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Everything posted by SlayerXX.7138

  1. I know you don't. You have opinions. How about you proof or provide some kind of explanation why there are no tradeoffs what so ever with the gem model before you angrily demand proof and explanations of others. I rather not waste anymore time with this "discussion". I explained my point of view. You declared it to be wrong, lets leave it at that. This is just weak. You know what I meant. The current model. Also factual incorrect as core guild wars is free. https://buy.guildwars2.com/en-us if you need another source to dismiss. In addition to that it is a misquote as I called it "free to play, buy for extra". Don't be dismissive of people who don't like the bad parts about the gem model. Its a valid complain with a simple solution just don't play the game. The gem store with it's overpriced layouts and mount loot boxes is here to stay. Also I gonna stop responding to you guys as you guys clearly just want to win an argument on the internet.
  2. That is a nice statement. Proof? Or is this just your opinion stated as fact? At least some reasoning behind your statement? No? I see. It certainly is better then nothing. Or a 1 day snapshot of A-net Job offers. Believe what you want but pls stop to "disprove" my Points by declaring them wrong. I declare you are wrong. Free to play, buy for extra comes with trade offs. These trade offs aren't worth it to OP, but are worth it to you. Stating repeatedly that they are no tradeoffs with the gem model doesn't make it true, no matter how much you and other people would like that to be the case. P.S. PLs fix the golem bug in Bojarch marches. Doesn't despawn after the event.
  3. I provided the citation for my claims. Its the official credit for eod, which is what I was talking about. Don't get a cramp while shifting these goalposts. If you can provide a detail list like the credits about ArenaNet Staff instead of a Snapshot from it's current hiring needs that would be cool of course. That's nice and all that the marketing/?eventhost?/Brand manager person is a cool gamer. I do indeed not know him, all I see is someone who never developed the game is heading the game development. As PvP is the least supported game mode I'm sure its his marketing talent not his pvp Expertise that did qualify him for that position. Anyhow believe what you want.
  4. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_credits/End_of_Dragons Credits listing who worked on what. 36 Marketing guys. If you want the exact number of gameplay developers and encounter designer you have to be careful as a ton of Dev work in multiple sections of the game. Should be around 80. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/arenanet-studio-update-the-future-of-guild-wars-2/ "Josh “Grouch” Davis is taking on the role of Game Director. He’s responsible for the “what” and “why” of Guild Wars 2 development. He started as a Guild Wars community content creator and joined the dev team in 2013<as Brand manager>, allowing us to continue a long tradition of recruiting team members from our passionate player community." https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Joshua_Davis
  5. Probably because the marketing guys stay and Game developer come and go. Eod had 36 Marketing personal + a handful of commerce designer and around 80 Game developer(gameplay and encounters). Which seems absurd ratio for an expansion that hadn't much of a campaign. I mean the person right now running the show and gets to say where development time is spent is a Brand management guy.
  6. Yeah they really shot themselves in the foot with making livingworld main story instead of side storys. Like the new player experience for the story is either real bad or absurdly costly.
  7. But why hire another developer to polish your game, when you can hire another marketing person instead to squeeze more money out of the current player base? Why make an interesting quest fore the zaitan skins, when you just can put more material sink into it instead that entices people to swipe their credit card? When you can attach a profit number to some content like LW seasons, but can't put a profit number on other content or quality of existing content don't you think that skews what gets worked on. Fixing the stupid glowing Blacklion symbol took what? A month? Don't you think the gems are part of the reason so much stuff is locked behind gold per hour? And if it isn't locked behind gold per hour it is locked behind a long low effort collection. Low effort from a development standpoint. I responded to a person who said monthly fees are inherently bad and another person who stated nothing good could come from it. True, Subscription fees have there own problem, Engagement as main metrics comes to mind. But wow gets bugs fixes waay faster then anet, but that could be a company thing and not a pay model thing. Anyways: Free to play pay for extra is fine. I don't advocate for a sub fee introduction. I'm just surprised how hostile people about the complain. Like if they agree mount skin loot boxes and overpriced layout loadouts are symptom of the gem model Anet gonna charge them the 15 bucks a month right now.
  8. First and foremost im not advocating that gw 2 should change it business model to a fee system. But: Because if the revenue doesn't come from the GAME itself, the person calling the shot is disincentives to put funds into Game development. Instead the money goes into Analysts, Marketing personal and gemstore skins. Mount lootboxes are also a symptom of the free to play model. Bugfixes and other quality changes are seconder when the next money maker <LW season> needs to be pushed out. It certainly is relevant. Anet is a company not passion project of one guy. Where the money comes from will influence investment decision. Saying something different is naïve. I never said that or even implied it. In case of Living World releases it may even speed things up. I say the quality suffers in some aspects as everything that isn't tied to the moneymakers might as well not exist. I for example would like some real World polish, not the bugfix page that masquerades as world polish. Or a Strike mission that isn't recycled Story content with a extra mechanic and bigger numbers. Or more veteran mobs with clear attack animations like "Veteran Mordrem Vinetooth". Don't misunderstand me I am content with GW 2. But saying the subfree model is this flawless wonderland where everything is fantastic is just flat out wrong
  9. Its is not an absurd idea that a monthly fee model would avoid some Problems the game curently has. With a fee all input money can go to profit or development. Without a fee the game is a cost. That is why bufixes are listed as "worldpolish" in the patch notes. And stuff that doesn't get monetized is under supported. Anet handles it good enough, but there is reason why subfees became a mainstay for a time in MMOs. Probably why the competitive modes are so under supported. Its is harder to monetize them. Also the fact that some people are willing to creditcard there way to legendarys is a reason they are so grindy in material cost. It could be way worse, but there are enough obvious flaws in a gem shop model. So no reason to flame the poor americans. It is however absurd to change the current model of game 10 years running. Doesn't mean people have to be so hostile:).
  10. If you don't have a skyscale, Gliderboost is probably the best thing you can get. Coupled with bound of faith(season 4 mastery) there is little that you cannot reach.
  11. Aberstone (rank 4 I guess) has the workstation at the crafting "district". Kaineng city has one at the jade training bots place. Direct at the waypoint.
  12. Most people are in fact like him. That's why you feel ripped of. If the make money of a player it is way more then the sub fee and in a short time(damm you guardian shrine jackal). A ton of player don't pay a dime. Whales keep the game afloat. The free to play Player are just assets to fill the world. I do agree with the build templates as they seem highly overpriced and I would like to know how much Anet Actually sells. If you have a bunch of legendarys, character slots are cheaper then templates^^.
  13. On one hand it is bad for the story to have a terminal illness drag on so long with a consequences. On the other hand killing the most entertaining character of the main cast is also bad. Besides didn't you pay attention in the EOD story? She got jade tech upgrade for her Medical suit or whatever. 4 more years of taimi LET'S GO!!!!!!
  14. Also takes 14 months for a full set without crafting(3 marks per Season/20 Marks for a Set). Marks need 500 crafting at that point he can just craft the Ascended^^.
  15. You can convert s4 Currency into volatile magic into trophy shipments into gold. So if you want a node that isn't the worst to get. Also ice shards can buy you ascended Amulet + earring. So there is a use for them. But nothing is locked behind eternal shards to my knowledge.
  16. The true cost is 1g per stone. So you can take 800 g of the current price for the aurene Legendary weapons. Are the new weapon unproblematic I don't know. But people have to stop being a hysteric mob about everything. Sidenote: Are you guys made out of money? Who even considers buying stone from the tp?
  17. Didn't think so, just found it funny you describe the majority as lower skilled^^. Also Legend isn't a tier, it is the same 5 sweaty guys, at least on my server:). Yes i know. Just pointing out if you give out the buff wave with a meta lens you gonna risk ruining the game for the other 80+%. And halt any possible innovation. In my opinion at least. If you want to buff instead of nerf you have to make every profession a different flavor of a high dps, high tankyness, high mobility, self buff accumulation. Which is just lame. Or you need to put stuff like tankyness, mobility or dps to the next level to compensate the fact they don't have 5/5 stars in every other category. A thief with significant more mobility? A rev with significant more damage. That doesn't seem like fun at all.
  18. So you do realize you don't need it which is good. If you don't want to wait till enough armor boxes drop you have to bite the bullet somewhere. If you like world bosses or guild missions do that for more chances for boxes. Personally i would say bite the bullet in crafting. It is 40 Gold and under an hour. You are done. https://gw2crafts.net/armorcraft_400.html https://gw2crafts.net/armorcraft_fast.html If you refuse to do that on principle: Do strikes. The 3 easy ones, so you can buy whatever you are missing from box drops. They are instanced content with a low barrier to entry. If you plan to get that route maybe invest in a berserker set(dirt cheap). If you also refuse to do Group content because you don't like it: Do the Strike mission forging steal. It is basically a instanced meta train with 10 people. You can even gather in there^^. What you need to know: Ascended gear is endgame gear as such it is MAGNITUDES more grindy to get then exotics. Just boots will take you dozen of PvP matches/hours of WvW/Strike runs. Only way to fast track it is gold+crafting.
  19. On PvP in general. But they don't. So stuff like reworking whole trait lines while nice probably wont happen ever again. Maybe if the PvP base gets a boost with steam? Way to diss 80+% of the player base. Little reminder for you and people on the PvP forums in general. GW 2 PvP is hard. Gold is a high level of skill. Just because you and other veteran player do make them look like literal children doesn't mean a gold 3 player isn't good. Stuff needs to be balanced around high tier but designed around the average. If the game gets designed and buffed around what the top 250 player can do, the game mode just gonna die(quicker). Starting at plat you need reflexes, multitasking and finger dexterity on a level some people just don't have or wouldn't get even with training. Not really. Thief is in a good spot IMO. That are things that would be nice to have but not needed. If thief ever gets underpowered that would be changes to start on. Maybe give me 4 venom stack right now but otherwise thief is fine. So are most Professions in one spec at least. They are not weak. Good warri reks me any day of the week. But so does an average willbender while also being fast and more effective in team fights. These professions are not weak they are just outclassed by stronger, more versatile options. Obviously some profession need minor buffs. But the biggest problem right now is Willbender and harbringer invalidating all other options. Even if i would be in favor for general buffs across the board i wouldn't trust the gw 2 team to not f it up. Thief and most profession have all the tools they need . Willbender just has the whole garage + a catapult to throw them at people. Edit: Also Harbringer and Willbender are both more mobile, more dps spec on very tanky core classes without a real tradeoff, which is just bad game desgin.
  20. We haven't? I'm pretty sure the last 2 years till Gold 3(80%+ of the playerbase) you saw 2 specs of most professions(rip warriors/ele) pretty regularly. That stops in plat and Amt not because there are no viable meta builds, but because at that level people go for the absolute best. In the last 2 years you could play basically everything below plat. The only thing stopping you right now are OP Willbender and harbringer outpowering everything else not your own class weakness. Even with your changes that are reasonable and fair I don't see thief on the same power level as willbender. But I do taste the silver tears when venom gets back to 6 stacks^^. I Struggle to think why nerfing willbender and harbringer is a bad idea. I never thought my profession is to weak. It is mostly some outliers being absurd and people flocking to them. I have all the tools i need, willbender is just broken. I of course would like to be even faster(thank you for less imitative cost arrow change) but that would just me being selfish and not because it is needed or balanced. That said: Some things needs to be looked at. Mainly stuff that got nerfed thanks to the willbenders of the past and didn't get reverted when the actual problem got taken care of. the ugly 300 cds have to go too.
  21. It only crystalize the issue. Lets stay at thief, what would you give a daredevil brawler as buff to be in line with willbender. A 2k health plate wearing Dps machine who has ports for days. Also blocks and a ton of self buffs. Don't forget the invulnerability if the situation gets dicy. It would be absurd. Tons of more damage. At least 1k Heals on successful evade etc. Also the balancing nightmare that occurs as there are ton of interaction that cant be foreseen. Also what do you buff? Only the meta builds or everything? Does my daredevil brawler build get some love or will it be death as the buff wave end up cherry picking 2 meta builds per profession? The whole idea of buffing everything does fall apart if you think 1 minute at what could go wrong.
  22. If anything the skill ceiling is to high. There is a multitude of skill interaction and dynamics at play in most pvp matches. The biggest problem is the pvp population is not high enough to fill the void between average and High to make a pleasant ranking up experience. There is a ton of movement. Sure the support guardian or most necro variants dont move a lot, but that is kinda their thing. More then enough already. Also that would be just more mobility "buttons" which you dont want? People move plenty around per wasd. Which elo are you?
  23. Is that PvP salt im tasting? I never felt the need to make a guardian. My cool looking necromancer looks pretty on the far right side of my log in screen. I don't feel neglected at all. It is absurd how people come up with these crazy theories.
  24. Really depends on the build. Something like virtuoso can get away with celestial. Most specs don't. If you have any profession with a viable power build. Just pay for exotic Berserker weapons and armor. Armor you can get for 3 gold weapons depend. Could be as low as 2 gold. If you have some WvW badges its is 133 badges and 1 gold per weapon from the WvW vendor. Buy Eagle runes. Buy order 29 silver x 6 makes another 2g . Leave your celestial trinkets be if you don't want to pay to much money. So at minimum 7g for runes Armor and weapon. Not free but really not much of an investment. Its not like a Berserker set couldn't come in handy another time. Sure you can get carried by other people. But being to stingy to invest around 10 g and be a bother seems like a kitten move to me.
  25. I would check the in game Setting and your monitor. If your eye get serve damage from gw 2 your normal monitor/pc settings are probably not good for your either. GW 2 being so "busy" just makes it noticeable.
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