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Everything posted by jokke.6239

  1. Grind content, but I find it pretty chill to do
  2. I guess it will probably require lots of karma and shards like the gen 3 weapon variants
  3. I hope you convince them to change it But that's how pay for convenience games operate They create problems to sell solutions I don't think I missed your point However, we've seen improvement before. So who knows I'm talking about runes/sigils finally being salvageable ofc Also unidentified gear
  4. It's not an accident it's working the way you describe
  5. Good on you for returning it A free legendary is not worth a seared conscience
  6. The solution to the inconveniences is to buy stuff like bag slots/bigger bags, infinite salvage kits, VIP lounges or infinite merchange etc If not, the game will be inconvenient It can be a bit tedious, but at least the game ain't pay 2 win 🙂 It's at least possible to grind it without spending any money though Overall I like the business model a lot though But I still find it annoying in many ways So many random junk items to get rid of (after investigating what it is on wiki), that don't need to be in the game But at least with big inventory I can probably wait a few months and do a big inventory cleaning and get it all overwith in one go.
  7. But then you wont buy bag slots 😉
  8. I consider myself casual, but that doesn't mean I don't play a lot ... I do (when I do play). I don't do lots of cordinated group content (raids etc) But content I can do while chilling with some youtube etc Currently I'm rotating between SoTo meta's, Rifts and fishing And I'm making good progress
  9. So I've been playing reaper with dual sword. But the main hard sword effects are kind of a downgrade when wearing a legendary weapon. The giant green discs you are firing normally on 1 ability is gone. Just throwing your legendary weapon instead I would prefer just having no legendary "exclusive effect" on this one, as the effect is currently .. For now I reskinned the main hand. It would have been cool if you had recolored the effect to match the legendary swords color instead, but this just feels like a downgrade I'm hoping you will read this and reconsider this approach on future weapons In my opinion, if you're not going to make the legendary version more cool, then just use standard ability effect. The sword effects feels far less impactful and cool with legendary sword I usually think legendary weapon attacks are nice. Can even be an incentive to craft the weapon, but not in this case. It's just a huge downgrade on the standard ability. But maybe it's just me? Thx for reading 🙂
  10. Yeah I don't think it makes much sense If it's just cosmetics that looks like they could fit into the world, I guess I don't care much though
  11. Not that big on HoT myself Many areas were confusing/frustrating to navigate, but beautiful enviroments Gliders were cool, but not as relevant anymore now that we have mounts Meta's/Raids not something I sink as much hours in as many other people But I understand why many people like it a lot For me It's Core > PoF > HoT/EoD > SoTo I know I probaby upset somebody by putting HoT and EoD on same level, but I enjoyed fishing and farming gen 3 legendaries (Wasn't that big fan of most of the gen 2 legendaries) So I got a lot of gameplay out of EoD. But I have many dislikes and likes in both HoT and EoD. But in terms of features, I maybe got more out of EoD that I still use(unless I'm forgetting something) Subjective at the end of the day
  12. Well yeah, that's why I made this post Doesn't have to be I'm not counting on it being implemented, but might as well try and suggest it Idea behind outfits is that they are cheaper and easier to develop It's not like they want them to be inconvenient
  13. This please So it will remember to be on or off depending on the equipment template you are wearing Outfits are not fun to use on characters where you have multiple equipment templates, and want to use outfit on one or some of them Have to enable/disable outfit everytime you switch between them
  14. Or better yet, add infusion/legendary trinket effects to wardrobe 🙂
  15. Would like to have this for another char as well One of the best infusions imo I don't care if second one wouldl be double or triple in price in tyria defense seals
  16. Totally optimized controller support for all content? I don't think it will be easy to make it work well Guild Wars 2 requires much mouse precision Imagine rushing through a fractal with all those mini jumping puzzles etc Not very fun with a joystick In a game like FFXIV you can play almost as good with a controller as mouse/keyboard. But that game was design at the ground level with controllers in mind. Guild Wars 2 is mainly designed with a mouse in mind Native controller support will also require a redesign of UI It's a lot of work I can only see it happening if they decide to port game to console For open world PVE (or even WvW zerg) gameplay, it's very doable I've used controller for GW2 for many many many hours myself But I didn't do instanced content mostly (fractals etc). Think I tried a few times, but it was just a bad experience But I can only speak for myself. Give it a shot yourself and see how you get along with it. I don't know if you use an already made preset or make your own I would reccommend making something that makes sense to you It will make it much easier and faster to get used to I hope you work it out!
  17. Guidl Wars 2 story never really interrested me so much compared to story driven single player games I played Detroit Become Human recently and immersed myself in the story, think I read almost every piece of dialogue (magazines etc) So it's not that I don't like stories in video games. But when I launch an MMORPG it's just not my priority I have no problem getting immersed into the game The world, music, atmosphere, sound design (ambience) ... All this is top notch in GW2
  18. Only Arena Net knows My guess would be something like 20-50k online players (players online at the same time)
  19. I noticed that additional ones seems to show up in mount license packs Like the halloween warclaw
  20. A fishing category in the LFG would be very nice I feel like people would also be more likely to check out some more maps for fishing, if it was visible to them when I host one
  21. Yeah, but mentally you sort of feel like saving on those, that's how it goes for me anyway xD I used them before when the infinite one was recharging, will rarely be neccesary now I guess
  22. Yeah, maybe not the most important post, guess I just wanted to share my excitement xD
  23. My female norn is the smallest height, but look as tall as I would like human character to get My norn looks more human than norn There's one body type available that looks not so "norn'ish"
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