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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. How would you feel about them deliberately restricting future QoL updates to the subscription? Or deliberately creating problems so they can offer a paid solution? thats already the case take a look at build templates?You're seriously arguing that ANet deliberately chose not to have templates and now will implement them as a paid solution to a "problem"?
  2. How did you go from someone asking for an emote, to people wanting a marriage system with boons and perks? The game can use more emotes, so I’m all for it. I've been around here for a while. I am making a prediction based on observation. But I have been wrong before. Still, I wouldn't want the proposed suggestion added.
  3. No thanks. This would be one of the last things I want to see in game. If implemented, then people would again start calling for a marriage system with boons or perks which, IMO, wouldn't benefit the game.
  4. And yet using the Gear Check version of Arc that Delta passes out to his pals has gotten zero people banned.{shrug} Players may choose to continue to use add-ons at their own risk.
  5. Yeah I get that but we are already at a place where the game is unplayable if you don't spend a kitten ton of money. Of all the ridiculous kitten spouted on the forums over the past 4 days, this statement ranks.Congrats @kharmin.7683 said: Ok plebs tell me how enjoyable it is to start gw2 now with buying pof and dont spend any gems on 1 bag space, 2 char slots 3, shared inventory slots, 4 bank spaces, 5 material storage, 6 living world chapters.For someone who played the game for 7 years and spend some gems over the years or just used the time grinding it out its fine but for new players? no way.I wasn't arguing about it being enjoyable or not. Sure, with more convenience items, the game would be more enjoyable. I was refuting the point that the game was unplayable without these items.
  6. No. Preview won't show its size, or the pose. I hadn't looked, so I didn't know. Ok.
  7. Are you able to preview it first like with glider skins and such?
  8. Because you’ve not been reading what I’ve been saying. ARCDPS modifies the game just as hack programs do although the latter tend to be more malicious. At a minimum, ARCDPS build templates would be the equivalent of a macro. Macros have been explicitly banned from use with the exception of instruments. ARCDPS build templates needed Anet’s approval and this was only under the condition that it be removed when an official version came out.We are beyond arguing legality at this point. This is more in the realm of morality and what is 'right' not what is 'allowed'. “Morality”? No, it’s players being cheap. Ya got 3 free, go complain elsewhere. Maybe you’d get more free if Anet charged a monthly fee, so perhaps you should ask for that?I've given anet hundreds of beaver dollars and I can give them more.I just don't think it's right.That doesn't make it immoral or unethical. Hard to argue when opinion and emotion are in play.
  9. The only thing where you are right at. And I certainly will show respect to that in terms of not spending more money like I have done in the past to support the game and its development a.k.a. the devs, the management team and NCSoft's shareholders.Maybe I will overthink my decision when I actually get real content back in a reasonable amount and not the stuff that happened the last months/the last year. The direction is crystal clear: Skins aren't enough any longer. A feature that should have been in the game since its release and is for free in every other comparable game must be sold which means this company is in trouble; more than we could have thought after the layoffs in spring. I'm not trying to demonize it but I'm sure we are seeing the beginning of the end. Maintenance mode is coming. Just speculations, nothing else. And we are getting templates for free. Except the "template" I am getting is objectively worse for me then the 3rd party template I was using. I have legendary gear, so the space being saved in inventory is not actually being saved, meanwhile I have to now memorize my various different equipment builds for my characters where s before with the 3rd party thing I just clicked 1 button and I was finished. Those using legendary gear and the 3rd party plugin (that was allowed by Anet) are being harmed by this update.It hasn't even been released yet. We don't know exactly how it will work. Everyone is interpreting the announcement in different ways. Maybe we should just wait and see?
  10. I gave it the good ol' college try for about 30 minutes and said the heck with it. Not worth any more of my playing time and/or frustration. Glad that there are more hard-core JP enthusiasts who enjoy it, though. Good for you!
  11. I thought that the Chinese version was significantly different than ours? Might they have content that we don't and vice versa? If so, then I'm not sure that we can answer these questions.
  12. But there won't be which kinda makes this thread superfluous, no?
  13. Didn't we already discuss this? Oh, right. We did. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/86215/gw2-classic Forums search is your friend.
  14. Do we know this for certain? Sure, it makes sense that they would ban it in favor of their official, monetized option, but we don't really know that yet, right?
  15. I will probably pony up to buy more slots, but I can agree with many who believe that such a feature should have been included with the game from launch. /shrug
  16. Wouldn't they need to have someone on staff who is fluent for moderation reasons?
  17. Too expensive? Gem store prices are a bit Ludacris. Especially when converted to Canadian.Ah. Well, you can always convert gold to gems.
  18. It is not premature to talk about future content, to be honest. You can rest assured that "What comes after?" is already being addressed and planned/laid out, or it won't get done in time. They just refuse to tell us, yet. Criticism of "Oh no, no expansion after this season?!" is the only thing being premature, because we don't know how well their current format will fare. Understood. My point, though, is that the latest content isn't even a month old and already there is speculation on what is next. It seems that players are continuing to burn through content without really enjoying it.
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