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Posts posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. Not a good idea , people will pretend to train and will go fastclear just for the loot , you can do a lfg wherever you want , even in the training section as you are not really training .

    Better idea for me is to add a daily raid boss or maybe wing , let ppl who have already cleared a wing choose to remake the wing and why not even choose the boss they will face (on cleared weekly wings only ofc).

    As for wing 1-4 they are known to only need 3-4 experienced player to be cleared easily , the dps player don't have much to do if the tank , healers , kiters , ... know their job .

    Vg : if you have a good healer you don't care about greens , nor red balls , only thing dps have to care about is blue teleporting aoe

    Gorse : just dps it to the death , easy with the power creep ...

    and whatsoever

    on wing 5 to 7 that changes drastically , just look at desmina : not ccing the golems , looking at all dead walls , not facing desmina , dodging quad-octo slash , ccing desmina without trying to cc the golem and dodging scythe , a lot more things to do on those wings for each member of the squad

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  2. Great , finally a viable source of alacrity , ty ! 

    While the staff changes feel nice from a support perspective , how do you maintain might with staff only ? the fire overload is too tiny and too long for upkeeping that (remind it's a 180 aoe pulsing , other healer have that kind of thing on a 360 range ...) , i guess you will rely on combo fire fields ... will stick to warhorn for me (you need heat sync to upkeep might decently , or play paired with a quick herald i guess ), and the crappy dagger ... too bad they didnt change anything from dagger (except the hit stop on dash skills)

    But definitely gonna try again weaver power fresh air !

    Numberless ele is not to be complained much about on this patch , changes are great anyway , ty anet.

    • Like 1
  3. 13 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

    One thing to keep in mind: It is possible to fully unlock an elite spec with Central Tyria map completion, without even getting into the expansion content, if you want to avoid spoilers. Its just very slow.

    Another tip is if you have some testimonies from wvw , you can go to a merchant (in wvw map) who can sell you hero points from  random maps in each extension (10 pts of skill from expension and 1 from core) , it cost 10 or 1 of them and actually also help you complete the map by rewarding you those points , as some of them guarded by a champion or difficult to access without some masteries can be hard to find or do.

  4. It's a personal opinion , but having it pulse wouldn't be enough to be a good healer agaisnt what we have already (hfb , druid , mech) , the healing power of the tempest is good , he obvioulsy has the most powerfull heal of all the game : the water overload . 

    But it's heal access he lacks the most , i find it very cringe to not have the choice to take bastion of elements if you want alacrity , would been very good if alacrity came from aura share , i know that would seriously hit the tempest condi dps alacrity as you need to have water aura share traitline , but for power and healing it could be great , water attunement has a +20% damage (power) modificator possibilty and +10% if you are in water .

    So if Invigorating Torrents could give alacrity , the tempest will be at the same level as the others healers , your overloads will still give alacrity at the end if you choose the right trait to do so , and if you got interrupted you can give yourself an aura trough other skills like shouts or some weapon skills who are difficult to fail launching .

    Also not in the same subject , fire and earth overload should extend their boons to a 360 aoe not 180 , thats freaking small , and has you the obligation to play with warhorn an dagger for heat sync , i gladly would like to play staff as healtempest (warhorn is great , but dagger , yuuukkk) , giving might over 9 secs in a small 180 aoe with not other option to extend it is very awfull to play , for example : mechs player who gives might every AA is on a 600 range ... it is very comfortable to play and cannot get interrupted at all.


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  5. Lac doric is known for an afk spot farm , where mobs spawn very ferquently , so you have a blob of afk players , spamming reaper skill 4 Gs , mech players with whole bunch of turrets , etc etc... 

    Suggestion is : Options / Graphic options / Character model limit set to : medium or low .

    Will not reduce the quality of graphics from the game but you will see way less players model and skills .

  6. Just to remind the game is free of subscription and , personal feeling , the content is pretty good for the price i put in .

    Also the re-release was necessary , for newcomers especially , that hole in the story was pretty confusing .

    Just do like me , chill on another game , then come back , play an hour , then go on another game , ... Thats one of the good point of the game , you can go away few months , and all your character will still be fresh when you come back.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 12 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

    I see people looking for healscourges for some content. Yeah, mostly because they have a rez mechanic which makes them great carries for some encounters, but it counts. It's a heal build without any of the two key boons. 😛

    Where they ask it ? boneskinner ? Matthias ? 

    Yes ppl can also play deadeye on q1 + q2 , thats called niche.

    • Confused 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    OK ... that problem doesn't exist if people make their own teams to play the builds they want. Problem solved. 

    Furthermore, there is no requirement from the game any build/spec/class is played a certain amount ... so tell me why it's a problem if certain builds aren't getting enough gameplay?



    As i said before , just try open a lfg and say you want to do random hard content playing healvindicator , or do some content with pugs and be lackluster in your role (ie: giving alacrity 25% of the time ) what will happen you think ? i said it many times but you leave i na  world of carebears , just think about ppl getting a theif or a an ele as first char and wanting to do endgame content with them and being performant ... There should be a least 1 e-specs competitive in all game modes , just one ...

    1 hour ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    that problem doesn't exist if people make their own teams to play the builds they want

    yes , but ppl don't do that so problem exist , just look in lfg do you see ppl asking for a heal who doesnt give the key boons .

    you come again and again with the "if ppl... " there is no "if" ppl don't want it. 

    And again i am expressing my opinion here and you seem to not lash out on me , i just expressed "it would be cool if ..." same as you stated before , difference is you arguibly think that all players think like you , but they are ppl angry about currents tate of the game balance , and so we are right to express our opinion , and not being constantly harassed by your message .

    As now for my own sanity i put you back to the Bl , you are not worth my time , forum farmer troll .


    • Haha 2
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  9. 58 minutes ago, BeefyCheetos.5094 said:

    I've got over 100 hours logged on Steam with the game. It's not a brand new account. I've been playing for over 2 weeks now.


    I am currently in China for work, could that be a problem? I don't know if China is blocked from this version of the game seeing as they have their own version.

    that could be the case , i had similar issue buying gems while my Vpn was active , and doing the same while it wasn't active gave me the same message as you had . And the same happened while in Spain and when coming back from holydays . Was solved after a couple of weeks.

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  10. On 1/5/2023 at 4:13 PM, Obtena.7952 said:

    Great, then you have to accept the fact that not everything can be meta and that there are builds that won't meet your 'numbers' requirements for endgame content and it's not a problem if they don't. 

    No, there is no need to be reworked because not everything needs to perform above this threshold of performance you have imagined. People already have a method to play builds they want. 

    PS ... I like the way you say you understand there are limits and not everything can be equal, than LITERALLY contradict yourself in the next sentence by saying Anet needs to rework things if they aren't played in (endgame) content. 

    A whole class not played in endgame , except from some niche roles , is a problem , there are some e-specs designed for wvw , pvp , pve . Look at willbender ? it was designed for pvp obviously (at first , might change ) , look at thief and ele , those two see literally no plays at endgame , if only just 1 of those 3-especs from each class sees play that would be great 

    vindicator is not a good example , cause rev herald is coming back strongly , but emitting an idea on somethign new so it can see a new dawn is not bad 

    What do you want ? the game stays like that ? you agree everything the devs says ?

    nobody knows what are your game boundaries and what content you do , it's just you saying it , no proof or whatsoever.

    And it is not me saying this class or this class is garbage tier (while i agree) it's a whole community , having some changes to shake up the meta isn't bad at all.

    and yes i private myself of playing some classes , cause in my mind they are garbage , cause i want to be efficient in whatever content i do , if i play dps and get scored by a support , there is a problem ... for me . But seems you don't care being a burden to your group ...

    And as usual the average ppl playing OW only doesnt care about some numbers tweeks or some reworks , they won't even notice it.

    • Like 1
  11. I want a shortbow mesmer , cannot wait to have 3 clones shooting pink poneys along with me , and kitten off everyone in my squad 😁(ofc the sound need to be tripled too)

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  12. Virtuoso , it's a long range spec , easy to play , do not require a lot of input and has solid defence with 1 dodge and 1 invulnerabilty skill for free in the package , and he is currently one of the best dps , his weapon the dagger main hand is smooth , very quick , and deal good damage 

    Also you don't have clones anymore , you stack up blades as ammunition to increase damage of your f1 2 3  skills , thats a big plus for open world as you kill just one enemy all your clones scatters , those blades remains !

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  13. 7 minutes ago, MagicBot.1570 said:

    It actually has a pretty underwhelming burst, especially compared to Soulbeast. It's not at all what it used to be. It's just underperforming all around.


    It's still decent, but not amazing

    so 50 k on siaxx the first couple of seconds is a tiny burst ? 😁

    but yes thats all the Dh has today , while a lot of classes an e-specs got a damage review , the Dh was left with leftover and very small damage tweeks.

    and yes Slb has is more bursty 

  14. All festivals are content who are already in place in the game data , there is little change every year to each festivals ( a new meta achiev and a new skin, and thats all) they won't do that cause : 

    1. Need more work to move it to cantha , when everything is already in place .

    2. like said up , ppl who don't earn eod will not have access to it and making an area in eod who is free to all type of accounts seems ato be a bit of data rework .

    • Like 2
  15. 1 minute ago, Kodama.6453 said:

    I know that mechanist skills are bloated. I am explaining to you why they are.

    Because anet has taken away the entire toolbelt, which the engineer got balanced around having access to and it holds many key features for the class. Taking that away entirely means that what we gain in exchange for it must hold the same power, otherwise you simply won't use the elite spec. The trade off needs to be worth it.

    And because the toolbelt is so highly intertwined with engineers entire identity and it holding so many key features for the class, what is needed as compensation for it's loss is massive.

    I was pointing out this problem from the beginning. If we replace the entire toolbelt for a simpler mechanic, then there are just 2 outcomes possible. Either the spec gets bloated skills or the spec is not worth using over other elite specs and therefore useless.

    then we agree , the pmech is where it has to be , in the legacy ! so simplistic isn't fun i agree , i always wondered why anet didn't busted the holo instead of the mech , cause no need to point you out holo is way more interseting to play and thus need to be way above mech in term of effectiveness

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