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Everything posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. This field is also distording the space , it's like you have a drunk vision trough that smoke , very annoying , maybe untamed was basically designed as a tactital warfare weapon in pvp/wvw with raid/infiltration tactics like smoke screen , but smoking your own team visuall is not fair !
  2. It's just the way most ppl feel (me included) we can see a blatant change in design with previous cm (not hp wise) and silent surf/lonely tower , it's like anet adjust about their max benchmark trough patches of classes but forgot very few ppl are able to achieve this bench. lot of ppl don't like it , and while doing it more and more i start to less and less appreciate this one too , fractals used to be pug friendly stuff where you run 1 heal (fb mostly preferred by some groups)+ 1supp + 3dps , here uf you ahve full melee and no movement skills to collect orbs you are pretty much scerwed if you have a nm t4 run kind of experience. the nm is way too hard for an average t4 group. Hope they hinder the hp and make mechanics clear , like shockwave not dysinchronize and mark on the ground dealing damage when they are visually there, also the cc right after spawning orbs is kind of really crap , you don't have the time to grab the orbs before eparch eats them... Thtat's really silly. Cm being hard is normal , but nm mode should keep in mind average group t4 + recs (pots and food plz) and not act like this nm mode is a 5-10k ufe run... because it really feels like it.
  3. why should they remove it ? it doesn't overload your screen with too many effects ... make me laugh when they remove such gorgeous animation who doesn't trouble anybody , but they keep untamed being a walking smoke bomb for your teammates...
  4. Ah missed that , good idea as many tempest traits are really underwhelming Also which they give the same kind of option for sphere from cata to follow you instead of being static aoe.
  5. the cm being hard is ok , but the nm mode (i said it was ok on another post but after multiple talk i can understand why ppl find it too hard) is way too hard compared to regular t4 , i don't struggle personnaly , but if i have to compare it to all other nm t4 (even kannaxai) it is way harder , the boss is bulletproof sponge damage , if you don't have average dps it take ages to kill , the mark on the ground deal damage before appearing (achiev kind of difficult to do) and the shockwave seems dysynchronize from the server , every one gets hit by it way before the animation is on us. same problem as kannaxai at release : it's a strike mission , not a fractal. I wish they design good bosses like Sunqa Peak Ai bossfight , this one is super fun , not too long and intense, the animation are peek gorgeous too , a cm legendary of this one would be greatly appreciated i think. hope the raid wing from expac is not gonna be designed on the latest release.
  6. they can just give an option to hide those aoe effects , like they should have done for untamed f3 pet skill and staff unleash skill , also afraid those area hide other aoe who you need to avoid , but heh you play ele , going downstate is part of the rotation after all , and you don't obstruct your allies vision , that's so kind of all ele players. Do the same for untamed plz anet , so they only have vision obstructed by this annoying pet fart skill f3 and not allies and this obnoxious staff skill.
  7. or increase the area of earth and fire overload to 240-360 , like water and air , would also help for boon apllication.
  8. Thx to anet i will go to sleep less stupid now https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haboob I am the only one who absolutely love air spear 2 clouds above targets striking storm ? that design is gorgeous !
  9. When i wrote that i was chuckling , but then i made some testing and have to say i was wrong , the freaking thing is doing 28k (without power food , so 30k should be largely done), but with a very specific build and relic (relic of the brawler who give +10% dmg whenever you give prot. or resolution for 4 secs with a 8sec cd , safe to say it's a 50% uptime with aa giving prot.) Also seems this AA prefer power ratio than ferocity as rune of scholar is doing better than dragonhunter for me (and draconic stats less effective than berserker too), only problem is relying on heavy boons for the +1% dmg per boon , the need of having aegis for +7% dmg + resolution or else your crit cap is 90% instead of 115% (+10% chance hidden for target under fire) So ty to made me discover this AA chain who is indeed greatly underrated.
  10. And no class should do 30 k afk with 0 player input. That was mecaniste when they buffed rifle and gave autocast to ranger pet. Didn't you play the game while itw as like that , can safely say all my raid pugs were filled by 70% of mecaniste with pew pew. And don't worry i know ele is broken (literally ! not op).
  11. it's a matter of feeling , i played condi reaper in open world , and yuuuk can go trough it how slow the spin to win was , and for what i saw , there is more and mroe people tending to reaper in open world , but i barely see an ele... And for what it is to hit harder , i doesn't feel like hitting harder with a weaver , this switch quickly to double attunement and single would really benefit from quickness to me , after all hit 33% faster = switch faster to attunements , also means better uptime on your traitline passiv like element of rage. this sadly has been nerfed , jade bots protocols only give you boons every 90 secs now i think or 60 maybe ... so no more 2h30 jade protocol stacking sadly , this only made me play classes i usually don't touch in open world
  12. so you saying a whole attunement has a single use for a 150 dmg breakbar ? nice ! ... sarcasm here ofc magnetic aura ? when you have freaking moving bubble like revenant has , or guardian humongous big wall who last 300% longer than this stupid aura good for nothing , not mentioning that projectiles who end up as aoe are not affected by magnetci aura ... earth attunement with a Shock Wave 2 sec immo on a 25 cd ... jeez .... and this amazing wall who does not affect defiant ennemies only if they go trough when defiance bar is active ... , mmm yummy ... and last the projectile combo effect , oh man this one is gold ! https://wiki-fr.guildwars2.com/wiki/Combo so here guys with amazing earth AA we can choose between : -inflicting 1 sec burn -inflicting 1 sec shiver -give not 1 nor 3 but 2 sec of regeneration !!!! -or 1 WHOLE stack of vulnerabilty dangggg !!!!!! (my sarcasm detector exploded just now) Not to mention there is no combo field in earth ... lol , i guess you have to put lava font then switch to earth start blasting those AA babys to play condi staff burn stacker !!!! with 2 secs burn on each aa , jesus christ , raid bosses be aware here comes viper staff ele combo fields ! 15k on raid training golem ! the burden simulator ! Who you calling ignorant ? the base game ? it's been 12 years dude ! things have changed a little bit you know , we don't rely on combo fields anymore , ppl have stop stacking ele staff for blasting might trough combo fields , now we got a herald who stackup 25 might alone , with little effort ... combo fields ... pfuuh ... so 2012... i wonder if you are sarcastic in your post ? staff a good weapon for ele , pfff yeah i guess , you can easily kill rabbits in queensdale with it to get indiscrimante slayer achiev if you are a new player(kill 1000 ambient creatures , like rabbits , rats , ...), you only play obviously open world baby mode gw 2 or you have been a liability to your teamates trough instanced content and you don't know it. I am actually stunned you didn't mention the humongus dps the meteor sprinkles... euh i mean shower does ! Quickly anet make meteor shower a fire combo fielsd so we can play staff condi ele ! (mys sarcasm detector exploded a second time , didn't know it was possible) Ty for the laugh dude , if laughing increase life spawn , i juts made + 6months
  13. How can you play with 4 secs cast overload ☠️ , it's killing me , that's horrendously long cast time , even with quickness i find it long. Everyone i know who plays ele in this game start ranting like a pig playing tempest when the quickness uptime is low , you are the first i met who don't complain about that !
  14. Problem with the habit of having quickness is that any class in open world without decent access to it feel sluggish. Maybe anet should add more self quickness to specs , clearly because of that i only play herald and reaper in open world because their quickness access is easy and has a lot of uptime with nor bd nor effort. And they are a lot of useless traitline in many specs who are neither used in pve/wvw/pvp. Slap some self quickness on it and i am pretty sure any open world enjoyer will take that trait. But actually , i would say : yes give up on weaver into pve , for me it ressemble some kind of masochism and if you really want ele in open world cata seems good with celestial , not gonna hit as hard as it should , but the boon access is decent while being very nerve wracking to upkeep^, especially at the start of a combat.
  15. For me it was both , the fact you could amke your mech skill autocast , the rifle AA completely broken , the rockets coming for free every 3 secs , was a brainless spec and weapon , who was doing as much (even better) than other coplicated spec , but i agree it's not only rifle that made it op , it's the whole thing. Still was an abberation. This spec is still doing 22k afk (tested) and could go up to 33 with lil effort , far enough for the input players have to deal with , it ain't weaver pistol rotation if you know what i mean.
  16. i don't remember were i heard that anet said this housing system is gonna be one the best of any mmo (i may be mistaken , but i kind of remind that , or it was a dream... ). Let's see , they said the mounts were gonna be one of the best in any mmo , and they didn't lie , mounts in gw 2 are fantastic , so hope the same would be applied to housing , cause let's be real some mmo have nailed housing. just hope it's not just skins and will not be 100% gemstored
  17. Oh yeah buff rifle so we can have this abberation of pew pew mech who dealt 33k damage afk back ... what draxynnic says has way more sense , buff the underdog spec to make them fill their role better , not a weapon who is known to be an afk mess who's gonna make every engi power base play it , with the apm of a dead oyster engi rifle update who made it a machine gun was one of the most big buff (and complete mess) the game had , no trust ? so why did the mecha playrate skyrocketed to 33% in strikes and raids after the patch ? clearly an op buff who needed to be gutted ... i have no problem with some classes overbenching 45-50k as long as it need quite the effort to do it , but a spec who can deal 33k afk ... no !
  18. Tempest need to overload , meawhile scourge push buttons and gets alac without any cast time (or little with shades) , renegade the same : 1 button , 0 cast time , 100% alac . Chrono also the same : shatters -> boom alac , some fantasma with 1/2 sec cast time and done , 100% alac. Tempest clearly the underdog of alacrity support meta , numbers don't lie , very few ppl seems to enjoy it , meanwhile chrono , scourge have a staggering playrate , it's a no brainer. And catalyst , well.... i just like to compare catalyst to herald , so there is no comment to add at how bad catalyst is. Cannot agree more on that , more effort should equall more efficiency , but in this game it's more effort equall higher chance to fail at your role.
  19. -an official who is responsible for managing and protecting an area of forest synonyms:fire warden, forest fire fighter -a member of a military unit trained as shock troops for hit-and-run raids synonyms:commando https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/ranger#:~:text=Definitions of ranger,fire warden%2C forest fire fighter Hit and run raids were done with technology and firearms , and i can safely say the well being of nature is the least of concern for ppl who put their life at risk 😛
  20. It mostly sucks because outside of raw healing it does nothing else , no boon whatsoever , completely underwhelming cc , and when i said fire is for damage i should have stated it was sarcasm , because outside of lava font (who isn't even amazing) the rest is purely ...useless . But comparing it to just the warhorn who has heat sync and sand squall (two main reason warhorn is used as htemp) , for the main weapon it doesn't change what you take , sword has some healing too like dagger , but mainhand in ele supp with warhorn are truly underwhelming too. first thing to do to make staff relevant as support would be to make overloads give boons in a 360 aoe range instead of 180 , talking about fire and earth, then slaps some boon to staff abilitys and maybe make some kewl interaction with fire traitline as support , a thing like "firefields heals your allys" a bit like guardian Writ of Persistence , they can change the two major grandmaster trait in fire who are useless Pyromancer's Puissance or Blinding Ashes (more blinding ashes because it seems pyromancer puissance has some use in pvp)
  21. that's already the case , i play shout reaper and i scream at my enemys "you are all weaklings" and they die out of emotional damage and the few left have so less hp i only need to belch "your soul is mine" to finish off. E-spec is not only equal powercreep , it give you another way to play your class , i didn't remember the introduction to druid being an insane powercreep , nor scourge for the necro who was very underwhelming on release.
  22. I like this much too , jumping around flying like a .... ...yeah that's it ! Contents with high mobility and speed involved are quite fun to me.
  23. For the metor sprinkles i think ppl will most appreciaye something that isn't random , like a metor fall on max 5 target x second (deal x damage to other near target , like 33% in pve and 10% in pvp wvw, because the cleave in wvw would be completely offscale in abus vs bus scenario ) and first hit cc the target , without any damage reduction , just like a base aoe who deals x damage a sec , but with meteor animation. For the rest , staff is designed mainly as a support weapon , fire deal damage and water heal , earth and air are completely useless in both scenarios and are good for nothing ! those two attunements in staff need a complete overhaul to me for just being decent.
  24. For the ranger traduction the most you ll encounter is nature warden , or park ranger , but there is also the military ranger type , like airborne ranger who is mostly specialised in guns and warfare , so having a rifle as ranger does fit if you take the whole definition , but ppl often get the rifle = hunting , no anto poach patrols in Africa who are also a kind of rangers have guns ... for human trash , not for animals.
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