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  1. they dont need celestial to pump and sustain every boon. its wb main problem what we complain from begining. willbenders are laughing those cele changes and celebrating at opponents camps for few days 😄
  2. now we can focus on real issues like why some classes have more stats than others? base health and armor should be equalized in competitive modes. this game doesnt have holy trinity so why we have then this discrimination.
  3. dagger is only meaningfull with celestial, you cant survive with ele as full power in melee range. and celestial is dead these changes are going to the trash even without coming lol.
  4. spear current identity is broken, so as pistol. those suggestions dont work.
  5. i think there is no dev left who play elementalist in anet so they dont know the situation. they listen open world low expectation pve ele enjoyers all the time.
  6. the problem with sword, it can be easily kited, animations are too long and telegraphed at least for fire leap, lightning leap provides no damage. you can evade with earth and water 2 but what next than, you need to put always pressure on target if you want to win with sword. it can work against opponents who accept clash even in that case celestial is better since most of the damage comes from sword is simply condis if you also use dagger offhand.
  7. he is old ring of fire pug commander who flips empty towers and keeps at off-peak hours. so dont take seriously.
  8. simply soto pistol and jw spear didnt change anything in wvw (in roam or zerg). its affecting pvp a bit since ele hardcores trying to make it work. but probably they will give up soon. i am not sure it affects any instanced pve content, i barely see eles nowadays comparing two years before and they are not using pistol or spear. if they use spear i can easily aware right, its the most characteristic feature of ele spear is being very eyecatching with those all animations 😄 rather than sarcasm, all of the other specs new weapons(either soto or spear) change meta but i never see in the case of ele. its not acceptable in my point of view.
  9. is simply being kitten in wvw and pvp. simply staff is better at least do some sustain damage and bring some utility. i would rather prefer meteor shower 5 sec channeling than etching 5 sec which we dont guarantee hit or not lol.
  10. i see some advices which gives me big laugh, lr dagger/focus weaver and sword/dagger power weaver lol. you will die in 2 sec almost all meta specs with these builds, even if you win matchup somehow, your opponent will easily run away from you. so dont listen everyone. your best choice is scepter fresh air builds either weaver or catalyst. however even those are not meta anymore.
  11. i entered wvw after 1 month bcs simply i didnt like previous matches and go play pve. matches are totaly clown fiesta always outnumber by someone. there are toxic guilds everywhere, roamer classes with support chronos spawn camping garrisons. its pathetic. algorithm simply doesnt work and it increases toxicity. anet simply killed wvw. even pvp is in better situation now.
  12. its not lack of ability or knowledge, i can easily do fractals cms, some eod cms etc. but mastering raid mechanics, raid specific roles, their builds are huge problem especially with thise huge KP requirements on lfg. people in lfg almost all ask for at least 10 kp for even easy raids like wing 1-3-4. this means at least ten week you have to go training/practice runs guilds/discords. i have started my raid journey this week clear 1,3 hopefully 4 tonight. i have created few roles create new mesmer character can play boon, pdps, cpds, heall/tank. i could do with less efffort since i have legendary armor, few leggy weapons mesmer can use and 5 leggy trinket. average person willing to join raids cannot afford that. lets agree raids are not welcoming comparing to strikes or fractals. dont judge people for that.
  13. elementalist has lowest health and armor class in this game, if we compare to warrior it has 8000 lower hp and 300 lower armor. its like ele already stating with 1100 less stats which had to be fullfilled by other things. while heavy classes dont use toughness stat trinkets, ele have to put at least three piece to come same level of defense. while heavy classes can survive with berserkers, assasins ele should go full marauder etc. etc. and dont come up with survivale traits etc. because nowadays all classes has strong traits and at least one self healing, cleansing option in their arms. elementalist has no unbunga stealth mechanics of thief, jumping skills of blue child or boon corruption/toughness pumping of necro.
  14. problem is not the number of fractal, raid, strike, map whatever. its the quality. i think we never get quality of raids what we get before or fractals like nightmare, observatory and maps like pof, hot, eods. we are giving half money for half baked meal.
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