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  1. So sad. I mostly play WvW small scale roaming and really enjoy the extirpation effect. Even though it is not that easy to actually hit an enemy with this short-range long-cast skill (due to hyper-mobile meta), you still feel like trying, because the skill not only removes current boons, but also opens up a small window of opportunity to strike at those pesky boon farting machines (i.e. Willbenders) who otherwise would effortlessly just rebuff themselves almost instantly. This nerf to Extirpate together with the removal of concentration and expertise from cele (thus nuking Harb cele build, the only real counter to Willbender) really leaves Willbender as the uncontested roaming class.
  2. Just a friendly reminder that 2 of the 5 aquatic Harbinger Shroud skills remain unusable since the very first beta of EoD. In particular, aquatic Harbinger Shroud skill #4 ("Voracious Dive") does not work at all. If you attempt to use this skill, your character will instead cast "Gathering Plague", which is the aquatic Death Shroud skill #4 of the Core Necromancer. As far as I know, the Devs aknowledged their awareness of this bug ~2 years ago already, but ever since then nothing has happened. The other disfunctional skill is aquatic Harbinger Shroud skill #3, which according to tooltip should move your character forward towards your target, but instead you just stand still and don't hit anything. Clearly not working as intended and this skill, too, has been like this since the first EoD beta. Again I implore the devs to at least aknowledge that they haven't just forgotten this stuff.
  3. I hear you. The devs even proved that they are aware how a "modern" shroud should look like when they designed the Specter. But I seriously doubt they will ever substantially change the Core Necro shroud skills. They still haven't bothered fixing the underwater skills of Harbinger shroud (both skill #3 and #4 are bugged since launch).
  4. did anybody check if the trait actually works that way now?
  5. So what are the chances the skills will just arrive as shown in the beta? IMO pretty high. I'm a little concerned that there was only one of them. Doesn't seem enough to balance everything out. And when will they be launched? Forgot the date and can't seem to find it 😅
  6. In your new post you again complain that boons are your main problem (when fighting Harb), yet your answer (again) is to say that removing the boons is not how to handle it. When fighting Harbingers, I agree, removing all the boons is impractical, but mainly because their duration isn't that long and they can only use it once. So in that specific case, just sit it out by either using Wurm to port away or kiting them with Spectral Walk. I mean, if you know you lose against Harb always because of the same skill, it's not that hard to counter it. Just keep the utilities ready for it. However, the majority of enemies will not be Harbingers. Most enemies (e.g. Willbenders, Eles) will just repeatedly keep buffing themselves boons, and to counter that Path of Corruption is a pretty good solution, at least for Reaper and Harb (Core Nec skills are just too slow to keep up with current state of game and Scourge was deleted as a roaming class). Nah, it is to a great extent. If they nerfed or deleted Path of Corruption, Necro would have a much harder time against boon roamers.
  7. You seem to contradict yourself in your post. You first state that boonstrips are useless: and then you say that the lack of boonstrips is the thing that kills you: Honestly, I never have much problems with enemy boons. Just run Path of Corruption on Reaper or (even better) Harbinger.
  8. They'll just remove the corrupts from sword before release. Enjoy it during the beta.
  9. What makes it even more frustrating is seeing how bloated Specter's shadow shroud skills all are. Each one feels like 2-3 different skills merged into one. They could have taken some of those skill ideas and slapped them on Core Necro Death Shroud, but no, we still have an auto attack with ridiculous long cast time, snail-speed projectiles and pathetic damage while not even inflicting a single condition, not even cripple or vulnerability (for the latter, they honestly expect us to waste a trait on it). What did Specter get on Shroud 1? A projectile which deals damage, torment and buffs might, while having half the cast time of Life Blast (Death Shroud 1). Oh, and they can heal allies with it. I'll do one more, just for the heck of it. Arguably the best skill in Core Death Shroud (Doom) simply inflicts fear, on a 20 s cooldown. Specter gets on skill #3: aoe fear, barrier and a leap finisher, all on 8 s cooldown. It would be really easy to fix Death Shroud skills. And apparently the devs do have the capability to invent new shroud skills which don't suck. But for arcane reasons, they chose not to. I would have been perfectly happy had they just given the newest Necro e-spec the Shadow Shroud and have it's utilities be Glyphs whose flip skill you can use only during shroud. But instead we got Harbinger, whose shortcomings don't have to be repeated to the readers of this subforum and a Core Necro Shroud which still dates from 2013, i.e. ten years ago.
  10. I have a strong suspicion that the devs will never try to "fix" Harbinger because it somehow turned out to be a viable spec despite all the flaws, and they have no idea how that happened and they don't want to risk messing it up.
  11. Pretty much. Not the same, true, but I highlighted it because it's a grand master tier trait which is, as you agree, at least half useless on Harbinger. Transfusion is another GM trait which doesn't work as intended on Harbinger, because as far as I know they still haven't fixed it so Harbinger receives the healing.
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