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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. It is not premature to talk about future content, to be honest. You can rest assured that "What comes after?" is already being addressed and planned/laid out, or it won't get done in time. They just refuse to tell us, yet. Criticism of "Oh no, no expansion after this season?!" is the only thing being premature, because we don't know how well their current format will fare. Understood. My point, though, is that the latest content isn't even a month old and already there is speculation on what is next. It seems that players are continuing to burn through content without really enjoying it.
  2. Absolutely. There isn't much more I could add.Sorely missed. {shrug} opinions vary. I don't find this to be necessary in GW2 and I don't miss it.
  3. Personally, I find this to be premature since only the prologue has been released.
  4. Turn game music off and play your favorite Spotify mix in the background. It's what I do.
  5. I think you've made your point.Now since you well established that you are totally against it, will you stop hitting the same response everytime, or leave.As @Dami.5046 said, and very well indeed, why shouldn't players that don't have groupies and guilds by choice, not be able to play content that otherwise others can?If I can level up two characters at the same time in my own private story instance, what does that bother you in any way, shape or form?If a solo player can have a private copy of wvw maps to play with AI because they are tired of God mode pvpers showing up to kill easy prey pvers; what does that affect you at all?Dami is right in all the stament, plus I too think it's a very selfish opinion from your part. No need to be rude.
  6. I am not intimidated by this suggestion; rather, I would prefer that ANet spend their development resources on content for all players and not adding heroes/henchmen to a game that doesn't seemed designed for them.
  7. Good idea.A new feature called Myth hunter, and we'd go around looking for specific monsters to kill.We could have a list, and once the collection is complete, we'd get a legendary of our choice. I like the idea, too, but a free legendary as a reward I think would be too much.
  8. I saw a lot more of this last month. I attributed it to the annual sale and people wanting to farm for more gold to convert to gems.
  9. Source? Sure, as long as such threads don't paint the entire player-base as wanting Cantha content.
  10. Well, the saying goes: "Hope springs eternal." Good luck to your endeavors.
  11. So you're the thread monitor? These forums exist for discourse, during which dissent is often a thing. While I agree that the OP put considerable effort into the post, not everyone wants Cantha content. Telling those to "argue elsewhere" stifles the discussion and weakens your point. Maybe, one day, there will come a time when the sensitivities of certain geo-political areas won't be an issue; however, it has been shown both here and in other Cantha threads that this is unlikely and for Anet unprofitable. There really wasn't a reason for the OP to create a new thread that just goes down the same path as pretty much all of the other ones. You have your opinion and that's fair. There are those who don't share in it and don't think that Cantha would be "really cool". That doesn't make that side of the discussion any less valid.
  12. The converse is true. Having a difference of preference isn't "ridiculous". People who hate farming for zone currency in order to buy the scroll (which is a possibility if not gated behind the story) would likewise hate that process. In my opinion, making both options available could be a compromise?
  13. The problem with this argument is that it is very subjective. Not everyone would think stuff like this is cool (I sure don't). Anet isn't dumb -- they will do their market research and then decide whether or not content like what is suggested here is profitable. So far, it seems that this may only appeal to a very limited scope of players which may be why they haven't spent any resources toward such content.
  14. Tomato / Tomahto Neither of us will convince the other. Good luck in your endeavor.
  15. I would think that in order to do this, the scroll would require zone currency which would probably take as much (if not more!) time than running the short and easy story. And I'm very casual, so if I say that the story is short and easy, it ought to be even more so with just about everyone else. ;)
  16. Actually, I'm fed up with repeated requests for Cantha. ANet knows. Contrary to popular belief, they do read their own forum. Yet one more Cantha thread won't suddenly change their business directive.
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