: Anet is going to delay the steam release for at least half a year after the launch of the expansion so that they can independently profit on the sale of the new expansion. After some months have passed i think anet will then bundle HoT, PoF, and EoD into one single product and with that will come the steam release. This allows Anet to maximize profits on the hype surrounding the new expansion release while also allowing for a second wave of sales when they launch on steam with a complete game bundle that will inevitably attract new players. They get full profit from their already dedicated playerbase and then can get the supplementary profits from steam exposure after their EoD marketing has died down Its a win win
  11. But we actually dont "know" that the deep sea dragon awoke in the unending ocean, i literally mention this point specifically in my post The only thing we are told is that monsters deep in the unending ocean drove the aquatic races from their homes. These monsters could merely be minions of the DSD and not the DSD themself, and they are active because the DSD has awoken but is not necessarily themselves physically in the unending ocean, they present the information in a way that heavily implies that a dragon is in the ocean but they dont outright confirm it. The other races displaced by dragons know it was an elder dragon, but none of the aquatic races ever mention there being a dragon in the ocean And every time the water dragon is brought up like by taimi the narrative makes a point to mention that it is "speculated" that there is a dragon in the ocean but they strangely never confirm it even though the aquatic races should theoretically be able to do so, but they seemingly aren't aware of a dragon either, only the monsters which are likely its minions. But again, i think it is most likely that the DSD is indeed in the unending ocean, however there is room for that not to be the case and Anet this entire time may have been trying to make us all assume that, all the info we have on the DSD has been intentionally vague even though it seems so blatantly obvious that they should be in the unending ocean
  12. I will preface this post by saying im not necessarily convinced that what im about to say is the actual lore, just some fun spitballing of ideas that have potential to end up being true The more i think about what limited info he have the more im starting to lean on the idea that the deep sea dragon has been absent this entire time because they are literally trapped in the jade sea. Now, some may point to the pre gw2 lore about the krait/quaggan/largos being driven from their homes in the unending ocean by "horrors" in the deep as debunking this notion, which is a fair point. However, they never do mention the presence of an elder dragon actually being in the unending ocean, just that what are likely the minions of said dragon being present. It is entirely possible that the minions/scion/champions of DSD are present in the unending ocean but the actual DSD themself isn't. The jade sea was named such even before shiro solidified it because it apparently always had somewhat of a green hue to the water. The idea im proposing is that the jade sea was actually created by the DSD, or like how mordremoth was the jungle, the jade sea IS the DSD and this is the location that they went to sleep thousands of years ago, but its champion/scion/minions were in the unending ocean as well. The DSD has been awake this entire time since around the same time the others started waking up but has been physically trapped inside of their place of slumber by the jade wind. Its minions in the unending ocean are active but are mostly kept at bay by the largos/krait/naga ect. Because they dont have the direct support of the DSD currently If this were the case it would potentially explain why the color of the jade is so vibrantly green compared to its appearance in gw1, because as the DSD absorbs more magic the green hue becomes even more intense. It was always an unusual color of green, possibly because the "water" in the jade sea is either being effected by the presence of the DSD tainting it or the "water" is literally the DSDs "body" or physical form. If all this crazy speculation were to be true, it would also mean that dragonjade would essentially be using DSD magic, which potentially could also mean that the DSD might have the ability to take control of any dragonjade technology if they wish, because its literally just an extension of them. Once again ill say im not really wholly invested in this theory being correct, just thought I'd share some random ideas that i think could tie together the sparse info we have so far
  13. Partly but he pretty much just means Balthazar being a villain in the narrative in general Hes been pretty vocal in the past that he doesn't like that Balthazar was made a villain and considers it somewhat of a "retcon" that Balthazar isn't a good guy, even though there is lore in factions telling a story about how he killed a man in a fit of rage after they beat him fairly in a competition, but thats just possibly a case of "unreliable narrator" in his eyes but the other stories (told by his devout followers) of him being honorable somehow aren't 🙄
  14. I think the stakes of this expansion are still potentially "world ending" but the narrative will probably be a slow ramp up. The beginning half of the expansion might be focused on a relatively low stakes local canthan conflict but will expand into a more existential threat as the story unfolds. The deep sea dragon needs to be addressed, and i could see the dragonjade stuff either being directly related to said dragon or that the use of dragonjade could be a catalyst for the deep sea dragon doing something I can also foresee the plot escalating to "cataclysmic" stakes if Aurene becomes a target of one of these canthan factions. The jade brotherhood is trying to create superweapons, and they are trying to push the limits of dragonjade tech while curiously also doing experiments on live creatures. Aurene is something im sure they will be very interested in
  15. Add damage back to CC skills and we'll see how long these flamethrower scrappers stick around
  16. Yeah Your way of thinking is just objectively incorrect "Downstate is the most balanced thing in the game" Yeah, I'd say im pretty far from being that delusional
  17. Bruh Are you even capable of talking about revenant without emanating mountains of salt? 50 energy cost pretty much means this skill will use your entire energy bar on a legend with high energy cost skills all around, if you even have that energy to begin with It has a 1 second cast time, not really anymore "on demand" than any other skill Taunt isn't a proper stun. And your whole "thoughtfully having to wait for a rotation" comment just shows how not only uninformed but blatantly biased against revenant you are Revenant is probably one of the most "proper rotation" based classes in the game to perform well with in pvp, you have an energy mechanic on top of cooldowns to manage and you constantly lock yourself out of half your kit for 10 seconds at a time, so just spamming skills gets you deleted when you're caught with no energy and inbetween cooldowns
  18. 50 energy cost stun Acting as if this is in any way spammable But you dont hate revs right?
  19. "Infinitely better" Does less damage, is very telegraphed/no stealth, animation locks you, is made extremely ineffective if any other targets are nearby, doesn't CC at all, doesn't do any area denial on point Ah yes "Infinitely better" indeed /s Cry more You still sticking to your story that you dont have a vendetta against revenant? Because it sounds to me like a glass trapper DH is salty that his 11k hp pool makes him food for revenants when his gimmick is on cooldown
  20. Hes right. You consistently have bad takes and make posts that show you dont know what you're talking about all the time This thread was about trapper DH and you threw out a random complaint about revenant damage , (which is still btw 100% false, the damage you claim rev sword 3 does even with the combo of impossible odds shiro heal and phase traversal is nowhere near "20k" in spvp.) Presumably because you play trapper DH and dont want to see the build nerfed and/or you get farmed by revenant players frequently I dont even think trapper DH is OP, i just see it as just one of many cheesy gimmick builds like rifle warrior or p/p thief that does 1 thing and that one thing is get cheesy low effort kills but is overall not that good. Also if you played revenant much at all you would know how unreliable unrelenting assault is as a "burst combo" in a majority of situations, the range where it starts hitting other targets is actually huge, if there is more than 1 person anywhere near your target its pretty much guaranteed to split its damage, not to mention a huge amount of the builds being played in the game right now have some kind of pet/minion or other targetable entity that will soak up hits. Most of the time unrelenting assault is used as a defensive cooldown/filler for the evade frames to wait out your ACTUAL burst combos like sword 4/5 and 2 or your glint abilities coming off cooldown. And of all the "burst combos" in the game unrelenting assault is one of the most telegraphed and easily mitigated attacks, unlike the many from-stealth combos such as trapper DH pull cheese
  21. You're putting arbitrary rules on what does or doesn't count towards a combo just to spin the narrative to fit your objectively false claims You keep calling it a 1 button combo, but how is it both 1 button and a combo at the same time 🤔 Its extremely obvious that you have a disdain for revenant, any of your posts that mention revenant come with a heavy dose of salt flavored hyperbole
  22. You claim it was one button while also admitting to it ACTUALLY being a combo of 4 buttons. And you are still falsely claiming the attack does 20k damage and "one shots" people which is again objectively false hyperbole
  23. So you literally just admited to your comment being objectively false hyperbole Just like i said
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