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Everything posted by SlayerXX.7138

  1. I get that, but that has multiple option of counter play. Like you said range. High mobility, they are not that fast. CC, the defiance bar isn't too big. And if all fails you can still angle yourself to the nearest obstacle so they run headfirst into it. Bonus point for the stonehead: non of the counter play is gear dependent. True! Only the max scaled ones are annoying because their tells vanish in the animation puke and after a second in death zone halve your life is gone. But that's more a problem of soloing the 20-man-scaled sniper alone because the rest of the squad is in autopilot. That is another problem with smarter/stronger enemies. The counter play in big metas with strong enemies becomes "bring better teammates" and not what the individual does in combat.
  2. People are a little to fixated on "harder" and stronger Opponents, when "easy" but engaging mobs would bring more joy to players. Veteran Stoneheads is one of the more fun and engaging mobs to fight in the HoT Maps in spite of being really easy to kill. Snipers are kind of "hard" with their 1 pixel wide deathzone, but not in an engaging way. Pocket Raptors are mostly a loadout check if you pack Aoe in your kit. I and many other player have loadouts on characters to solo Hero Points and Bounties no Trash mob will really challenge veteran players in any way. Dump mobs are fine. The real question is not what can enemies do it is what will be the counter play to the enemies in question. Enemies don't have to be smart to force smart counter play. One the other hand just look at WvW where the answers to really smart enemies(actual human beings) is just bring many people and many boons and many aoe. Like many people pointed out the counterplay to really smart AI is often times either getting unfairly beaten and moving on or leveraging the smarts of the npc against it. Both cases don't lead to enjoyable gameplay.
  3. Why? Hardcore Servers is a Solution for a Problem guildwars doesn't have. 1. The community isn't there. 2. Thanks to how GW 2 servers work you wouldn't need extra servers anyway. We share here. Its not like wow where the influx of Hardcore player pick all resource Nodes clean or overpopulate starting areas an steal each other the quest mobs. The real Problem is GW 2 lacks the Addon support to track your Hardcore Journey by a second party. I don't really know how much information you get out of the account key. It does track character death so you could built something that could track an unrestricted hardcore Journey. If you get a large enough community of Hardcore player together, Then is it time to ask Anet for further support. Reaching a deathless level 80 Achievement would be nice. Special server for hardcore player are not in demand or needed even if demand was here.
  4. The fact your missing here is the definition of reasonable time investment and worthwhile content differs massively between the average gamer and the average MMO player. You see tedious, they feel occupied/busy. That's not an argument you can have because its comes down to a fundamental worldview difference.
  5. Just stop being cheap. Make or buy stacks of potions an be done with it. People agonizing over research notes because they want to be "optimal". Since Anet came to their senses and added a salvage stack function research notes are human to acquire. Potions are less then 1 silver to make and come in stacks, which is good enough. All the gold you save is neither worth the time, nerves or used up brain power to make that process efficient.
  6. Open World Dagger leeching venoms. Celestial build with double daggers. Your stealth as much possible for sustain/Venoms with dagger 5. Rest of initiative is spent on dagger 3. Two Auto attack chains(AAC) are long enough to stealth again after you attack revealed yourself. Or 1 AAC + Dodge. Or 1 AAC + Dagger 3. Heal could be switched with signet instead of venom for passive sustained healing. Gear could be switched for viper instead of celestial. Last utility slots depends what exactly your doing in PvE. Metas, soloing, story and so on. Instanced PvE could become problematic depending on what you do. Most content is tuned to be done by the best possible builds. There isn't a build that does stealth and poisons on core that also does competitive damage. That OW build will do enough damage to do Low level fractals, dungeons and most strikes without grieving your teammates. But if you want an actual build for "real" instanced content you should go for some elite spec eventually. Deatheye revolves all around stealth attacks so that should tickle your fancy.
  7. Stealth with dagger 5 if possible. Also be careful with over spamming skills. Thief puts skills in a que. So if you maxed malice but pressed 3 to often and don't give a new input (elite or dagger 5 for stealth) soon enough you waste precious initiative. Deadeye(condition) is a really strong and fun solo build. Maleficent Seven is a god trait for solo play. The hizen build with shadow arts and celestial is busted for soloing. True for rifle. Not true for Pistol/dagger. Celestial + fury + 5 hits of repeater is more then enough to crit at least once in these 5 hits. Celestials allows also quite a bit more of protection uptime you wouldn't have one berserker. Leeching venom and signet are noticeable affected by haling power. They blow Invigorating precision out of the water in effective healing because you are much sturdier and don't need to go full class to trigger the healing. Deatheye has not a single trait to support condi directly but in ow condition damage is so much better because you can go for some defensive stats without losing much damage. If you lack damage you can always replace some gear with viper. I personally run Viper weapons and the rest celestial. Which end up at 10k damage solo while being tanky as hell.
  8. Speed boosts are additive. Wiki link Movement speed. Its the reason for the high speed reduction. Which will make speed modifier essential. It also will make kneel clunky. Some examples: With swiftness you more then double your movement speed. 25% -> 60%. Superspeed +100% will quintuple our movement speed to 125%, basically negating the tradeoff of kneel entirely. So kneel with supper speed will be most likely as fast as any other character with a movement sigil. P.S. Judgment alone should keep its 1500 range, to give the sniper feel without being oppressive, as we can no longer spawn the rest of our weapon abilities on 1500 range.
  9. Please reconsider the judgments range nerf. If only Death Judgments keeps it's range it becomes a real snipe ability finishing off targets that walk out of range. The visual tell and self root should balance it nicely when the rest of the kit is on 1,200 range. The worst it could be abused is spawning stealth and 1 malice judgments on 1500 range, which seems manageable for the person on the receiving end. Keeping the one big sniper shot on long range, while nerfing the range of Rifle seems the perfect opportunity to give the class a sniper feel without being oppressive. Also Death's Judgment doesn't profit from the kneel change. So cutting the range to confirm with uniform range on the weapon set seems counterproductive.
  10. Mhh. I'm pretty sure giving shroud a damage reduction was requested in the forums. Also im 80% sure a Power buff to dagger is something people wanted. Especially the heartseeker buff. Kneel change could be fine. Need to test if it is enough to dodge easy mechanics with swiftness. Initiative cost increase was uncalled for. Range could be understandable for PvP/WvW. With our easy access to Superspeed they probably got afraid. Immobile spawm while moving sounds pretty oppressive.
  11. I don't know about that chief. Rifle on warrior is unusable, hammer may be more unusable, but Warrior doesn't have two range weapons in PvE. You better of throwing spears as vindicator then equipping a rifle in PvE. Also could you define what good means here. Thief gets away with pistol on the second weapon set, because of imitative not because pistols are good on a dps basis. Also the peasant professions normally need their weapon swap for dps so holding a subpar weapon in the second set might not always be feasible if the melee hate isn't strong enough. Well that's a little specific, when we talk about weapons in general. You could switch that up for a neglectable damage loss. Shotrbow on Rev is one of a selected few weapons who can be camped in Range with no punishment. A privileges the ranger funnily enough doesn't have. Hammer is complete garbage in PvE. I rather have Hammer damage increased/reworked then doing something as outlandish as adding a new core weapons for one class specifically because they let core weapon sets rot.
  12. But its is easy pickingXD. It it just tedious and long. The only requirement is a willingness to waste time on weak content for the reward. I would make a marathon analogy, but a marathon is actually challenging. It I just low effort busy work. Ah yes, the younger generation is lazy. A tale as old as ancient Rome. And complete kitten. When people get older and get a sudden rush of dementia forgetting all the kitten they and their brethren have done. Idealizing being unproductive, talking about work ethic in the context of a low effort time sink in a video game. Being busy ≠ Work.
  13. If you struggle on the platform the best Profession by a large margin would be a condi virtuoso camping dagger sword. Having a low cooldown block + self sustain is really good. Being range helps too. If you get a circle when the boss charges dragon trigger you have to move out of the group into the danger zone. With the sustain you can take thee circle damage. With the block you don't have to time the dodge for the dragon trigger making that mechanic very easy. No stressing about that also should free up brain space to not kitten up numbers. The rotation is simple. Press weapon skills off cooldown, activate F abilities when blade are stocked.
  14. Yeah MMO endgame baby. You better of droping the game then find sympathy here in the forums. People will defend weak content to their dieing breath with boomer rhetoric, insinuating laziness because you don't want to "invest" an unreasonable amount of time for a in game mount. Because if they suffered through it so must you. While also saying its good content.
  15. Fair enough, but there is a lot of stuff who is just there to add time sinks. Eggs, Scale and fever is the exact same thing. The achievement description even jokes about the fact that Gorik could have collected the eggs besides him himself.
  16. Im not sure about that, it would be nice if your would read not skimm trhough what i wrote then.:) I was refering to the 2020 Competitive nerf. Indicated by "2 years ago" and specifically talking about competitive. Which cut quickness by a third and increased the cooldown. Showing that haste was to usefull in competitive, to the balance team at least. In Ow its one of the better dps utilitys (if there is some boon duration on your gear) while also being a stunbreak. It is quality of life as a rather short instant cast quickness for gathering. Its on the same power level as Ranger and Warrior utilitys in the same category. It was actually to strong in competitive and nerfed in 2020. Its a solo utility that does what its sets out to be more or less. I have no idea what you want to add to haste which wouldn't be inconequential or completly overtuned.
  17. What exactly is unclear? While some changes are poorly executed it's most of the time pretty clear what the balance team is going for.
  18. The fractal side list every venom besides chill as viable. Immobilize venom actually does damage because it triggers panic strike 10 timesXD. Skale does decent damage and provides 20 stack of vulnerability for halve the fight. Chill is sadly not the most useful status, especially because there isn't a point in stacking it. Ice drake venom is probably ready to be reworked somehow. Maybe power damage on hit could be nice.
  19. @ZeroTheRuler.7415 I'm gonna say this so we are on the same page here, if it would end up a straight buff I wouldn't say anything, but that is generally not how balance works out. Its on the same power level as all the other self quickness skills. Which are all useless in group content too. Besides straight up buffing haste with no downsides or tradeoffs I don't see how any change could be beneficial to thief. The fact it got nerfed only 2 years ago shows that it was very useful in competitive or at least the balance team thought so. Even for your theoretical boon specter tank build, pre nerf haste seems more interesting then any weak boon share they could give to haste within reason.
  20. But it is useful. Its a stun break that gives haste. Pretty decent in solo play. Also instant quickness is quality of life if you have to gather something. It also synergizes well with the trait skill off the same name and Sigil of celerity giving high self quickness uptime. On celestial its almost 100%. I'm not even sure where you would need the boon share. Specter doesn't have much utility slots to spare anyway.
  21. It is one of the faster side of Projectiles and unblockable. The pull after the spear lands its unavoidable. Its also on the f1 of an elite spec and on a 40 sec cooldown. I would expect it to be better then the ammo utility on core with 20 sec recharge. Doesn't seem unfair/unbalanced to me.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  22. Which one? 2 of the 3 guardian pulls are secondary effect to other abilities you need to get hit first, so yeah they are indeed 100% accurate, after you were getting hit it by the actual ability. Wire has average to low speed, but the bigger problem hitting it is the buggy WvW map itself. I guess you could buff the velocity, but otherwise the skill is fine. Its a pull on a utility with ammo and short recharge. Meh. That is a somewhat minor inconvenience. I'm not a fan of killing any flavor an ability has for a minor buff in Endgame content. If you don't like it, I would lobby for are caltrop buff, in the form of removing the cast time of caltrops coupled with a small damage buff. Because it make no sense to take an eternity to drop them. Look I also want buff like everyone else. But lobbying for 5 man haste on core or over complaining over our decent utility selection seems like a waste of time. Its kind of silly when every profession forum is meta winning about each perceived disadvantage we may have.
  23. Always nice to get insight. But..., there are so many expectation to it, it will become/is unusable as a Guideline. Also impossible to implement over multiple game modes. Reasoning: Power: What even is Power? In PvP for example there are way to many moving parts to determine what even is powerful without the context of the whole profession. Depending on which, Professions, traitline or competing traits are in the same row, a simple cleanse can have various power levels. On the other end of the spectrum we have PvE DPS, were secondary benefits are mostly ignored anyway in Meta builds. In the context of weapons specifically with alacrity you can just skip these low Damage weapons skills to spawn the over tuned ones. Also a ton of skills Provide value that can cap in 10 man content, but not necessarily in 5 man. Will vulnerability weapon be nerfed? Will having bonus effects on ability's become a detriment. What about thief and initiative or Rev and energy Or what even is the kit in case of ele. What about weapon swap? That seems like it will justify questionable balance decision in the future. You guys should know its an unusable philosophy, that why you guys ignored it/made dozens of exceptions to it while designing and balancing Eod Specs. Warrior just got group quickness on a master core trait. Will that change now? Is dodging on Double Dagger 3 thief considered value? Will death blossom be nerfed? Is damage value on weapons calculated traits less or with meta builds?
  24. That is a wide reaching claim, based on a rather biased perception of your pet class. It also only affects ele somhow? If Power Budget only accounts for the equipment stats, Thief will forever be a bottom class. If Power Budget only accounts for the equipment stats, Mesmer will forever be a bottom class. If Power Budget only accounts for the equipment stats, Guardian will forever be a bottom class. I guess with dps PvE balance disregarding Base health it's kind of annoying to just have frailer Dps with no compensation.
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