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Everything posted by Kayberz.5346

  1. And the condi mains come to pretend their choosen builds aren't low skill, low risk, high reward. Quite predictable. When they can make a brainless bot play a power build at anywhere near the success rate as the MULTIPLE condi builds that are botted maybe I'll start taking condi mains seriously And minion master doesn't count, thats a whole other discussion
  2. You're forgetting there ARE runes with toughness that you can combine with amulets. And even if you remove toughness from the equation thats still 1 stat for condi damage vs 3 for power damage, no matter how you cut it condi builds can build more tanky than power builds while still doing comparable or even greater damage
  3. Condi the way its currently implemented is just fundamentally unbalanced for pvp. It only requires 1 stat to boost its damage which allows them to add toughness or vitality to their build with zero tradeoff compared to power builds that need 3 stats to do comparable damage Not only that but condis require you to use utilities with long cooldowns to counter for most classes, condi application is very passive and spamable for how much potential damage it can do, its not like power builds where you can just dodge/mitigate the heavy hitting attacks, you cant stop someone from applying condis to you for the most part, dodges are much less effective against condi builds because unlike power chip damage, small frequent condi applications have the potential to snowball and exponentially increase in damage. you have to time your limited cleanses for when the stacks become dangerous, with condi builds being able to stack more defensive stats they can typically outlast other builds until they run out of cleanses. Necro is already inherently tanky by design, AND they have wide access to condi application (unlockable even), condi transfer, boon corruption, and a good amount of cleanses. They essentially have the ultimate package of kitten. I find it hilarious that necro mains have the audacity to claim necro is balanced, yeah ok, that explains why its rare for there NOT to be at least 3-4 necros in every match, im sure its just a coincidence that necro is pretty much the only class that has multiple top tier meta builds in pvp with its core class and both elite specs at the same time. Theres a reason why most bots use condi builds, it doesn't require careful timing, it can continue to inflict damage while spamming active defenses inbetween application, and they can facetank tons of damage due to how much stats they can put into vitality/toughness. A literal brainless AI running a script can play it with a higher rate of success than a lot of real players playing power builds. Thats not "balanced". For a LONG time now the viability of builds in spvp is largely dependent on how well the build can deal with conditions while also doing other things. And "coincidentally" the 2 most prevalent classes in spvp are necro and guardian, 2 classes that have access to both a high amount of condi cleanses and condi application with good active defenses. Also the 2 most botted classes because playing them effectively literally doesn't require a brain.
  4. The zero damage on cc skills hurt warrior the most imo. I big part of warriors identity in pvp was chaining together hard hitting CC combos. Your opponent could get hit by the cc skill and take a chunk of damage and then stunbreak to avoid your follow up burst, or they could avoid the CC but have to worry about whatever you do next. Now with all the Cc attacks being harmless they have no fear over half your kit if they can just stunbreak or use stability. It really nerfed warriors damage potential in certain matchups.
  5. It could be argued that the way they set up the previous expansions wasn't good for new players just starting the game because of the expansion. They have showed that they want this expansion to be able to be played by a brand new player as well as long returning platers, they have a literal basic game mechanics tutorial area in shing jae. The previous 2 expansions from the perspective of a new player pretty much just throws you immediately into a situation you would know nothing about unless you played through everything leading up to that point prior, which a new player just starting the game would not have done. If they make it so that the actual beginning of the cantha arc starts with the very first story mission in the expansion rather than being built up in previously released content then it makes it much easier to follow along for a new/returning player just picking up the game and going straight into the brand new content. There's positives and negatives to both approaches
  6. I dont think multiple paragraphs complaining about the shade of green the grass is or being upset about not being spoonfed a story synopsis of the expansion qualifies as complaints that a new player would look at as effecting their enjoyment of the game But it does paint a picture that the community is filled with a bunch of negative and vitriolic children with nothing better ho do but nitpick everything and very loudly and frequently share their opinion at every chance they get
  7. Its ironic how these perpetually negative people try to claim they are upset about how new players will perceive this stuff. You know what ACTUALLY looks bad to new players? People constantly posting negative comments putting down everything anet does You guys claim you want to attract new players to the game yet your daily actions inhibit that. If you actually give a kitten about getting new players to play the game how about NOT spending LITERALLY every single day posting negative comments about the game on the forums, reddit, and comment sections because you're a old jaded player with nothing better to do than complain about the game you're still seemingly obsessed with as evident by the fact you post daily on the forums instead of doing something else with your time. A potential new player maybe watches one of the EoD teasers and has their interest piqued, so they scroll down to the comments and are greeted by dozens of jaded toxic neckbeards with thousands of hours in this game saying nothing but negative things about the expansion despite probably already having it preordered and playing the game regularly. Take a break and go touch some grass, seriously.
  8. you're making the assumption that some of the strikes have fights that wouldn't be spoilers, which is likely not the case We know that all the new strike missions are going to be replaying parts of the main EoD story, so naturally its kinda obvious that most if not all the major encounters in the story that would be justifiably made into a strike mission are probably significant and would be filled with story relevant spoilers
  9. Again, you're literally twisting the narrative Show me a quote where anet said "we will never make expansions for gw2" And them saying they dont plan to make expansions and then changing their mind is NOT the same thing as "lieing" about never making expansions
  10. Way to twist the narrative to fit your pessimistic outlook on everything. Anet never said they were against expansions "period" They said they believed they could support the game through live updates and didn't plan on making expansions, they at some point internally changed their mind and decided to make an expansion You're trying to make it sound like anet was on some anti expansion pack crusade before HoT and then suddenly flipped the script when that was never the case They tried living world, it didn't quite live up to expectations and then they changed their approach, thats it. There was no "lies" being told
  11. Anet DOES know what it is, and they think it would be a spoiler to show us, so they aren't. End of story They have shown us SIGNIFICANTLY more of EoDs content than they ever showed of the previous 2 expansions combined before release and you guys are acting like they are suddenly being more secretive than usual. If this was business as usual for anet that first shing jae stream would have been the extent of any content shown until release. They are actually showing quite a lot of EoD but nothing short of a full playthrough would satisfy some of you habitual whiners. Like i said before "Give them an inch, and they'll ask for a mile"
  12. Its stupid to say "its not a big spoiler if they show us this" when you dont even know what it is in the first place . And its equally stupid to say "you dont have to watch the streams if you dont want to be spoiled". This isn't like when a movie comes out and you can avoid specific subreddits for a few days to not spoil yourself, this is a ongoing social game, any spoilers that come to light will be discussed in game by players guarenteed, you cant hide for 3 months from spoilers while continuing to play the game and keep an eye on the forums and reddit for new non spoiler information. You dont need to know the story 3 months before release You dont need to see everything in the new maps before you get there If you feel like you need to know these things before you purchase the expansion thats fine, but you're just gonna have to wait just like everyone else to find out after release. But in reality most of the people complaining about this stuff aren't doing it because they truly are depending on knowing this stuff to inform their purchase, they just want to complain about something like they always do, simple as that
  13. Did you all forget the lead up to HoT and PoF? They have shown WAY more of EoD than they ever showed of the 2 previous expansions before release For HoT and PoF we only got to see like 1/3 of the very first map with most events disabled and that was it. This community is literally the epitome of "give an inch, they ask for a mile" You might not care about spoilers but many others do, and once they are out there it will be pretty much impossible to hide yourself from them. If you want to know exactly whats in the expansion then you can wait till release before you decide to buy it, otherwise you all just sound like a bunch of impatient children throwing a tantrum you cant peek at your presents before Christmas
  14. In pvp flow feels kinda off In the beginning of a fight its really slow to build up but once you get to that point it almost feels impossible to spend it all so you basically have unlimited flow after being in combat for a bit I feel like they should tweak it a bit so gaining flow is easier and faster but it costs more flow to max charge, the windup is the same but the damage increase tiers are more expensive per tick. That way you can get into dragon trigger more often when you want to early in a fight but getting max damage takes a bigger flow commitment, so you can do quick low damage slashes or long powerful ones 1 full flow bar = 1 max damage dragon slash And then they could make that trait that lets you use dragon slash multiple times in a row increase your maximum amount of flow so you can still do the multi slash thing
  15. Pvp perspective I think they just need to buff the damage on the base gunsaber abilities and it will be alright. The dragon slash actually does a fair amount of damage for what it does, ive noticed you really dont need to hold it for full charges it does roughly the same damage even if you only charge it for a split second The build also is extremely good at surviving, especially in 1v1 situations, i could duel just about any build without dying, the main problem is that you just dont have quite enough burst damage to finish a fight against builds with good sustain, it just ends up being a stalemate until someone gets +1ed Skill 3 is actually perfect on damage, but skill 2 and 4 really need a bump up, also i think they should make the 3rd hit on the auto attack chain much more powerful to compensate how slow the chain is to complete Overall if they buffed the damage a bit on the gunsaber i think this spec is going to actually be really powerful, it performs more as a tanky brawler with steady pressure rather than a bursty combo hitter like previous warrior specs
  16. Im expecting some story relevant dialogue/content to be added to winters day
  17. You know you can use the gunsaber AND a greatsword right? It was actually one of the more effective combos for pvp
  18. "the devs didn't act on MY specific feedback which means they ignored ALL feedback"
  19. Just because players give "feedback" doesn't mean that feedback is automatically the "correct" path There are people whos feedback essentially amounts to "i dont like this, delete it and do this instead" which in many cases isn't productive at all, and a lot of people seem to think that just because a certain class gets a new espec that the new spec automatically should appeal to them because they currently main that class, they have clear playstyle biases that potentially conflict with what the actual design goal of a new spec is and their feedback doesn't help get the spec where the devs want it to be.
  20. I get the feeling when OP says "immersion breaking" what they actually mean is "anything that isn't edgy breaks my immersion" While not my style personally i would argue this teacup table is one of the most "lore friendly" and immersive roleplay items they have added to the game yet as far as miscellaneous toys go
  21. The "violent insanity" from overexposure was specifically from high exposure to the magic of the destroyed bloodstone. There hasn't really been any indication that "regular " magic has any negative effects on mortals in high amounts other than potentially having a physical limit on how much magic their body can endure without being vaporized
  22. Whats happening is most of the instances are almost in sync with each other so its just a matter of the time of day you are searching, if all you see is north meta maps, wait like an hour and then it should be all south meta maps The map isn't on a set schedule but because the map is extra busy the instances are all completing at around the same time rather than having 1 or 2 maps with commanders running that finish the meta quicker than empty maps and create out of sync maps throughout the day, pretty much every map is full and completing the meta at roughly the same pace
  23. Im like 80% confident that they are connected to the DSD.
  24. In the jade sea preview stream when they go into that little jade cave on the skiff they mention that you might find answers to the questions of whether the jade is melting and whats going on with that, so im sure there is an explination. Whether that explination will satisfy the habitually unsatisfieable is another question
  25. Just some random speculation Does anyone else get the suspicion with the way the devs keep talking about how "cantha means business" when it comes to mining jade and how they "really need a lot of jade" for the empires needs that Cantha has bigger plans than just maintaining their technological empire? The way they kind of stumble over their words whenever they mention how much the Canthan empire wants to quickly mine a lot of dragonjade it gives me the impression that Cantha may be planning a full scale invasion of Tyria before we get there and that they are all hands on deck with the jade processing because they are building a massive military force with jade tech. What if when we get to Cantha we discover that Cantha is on the verge of a full scale conquest of tyria and the story focuses on us both trying to stop this AND save Cantha from the DSD at the same time?
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