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Everything posted by SlayerXX.7138

  1. Just failed the meta. Did it with my exotic geared (ascended trinkets) OW Renegade. Some observations: Someone did tag up because nobody else did. Did put people into subgroups and wrote who goes where during the event. and in squadmessage. People from lfg couldn't join because map was full. Escort phase went smoothly. Crystal collection went poorly. People just killed the mobs instead of collecting the magic. Some noted its gonna be a failed run. Directly at the start someone complained about the lack of stability. Didn't pay attention if they did bring it themselves.^^ Dps was mediocre I was in my arc dps window so top 10. Didn't really do any rotation full celestial. First 20% were still fine all good. Seemed doable. After that it did go downhill. People not standing in greens. The works. Failed with 20% left on Boss. Could have failed better but people started to leave. One charming individual blamed the commander for that. Somehow no reason was given. From my point of view the biggest problems seems to be People not knowing what they are doing and hoping the other people do it for them. Nobody asked of course what to do.
  2. Accept the cruel reality, that is your life now. Worthless. Absolut worthless. 1 hour a week the price of food spikes high enough so you could sell food for a couple of copper profit. But not worth it, keep destroying them.
  3. Just don't be greedy and don't chase that gold per hour high. Cantha has more then enough little events chains for sub 30 minutes play season. Some people even complained as you have to much shorts ones, not enough long trains and need to move from one to another if you have a higher play time. Echo wilds has the event chains with in the runes which is pretty neat. The first map has Spiritualist event chain. New keaning city is a mid map and Anet should feel bad about it. DE has tons of events you can do while on the map. The extra buff doesn't even perish so you don't have to do preparation and big meta event in the same play session. DE meta is a big event not a cheeseburger don't try to gobble that thing done in 30 minutes. Is EoD perfect? Hell no. But people really need to stop seeing each little hurdle or inconvenience as a personal attack from Anet at them directly.
  4. People don't like or do short play sessions otherwise Bojarch marches would be full with people. Bojarch marches is a great map with tons of self contained little events, tons of Chests to open, A new take on the puzzle aspect(i personally don't like but it is there), Multiple Champions to challenge yourself and a quite useful map currency. Which gets mostly ignored by the player base for the long High gold per hour zerg that is drizzle wood. So I am not surprised Anet doesn't lean into that kind of content much.
  5. I too avoid the long meta trains, as I dislike them personally. But you can join/leave the trains anytime. If you are in Echowald you could easily go for a smoke or wipe your baby's butt and resume the event. Even the elder dragon mother of all events needs at most 20 minutes of your time in one chunk. Catching up on that map is a little annoying if you don't own a skyscale, but probably still faster to catch then the Metatrain in the jungle(Hot maps).
  6. You make the legendary in the mystic forge, which you can access with all characters. So it doesn't matter.
  7. No that was a strawman of the Pro nerf side. You can take an openworld build, pay attentions to mechanics and not doing a dps rotation an succeed. I also don't see how i'm contradiction myself the majority of the player base can handle such a fight. And the only part of the OW player base who cant is the same part who refuses to improve. Just improve, no meta chasing, no 100% optimal build just refuses to try in earnest. The fight was designed to have players be mentally present, you couldn't nerf it enough so the people complaining here could be happy. Lets say we at 10 more minutes to the timer. Would the people failing right now enjoy failing mechanics for 8 more minutes? NO they would still be complaining while encouraging them to do even less. So why bother? Why should Anet balance a meta event around people who don't want to do it?
  8. Lol where does this hard meta is only for raiders narrative come from? Do you think someone able to solo a WvW camp struggles endlessly against DE. You think Someone in Gold isn't able to break a defiance bar or dodge an ability. Fractal player lack the ability to beat the meta? You think you couldn't do the meta with 5 random strikes groups? People who farm Kralkatorik crumble before the sea dragon? The guys carrying people throught other OW events absolutely can't do it? It is just a loud Minority in the forums who perceive it as to hard.
  9. Someone who is too much into politics or winning arguments on the internet? And people who like to see themselves as the noble victims picked it up. To indirectly elevate their grievance into something more pressing. Seeing at what we are talking about, the apparent seriousness the phrase get uttered and the implication of the Phrase it is honestly in bad taste.
  10. Well isn't that what this threat boils down to. People don't want to improve or put effort into an encounter because that is stress to them.
  11. New and returning players. Started after season 4 had to buy almost everything. They even locked multiple Legendry's behind LW. They are specific to everything but The PvP mode. NO gliding, No mounts, No unlimited gathering tools, No Skiff skins. Besides legendary armor, which you use only outside of PvP, no need for gold or any consumable. Think of Anet as a butcher, the gem shop as butcher's shop and PvPer as vegetarians. Sure there are a couple of eggs or a piece of cheese we could buy, but the butcher has no reason to cater to his vegetarian customers. They are, but I think you underestimated how much money Anet makes from Gems-> Gold and to a lesser extend living world story. Also cosmetics and other Gem items are less usable in PvP.
  12. Living world season(basically 80% of the entirety of PvE content) are free even if you are not locked in while they release? There is no Level 80 booster for the leveling part of the game. World boss timer was a bad dream? Of course it is a little different then other modes, as PvP is different in general than the other modes. It really feels like people are blind to all the monetizing going on in the regular game right now. Like the Gem store is full of stuff you can buy and besides skins, Character slots and finishers everything is unusable in PvP. That is quite.. hopeful. But why should they? And how would they make money of PvP? There is nothing to spend money on in PvP besides finisher.
  13. Its isn't a dps check. Not a real one anyways. People don't lack dps. They ignore/fails mechanics get downed/stunned and of course then lack dps.XD What was it? 7k dps at average and only in dps phases. Lets say we have one subgroup(5 people) with an average of 20k dps that allows 16 people doing 3k dps. That is what? Auto attacking in trailblazer gear with random traits? And that ignores all the neat celestial OW builds. Virtuoso does 10k by just pressing all its buttons. Celestial battle scare renegade probably too while refusing to die with the options to give out might and alacrity(OW build version). Which ability and skill? What should be the challenge? If you make it a little easier the people failing right now still wont do it while taking the challenge away from the people who can. If you make it a lot easier you have 10 people doing the meta while the rest sits halve afk on the sidelines(like otovine). At this point what do people want to get nerfed anyways? Sure High Dps makes falling victim to mechanics more forgiving, but I don't think unoptimized builds are the real fail point or skill check in the meta.
  14. They don't. Only you and Guys who stand afk besides the octovine node do. They guy who brings his legion way station to metas doesn't. The guy who actual equips a push/pull Skill for octovine south doesn't. Why are people so insistent to remove any challenge of the game no matter how small. Why do people even want eod meta to be easy? What would be the point? What need does it fill? Do you really think all the OW players who normally carry the metas, struggle with the eod meta if the halve afk crowd isn't there to pull them down? Edit: Frontload more rewards or make the prelude shorter if you must, but why is something being challenging so a big deal to people?
  15. Yes. You have to acquire costly salvage kits, salvage dozen of amulets and get lucky. If you have to ask on the forums how to convert volatile magic into gold don't get into it.^^ Also if you don't know how to convert VM into gold you probably should keep some volatile magic to gear your character.
  16. Don't buy dragon gear! Without hidden killer it is useless. And you don't want to maintain stealth all the time in OW. Any reason you want to make it power based? As Power damage has 3 stats that increase your damage by multiplying each other you have to go all in the get the most of it. On thief sacrificing Precision, power or Ferocity for survivability isn't worth it or fun for that matter. Marauder daredevil Staff is as "tanky" as you can get with power on thief.
  17. It is a bit gambling, if you have ask in the forums if it is profitable don't do it. Your turn ice shards (with karma mind you) into season 4 currencies. You consume those currencies to get VM. You buy trophies shipments With Volatile magic and gold. If you don't need trophies yourself you sell them. Now you have converted your volatile magic into gold. If you have time and Spirit shards you can convert T5 trophies into T6 trophies. Which doesn't increases your profit. It does convert spirit shards into gold. Depending on Trading post prices. Claw are always a loss if you convert them from T5 to T6 for example.
  18. More like the current balance team gets double the time, so the coming balance patch would already be here for 2 months. Which would be a big change. That is stuff that just doesn't work as the current PvP player base is to small. Why should they do that if they could just focus on season 6 Lw which not only makes a bigger part of the player base happy, but is also a form of income from all the people who didn't get it for free on release. I do enjoy the fighting system. Only thing that kills my joy in PvP are the infrequent, in fines lacking balance patches and the low player count. Tournaments are actually a lot of fun when you get 2 games with teams on equal footing, Which happens once in a bluemoon with our current player numbers. Also a little reminder in general: PvP is already monetized with Finisher skins. Monetizing parts of PvP doesn't mean it should be a must buy. Gathering tools are monetized doesn't mean you have to pay 3k gems for a set when you want to gather something or buy a warclaw skin to play WvW.
  19. What if people still fail it? How low should Anet go? As some Strike playing "elite" is double in worth then an OW player. A sweaty raider probably triple at least. They wont go to the OW version if there is an instanced version. You seem to not realize how a couple of semi competent people carry most OW events. It would take at max 2 weeks till the ow version would be drained of its carries. Then you would have to nerf it into nothingness.
  20. Don't they just do so little dps because they are at downstate. You cant compare Golem dps to action dps. Golem doesnt hit you into downstate. I did it once while doing story. No idea what i was doing. Group clearly disorganized. We still completed it." Reasons for that: In the phase with the whirlpools the commander valiantly spawned chat so people use the EMPS . A couple of people were rezzing people who got downed because they failed mechanics. That was all it took to make it. DE isn't hard. It is just busy visually and a little convoluted. Whirlpools aren't self explanatory, but otherwise what would you even nerf at this point? Break bars and disable way stations? Some people are just a little overwhelmed, if you wanna try hard just write the current mechanic in squad chat and see the dps rise as people get an idea what they have to do. Reason I will never do it again: 1,5 hours having to be at least semi focused on a task I just a lot man(for a game). Same reason I did drizzle woods once and never again.
  21. Fair point. It is just sad playing PvP while it is in permanent decline. At this Point there is praying for a good Steam release to bring new blood in the game mode or stop playing altogether.
  22. Bribe someone in Anet? Open a gofundme to pay for extra dev hours? PvP is barley in maintance, PvP tournament panel is in unfinished beta state since it inception. Looking at the quarterly patch notes it feels like Anet gives the team a couple of dev hours at most to scrap some balance numbers together. People wishing for weapon reworks are delus... quite hopeful about the Money/time Anet is willing to spend on PvP.
  23. PvP right now lacks almost any attention of Anet. The main reason is the low player count. I think another reason is the fact that PvP is hard to monetize. No Warclaw skins to buy. No reason to pay 20 Bucks to fast track BIS gear. Only thing Anet can make money off are the Finishers. I think a Monthly/2month long battle pass could incentives Anet to spend more development time on PvP if they are able to make money from it. Because right now it feels like the balancing teams gets like 2 days in a quarter year to look at PvP and then nothing. That battle pass would be purchased of the gem store, to increase/add PvP rewards for a Month or two. So if you are not satisfied with PvP right now you just don't buy it. Possible ideas: Just a Big PvP reward track bonus. So if you play a lot you make a "profit" and if you play an average amount it still helps with clovers , Skins at the end of reward tracks etc. A Battle Pass that works like the Pip system with a neat skin at the end. So wins are more worth then loses so people don't afk grieve the game mode. Exclusive skins would be nice but probably not worth the downsides. Player outrage, people not interested in PvP flooding PvP games and they would run out of skins eventually^^. Its shouldn't increase PiP generation. Speeding Legendary armor up with a gem purchase doesn't seem right. What do you guys think? Could that help PvP get more attention? Would it be pay to win? Are PvP numbers to small so it wouldn't have an impact?
  24. What PvP could need is some better community generated guides. As most builds and guides i see online are from and for High level players. Like someone already noted barrier of entry is the biggest problem GW 2 PvP faces. There are tournaments that partly fill that niche. There are just not enough people in PvP to make it a fun experience if your 5 man is below plat.
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