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Everything posted by Buzzbugs.1236

  1. This popup comes up far too often and it's honestly getting obnoxious. I know GW2 had an engine update to DX11, does anyone know if any engine upgrades are in the pipeline that might mitigate or even get rid of this instanced map nonsense? What was even the point of mega-servers if we have to be split onto different maps and be taxi'ed around constantly?
  2. The GW2 story is largely Marvel Universe level of storytelling, including SotO. As soon as that story started by introducing a cast of characters who all need to band together to take down the big bad guy I knew it was going to be more of the same kitten. I'm tired of it as well but ArenaNet keep dropping the ball when it comes to the storytelling. It's incredibly formulaic in the way it follows the same story beats as those Marvel films as to be as easily digestible to an NPC who just joined GW2 for the first time and jumped in with a level boost and cares nothing about the world and lore and just want to be entertained by a video game. It's not for those of us who have been with this game and been supporting it for 10+ years.
  3. The people in this thread applying economic thought to Gem and Gold value is laughable. Gems and Gold in GW2 are not a real commodity. They have no real value except for what Anet decide to make it because Gem's are just another form of DLC that you see in most games these days. To even imply that somehow there's a real market here that fluctuates independently (including "inflation" LOL) is absolute rubbish. You are paying more Gold for Gems because Anet put the price up. Period, end of story.
  4. In my few hours playing I've seen the castle in EBG flip colors so many times it made me wonder why nobody seems to give a kitten? It seems a commander captures the castle, there's a few material nodes to gather, then everyone moves on. That's it? No prolonged dramatic sieges? No building up defences? Just the next commander from the other color will come by in 20 minutes when everyone is gone and flip the castle again? Lame.. So I tried out some hours of roaming. But it seems all there is to do is back-cap camps and kill doylaks, and occasionally gank another player. I think it's a cool mode with a lot of potential. But I actually think sPvP is the overall better mode at the moment. Sure, it's got the same capping system (conquest) but at least it's got a matchmaking system that matches you up with other players where you get to fight on a smaller map for maximum 15 minutes, then you're done. Instead of WvW where you are just running around for long periods of time looking for something to do, and where capturing feels ultimately meaningless.
  5. Maybe if the population was growing with new players ArenaNet wouldn't feel the need to rob veteran players of their lower tier materials because there'd be some demand for them from new players coming up. Most of the lower tier materials aren't exactly more difficult to attain than a lot of the higher tier ones. So it must be low pop of low level characters that is determining their value to be so worthless on the market that we'd need such a sink. I'd feel much better selling my low tier mats to a new player who needed it over what is essentially throwing them into the void in mass quantities just so I can progress in my basic gameplay.
  6. But they're in SotO, too. So Anet aren't listening to feedback? Got it.
  7. Why is nobody saying anything about this? Is it okay for the game to now start robbing us of our hard earned materials? I've been saving up my material collection for some time. But I didn't save them up only to be wasted on an obvious material sink like this.
  8. Funny video I enjoyed it. A Warrior that SMASHES is the best kind of Warrior.
  9. I already have my chat panel turned off, and I'm set to offline. What can I possibly be doing to justify getting hate mail? Is it because I suck at the game? Is that justifiable cause to send hateful abuse to someone? I'm not even talking to them. And for the record; these are not the same people as on this forum. They are the broader GW2 community. I came to this forum to make a suggestion to Anet so I can take matters into my own hands. But instead all I get is the finger pointed at me and told the hate is justified, all because I said the GW2 Community is toxic. Well then, if I'm wrong, PROVE IT ! Because I have plenty of proof to the contrary. It's there in my Inbox.
  10. What I'm saying is not false, it's happening. And the things I'm saying are only being proven as truth in here. Just look at what some of the other posters are saying in here. Supposedly Abuse is a totally justified behavior now, so long as you disagree with the person you're abusing. Maybe I should be getting a medal for exposing this community for what it has always been. People have been saying for years that the GW2 community is Friendly. I'm sorry to break the news, but that's a false myth. It's just as toxic as any other online community.
  11. I don't even know WHO they ARE! I never said a single word to them, nothing. All I did was play the game. How can I have an attitude when I've never even talked to them before? All I'm asking for is a way to block my Mail from being used by Trolls, THAT'S ALL.
  12. You're suggesting that because I dislike the way story boss encounters are made in the game, it is justified that total strangers send me abusive hate mail? People I have never even spoken a single word to or interacted with on any level? Case in point. The community on this game is toxic. You're the reason this thread even exists.
  13. It's an issue for me. I just want to play and enjoy the game I pay for. MMO or not, I shouldn't be forced to have to deal with these kinds of people. Abuse reports are useless. At least give us the tools to opt-out of all social aspects of the game.
  14. People who flame their teammates are bad players, though. So even suggesting they can carry at all is laughable. Good players already understand what you're talking about and so when they lose, they tend to lose with dignity.
  15. They are not blocked people. Blocked people cannot send you mail, as far as I know. I'm talking about people you've never interacted with before, who try to send you a Whisper but realize they cannot because you're set to appear offline. So they right click your name and use Send Mail instead. Then I have to block them, but by then they already had the opportunity to say what they wanted to say, so it kind of defeats the purpose.
  16. I just wanted to give a heads up on this issue. Even if you set yourself appear offline, turn off all chat types in the chat panel, and turn off speech bubbles, players can still simply right click your name and select Send Mail. Sure, I can individually block each person who sends me hate. But that doesn't stop the first initial piece of fan-mail they decide to grace my inbox with. This needs to be addressed because the GW2 community is toxic and there's currently no way to completely avoid being abused by them. Put a tickbox selection in the Mailbox that toggles in-coming player Mail on/off. The solution is that simple.
  17. This trait increases damage for greatsword and spear, but not hammer? It feels like an oversight. it has Fury gain when disabling a foe, which is perfect synergy for hammer. It just needs the other benefits like the 10% damage increase and 20% recharge reduction.
  18. nvm I found it, Relic of the Warrior.. nice 🙂
  19. I just noticed they took this stat out of the Rune of the warrior. Has it been moved somewhere else or it is just gone now ? feels bad 😕
  20. Some of the reskins blend in fine. But some are so incredibly blatant. Like the Forged Vanguard from PoF reskinned into a Kryptis that still hovers around like it's on a hoverboard. I can't believe that got greenlit.
  21. It was my first complaint among others I mentioned on the first page. And the thread title was about making content more engaging, not easier.
  22. I'm pointing out that the content is repetitive for 2 reasons. One is the overemphasis on drawn out combat encounters with trash mobs and bosses. I have no problem with the combat system in the game, and I have no problem fighting trash mobs and bosses in general. But the formula that Anet uses for several expansions now has become predictable and repetitive. And things are often done in 3's, samey boss mechanics, and fighting hordes of reskinned trash mobs. I understand it's an MMO and there's an expectation of quantity of content. But I would honestly prefer 50% less content for 50% more quality. That's probably going to be an unpopular opinion, because from what I understand most people complain that GW2 doesn't have enough content. But look at the big picture; the game already has 10 years of content behind it. Would it really hurt the game in the long term if we went with a quality over quantity approach from here on? SoTo is guilty of this. The re-used assets is bad this time. I'd rather the story be cut into 2 parts if it meant I don't have to see a Path of Fire mob reskinned into a Kryptis. It's very disappointing when I see it. I want to see GW2 be the best it can be. But these kinds of shortcuts are not it. The other part that needs improvement is on the story front. Fighting the big bad ominous boss who towers over you and you have to combine powers with your Allies etc etc is quite frankly old and played out. I'm not a writer. But maybe Anet needs a new one. Or fresh look at encounter design. I thought the beginning portion of IBS was really cool. The politics of the Charr factions and the rivalry's between more grounded characters. It felt fresh when contrasted with much of the rest of the story where my character and my allies are at the center of it all as we are always trying to fight some big bad threat that's going to destroy the world. I'd rather have stories that make the world feel more believable. We just got done with the Dragon Cycle yet here we are in SoTo saving the whole world again and having the same type of encounters again.
  23. No, I'm not lying. What I've got from this thread is that you are nothing but a bunch of elitists who jump at any opportunity to flex how good your DPS is, or some sort of ego stroking thing you get by trying to school everyone. Well I hope it's clear that I'm not impressed at all. In fact it's extremely toxic, which is what the GW2 community is known for and I was well aware of going in. So go figure. "Look everyone!! the NOOB can't kill a boss in solo in less than 30 minutes!!! Let's all show them how pro we are!" And the rest of you find the whole affair amusing. That's the sad thing.
  24. Maybe you need to read through the thread again. I made a few examples where I think the content is repetitive, but I never went into more detail about any of them because everyone else was only invested in making claims I had a bad build or sucked at the game and it's a skill issue. 4 whole pages of people saying the same thing.. but you tell me I'm the one repeating empty stuff? Okay.. Since that's all you'll do, why would I waste my time?
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