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  1. Same reason I dislike the witch outfit. Who the hell thought it was ok to have a proper witch hat on females, but men have to wear some sort of rag hoodie instead?
  2. Bit of a brainstorm mostly than to actually expect any actual acceptance. So basically the idea is a two handed shield that starts their own elite specializations around a few classes, here's a few examples: Guardian could use it for defensive measures, gaining boons around successfully defending allies, maybe even tank stats overall, similar to Braum of League of Legends. Warrior could use it for high maneuver fighting, similar to Captain America. I'm sure other classes could use it too, maybe Engineer to be more on the defense or a mini tank. And auto attacks could be basically punching because the shield is too big to carry a side weapon. Don't expect much acceptance, but could be an interesting concept.
  3. I can see it's uses, but right now don't need the exp because I don't have mastery points to continue, if I ever get around unlocking more for more masteries, I might do the missions with one of my level 80 characters to help speed up the grind for those.
  4. I heard that they limited mounts in WvW and the warclaw looks like something just to get around faster. Probably would be cool if you could have a pet that behaves like a tank. Really slow, really durable, protects the occupants, has multiple seats and it's basically cannons and turrets with the driver controlling what it does. Essentially a more WvW friendly turtle.
  5. I'm a furry too, but you ain't going to catch my kitten walking around like a sloot. I just made Kindred from League, she's the closest, but didn't make her to be good looking, just love the roleplay potential.
  6. It's why I'm adamant to play FF14, I know a gal that plays the game saying that place is covered in catgirls, especially around big cities.
  7. I made female asura, Sylvari and human for the sake of roleplay. Although it did teach me that Asura have no bust or nipples, because wearing the barbarian armor reveals nothing. Which makes me wonder why wear a full on swimsuit from top to bottom in the first place when just the lower half would help, but I ain't one to dwelve that deep into logic.
  8. I miswrote, I meant account name, not password, but yeah, having to put in my e-mail over and over is a bit annoying.
  9. Only time I ever enjoyed Kas' presence was when I had to learn to deal with royalty in EoD and all the politics, I felt like she was holding my hand to explain why the kitten is everything so complicated. Any other time, I tend to forget she exists in general.
  10. The lie isn't the remember password, it's "Remember username". Once every 5 attempts at logging in, I have to manually put in my password, which is a bit frustrating, making the check mark sometimes useless.
  11. At this point, I'm so burned out by the game, that I just want two things: - Primal Warden's outfit so I can roleplay Kindred as a Sylvari given how well I can make it work, hopefully. - Magical outfit so I can finally finish a character's look. The toxic marketing of not having everything available and instead move the sales around is what forces me to stick around for daily farming, because once I get both outfits, I'm uninstalling for a break. I don't even feel like doing the LW stories that are coming out...
  12. Fishing in this game is like fishing in minecraft. Boring if you're alone and you got nobody to talk to. The idea is well executed, but the problem is that the activity itself is only good if it's either your livelihood or if you're in a group that's open to discussions. And given you don't really need to fish for money (At least considering there's better ways to make money), it goes down to being something you do with friends.
  13. I'd be content if there was a proffession about beating up people without relying on weapons. Or at least make it so every class has some mediocre moves if unarmed. Not like it matters for the story issues because Anet just gives you a "Disarmed" weapon when they need you to not carry one.
  14. Gonna take a shot in the dark and guess that's what LW6 is for. He probably assumes there will be one before the next expansion.
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