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Everything posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. how is it not a problem , having the squishiest class of the game underperforming for 5years ... thats 5 years , can you not see this is a flaw and must be corrected ?
  2. hmmm kp.me take time to load it seems , good night.
  3. See i like facts , not cheap talks ! blablablabla is for politics and liars !
  4. and do not try a friend account i know how this kitten work.
  5. Because one of the reason is that ele is far below in term of effectiveness from other class.
  6. still waiting , why do you think ele is under 4% ?
  7. so let me clarify , i want to play healtempest on any endgame content the game has , ok ? i can do that , but because all people are playing mechs and mechs is THE meta atm , my healtempest is in the trash can , so what people choose to play affects me , whatever you say , if you see 8 mechs in a team while you are a new player , you will ask yourself , why are they playing mech ? hmmmmm so why ? And i still waiting for my answer , why is ele below 4% played in endgame , just tell why you think it is so ?
  8. waw this is a black hole , YOU CANNOT PLAY WHATEVER YOU WANT IN ENGAME for god sake , have you ever been in endgame content or what ?
  9. So if i am getting kicked out raid cause i play healtempest on an encounter who needs stab , it doesnt affect me ....
  10. answer my question plz . why is ele below 4% played in endgame ?
  11. yes you have and every commander has the ability to kick you out if you are a burden , not cause you play bad , because your class sucks.
  12. the only problem is , they are no other teams , look at lfg , stop being blind , just tell me where do you see a team asking for a healtempest or a heraldheal. And it's not about choices its' a bout fairness , just anwser me that why is ele below 4% played in endgmae , go on i am waiting.
  13. It's you who dont make any sense , what about class diversity ? you dont understand that people who i play with are somehow forced into play what is efficient , so we play mech , you know what , stay at your low level gameplay , go clean tarir meta , feeling like thats endgame content.
  14. NOOOO i cannot , if i take a burden class i ll be kicked out of the raid cause i am a high risks player to fail a mechanic or make my squad in danger , how you dont understand that ..... the game has no equality within the class comp. , just tell me why nobody plays untamed or catalyst ? Have you just ever played one of the last cm strikes ? try take your average dps class there , fail 3 times and get kicked thats what you gonna have , or play mech go full pew pew and be saved. people dont play how they want , they are more or less obliged to have a way to play.
  15. saw that before the BL, .... "True, we don't play the game at the same level ... but you don't need to understand the game is designed to allow people to play how they want with a large variety of options they can be successful with. " large variety of option , hahahahahahahaha good one ! made me laugh... sure you dont do a lot of endgame content because you dont know the few endgame content that went out , not gonna argue about play whatever content you want thats fine , so you really cannot understand the game trough the eye of a competitive way. NO you dont have choices in endgame content , when you wanna clear things hard like kaineng overlook cm , you have pretty defined roles that only few classes can do or achieve , you have to upkeep most of the offensive boons cause you have a timer ! and so dps matters ! try Ankka cm title "gaze into the void" , you dont have the dps to get trough ! you dont get it ! thats all ! No you cannot play weaver sword/dagger on ankka cm for title run , because you will be a burden to the group , not being able to dps at range. With not the intention of being mean , you live in a "care bears" game , where something or someone has told you every class is equal , every class can achieve the same challenge , open your eyes , look at the storm sh it and speak the truth , game is as well balanced atm as a fight between a mouse and a hyppo.... sure there will be always super duper people who will achieve it with a "armless class" but those people represent 0,001% of the playerbase.
  16. Yeah play how you want it doesnt affect you , go full clown into a raidgroup gonna see what happens , take a bomb from dhuum and wipe it on the group or play weaver and do 15k dps cause you are melee only gonna see what happens if it is a serious group , you gonna take a feet to the butt of the group then get frustrated and say the sorry excuse "but dps doesnt matter ..." yeah thats the loser excuse , like in real life i try my best to win and dont make sorry excuse like "it's okay to be weak at dps" at some level no ! Thats the main issue here we dont play the game on the same level no need to argue more you will never understand us and we will never undertsand you . As many other i am pretty sure have done you go my Bl list , will be better for the both of us , good night.
  17. Omg you are a troll , i am feeding ? It affects a lot of people ! Lots of ppl play what destroy arcdps , thats their way of playing , the day you will see ele having a not piano like rotation dealing 45k on raidbosses with a ranged weapon , i ll play ele , tahts how i choose to play iam not bend to a class cause it's flashy or has some kewl mechanics , i play it cause i obliterate bosses with it , so having a team with 8 mechs and two firebrands only metas , for me, destroy the diversity of the game , i freaking wish i could play ele as heal as dps or whatsoever , but if i do i will be a burden fo my team. If nobody take a spec for endgame , that mean the spec is unbalanced and not attractive neither for it's mechanic neither for it's effectiveness , so arena need to patch those heavely to make them attractive , it count DH , holosmith , scrapper , Reaper , weaver , tempest , catalyst , willbender and sovort... All those classes are not played in endgame content and so need a good boost.
  18. Cause it complitely make the other classes useless in endgame as for diversity in the game is inexistent in endgame , so as told up arena need to uber buff the others classes
  19. Just tell me why the kkkitteeennn all my raids groups / strikes and even now fractals are full of mechs ? why my 3 statics all say the same "we dont play mech because it is fun , we play because it is broken" and thats from a guy who cleared ht cm 3 days after teapot , so he know the game issues , trust me. You say here that people have LOTS of reason to play anything else than mech , and thats literally lies...
  20. You deny facts again , ele is below 4% playerbase choice on raids strikes etc and mech alone is above 26% so what people choose in popularity is obvious , and i talk here about endgame you seem confusing open world with endgame content, as i said in another topic i can play with green/blue stuff in open world doing metas and still succeed cause it's an mmo , they are a lot of other people who will compensate for my lacks. In endgame say whatever you want i clean most of all raids everyweek , i finally cleared Ko cm and start training on Ht cm , guess what ? 60% of the comp. is mechs ...so say whatever you want" ppl play what they want blabla and they mostly play what is fun..." no , at this level ppl play what is efficient , and the next patch is far from enough to bring up the old classes , but we will see , we still can be surprised (i hope so) , are you just blind ? i post it again and tell me what you see ? https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/popularity so what do we see here people play mech cause it's fun you think ? well no , they play it cause on new strikes cm it's busted , his AA is a penetrating shot and an aoe damage at same time making it a cleave and very bursty class at same time (people who know it will see what i mean -> hiting the golem and sniper at same time to avoid "equalizer"). And dont bring up it's cause mecha has many roles . Ele can be used as dps alac heal , so why no one is playing it (i mean very few). Arenanet need to buff more all other classes, especially power ones , cause the game is gonna turn in a mechagolem fiesta . So IN ENGAME CONTENT people play mechs , and if you gonna deny this please bring me some stats , facts ... something i can look at and say "oke , Obtena you were right ...."
  21. I ll take mech ! What ? why can't i choose mech ?
  22. Always the same , Obtena . You dont seem to understand that endgame players , when they play dps on a content they nailed has (for the most of us) the only purpose to be n1 dps at arcdps or to beat his own record , it's the competition . Stop denying , i played a lot of metas in eod , and the most spec i have seen is engi mech with rifle , why do you think you see 0 holosmith , cause it's hard to play and does less damage than the mech , sure on a static golem it does more but try it on last fights like annka cm , when you ll need to be ranged , what is the holo gonna do ? camp grenade kit and look at arcdps where he will slowly get to the bottom dps while engi rifle just run around pressing 0 buttons . People here are more than true, more risks ,more difficulty on a class = more reward (++ boons , ++ damage) and stop bringing up "it doesnt affect what you wanna play" you dont seem to be and endgame enjoyer , so you basically do not understand how we think as we dont understand how you think. A melee weapon should ALWAYS do more damage than a ranged one , if not ? why playing the melee one ? for fun , cause you like it ? sure , but most of us here like whats the most efficient ! because bieng inefficient isnt fun , when i play dps 90% of the time i take my engi rifle and go to the top dps with literally 5 apm , do i enjoy it ? yes (cause i am a lazy kitten ) ! does it make sense ?no. Just make me cringe when i see another "dps" class with a an actual rotation getting beated be mine while iam literally eating nachos while raiding. And i know what you gonna say : "it's not the LI build problem , it's the fight that allow you to be afk" Not true imagine the fight being less easier , harder , who will take his weaver sword dagger if it gets more complicated ? Yes , nobody (except masochist). And people play what they want for sure , but if they really like the game and do the engame content you can be pretty sure they are gonna take whats efficient , and no what they actually like , my guild has done so, we always have 5-6 mech in all our raid/strike comp. and i am pretty sure we are not alone ... https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/popularity it's increasing it was at 23% 3 week ago now it's at 26% , sooner or later guild wars 2 is gonna be renamed in mech wars 2... dont worry (mmm, maybe a copyright issue there)
  23. I readed small cuts to "virtuoso" , hmmm seems fair , the class do a freaking lot of damage and... oh no it's on mirage , like wtf , why why why mirage i dont see any mirage players in endgame content , every mesmer is playing virtuoso , why nerfing it .... i can understand the cut for might provider from the staff , but lowering the condition duration on axe and staff ... ah yes i know why , same as catalyst, the class do freaking huge damage when you have skilled players behind them... elitism yuuuukkk -.- . but dont worry our favored mech pew pew afk 28K sleeping is getting a buff , +5% (i know i always bring up mechs in all of my posts , but that lazy class disgust me) I bet this is how they choose the spec to nerf : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wz-PtEJEaqY
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